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Latest PS3 Firmware Updates

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    In case PS3 owners feel left out, there's a new PS3 firmware today as well. 3.55, doesn't seem to add anything interesting.


      Security patch, probably to stop the recent downgrading of firmware hack.


        Aye. <3 PS+. ^_^


          Originally posted by Number45 View Post
          In case PS3 owners feel left out, there's a new PS3 firmware today as well. 3.55, doesn't seem to add anything interesting.
          Oh it added something very interesting to my PS3 ? now I can't watch Sunshine on Blu-ray because the picture-in-picture feature cannot be switched off. Lots of people having this issue. And Sony seem to be politely telling their customers to f-off.


            Originally posted by Phar View Post
            Security patch, probably to stop the recent downgrading of firmware hack.


              Originally posted by Square View Post
              Sony seem to be politely telling their customers to f-off
              Are they saying it's something that'll be sorted in the next update or that it'll probably never be sorted? I'm assuming it affects "a small number of films"?


              It's apparently from back in October, probably earlier. Seems to be related to the 3D update, whichever that was.
              Last edited by randombs; 11-12-2010, 11:08.


                Originally posted by The Guardian
                The ITV Player and Channel 4's 4oD service are expected this week to launch the first commercial TV video content that can be watched via the PS3, available to users who have broadband access.

                The broadcasters are following in the footsteps of the BBC's iPlayer, which launched on the PS3 console last year.
                I wouldn't really be bothered with and I also wasn't bothered when they added iPlayer but it's surprising how often that get's used in our house now so more channels can only be a good thing really.


                  Just noticed that these are available now.


                    Quite a good addition that is. I've just bought a Sony Bluray player the S370, for &#163;100 and it has the iPlayer functionality, I wonder if it will be updated also to include 4od and ITV on demand too now.


                      I wouldn't be too surprised your player is capable. They do seem to like to get these features across their systems now but they do often start on the PS3 for some reason.

                      Channel 5 announced in November that Demand Five was on the way to the PS3 so that shouldn't be too far away.

                      The launch of the YouView project isn't that far away either which will mean that free HD catch-up TV will be available via a single App.

                      With that you'll be able to flick through all channels in a single place. It's got a lot of support at the moment and if your ISP is a supported the streaming won't count against any limits bandwidth limits you may have.

                      At the moment though Sky are busy chucking a load of money trying to stop the service from happening. Every complaint about it impeding their service has been thrown out of court but they seem to be more interested in repeatedly delaying the service.

                      It should get a full launch in the next six months though and it's something that Sony have mentioned they want on their hardware.


                        Originally posted by John Parry View Post
                        Just noticed that these are available now.
                        Bit weak on the content side atm, sadly.

                        In reality the iPlayer, 4oD and ITV thingy are just links to the internet browser with their sites being PS3 friendly..

                        Makes my "TV" listing look busy though so that's a plus..


                          A few sites are running with this which is the first details of what will be included in the soon to be released 3.60 update.
                          Originally posted by UberGizmo
                          Sony has just informed their developers that the PlayStation 3 will have a new feature ? the ability to save games on the cloud.

                          With Sony introducing cloud saving (they?ve named it Online Saving) to the PlayStation 3, you?ll be able to save your games and access them from anywhere. Want to share the latest level you?re on at your friend?s house? Sure ? just log on using your account and load up your save game from there. No more lugging around your PS3 just to prove to your friends you made it to Level X without losing any life.
                          No mention of when or even if it's a subscription service.

                          Steam Cloud (via SteamPlay) is going to be made available on the PS3 via Portal 2 in April and as they're informing developers about it now I wouldn't be surprised to see it happening then or earlier.

                          I'd imagine older games are going to need to be patched to support it and I'm not sure that many will bother as there's little benefit to the developers unless Sony offering them benefits for supporting it.

                          This is something that I've really been wanting since Sony registered the PlayStation Cloud trademark a couple of years ago and I'd happily pay for it as long as the price was OK.

                          If it is chargeable then hopefully it'll be included in the PlayStation PLUS subscription although I'd say it's unlikely to carry a charge as the PSP2/NPG incorporates it as a standard feature.


                            Originally posted by JP View Post
                            If it is chargeable then hopefully it'll be included in the PlayStation PLUS subscription although I'd say it's unlikely to carry a charge as the PSP2/NPG incorporates it as a standard feature.
                            Kotaku suggest it's for PlayStation PLUS subscibers:

                            Kotaku has learned that earlier today, Sony informed developers of a new feature for the PlayStation 3: the ability to save games in the "cloud".


                              Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                              In reality the iPlayer, 4oD and ITV thingy are just links to the internet browser with their sites being PS3 friendly...

                              BBC iPlayer Channel on Wii > iPlayer, 4oD & ITV Player on PS3.

