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PS3 sales...

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    PS3 sales...

    Been into game today and they had loads of PS3's available but no wii's???
    is it not selling so well??
    there gonna be a price cut??

    You can get a PS3 in any shop in the UK nobody has sold out - apparently that was Sonys sales strategy - provide so many machines that anybody who wants one can get one and avoid a launch & subsequent few weeks of everywhere sold out.

    I have my own ideas but I'm not for posting them.

    Up here I've seen a few shops which do now have wii in stock so looks like it is finally coming through the sales channels again !


      Can't believe the Wii has been out nearly half a year and there is still a stock shortage, the amount of customers we get in the games shop I work in of people asking for Wii's still happens more than once on a daily basis!


        We had Wii's in for most of the week this week, as for PS3's we nearly sold out but got some more in so supply is there.
        The Wii's are moving alot slower now, they sell but not as fast.
        The PS3 is picking itself up now and is getting more popular


          Maybe all the Wiis are coming to Wales as they always seem to be in stock locally lol.

          When I picked mine up from Game a week ago they had 2 new and 3 used...which seems to be about normal here. We seem to have loads of used (mint condition) consoles in the shops, I think that's because people seem to get bored very quickly?

          I know I certainly have after less than a week but after spending £350 on it there is no way that I'm selling it now, I'd rather keep it, I mean I know the current games are generally terrible but there will be some good ones soon!

          New price is £179
          Used £170
          Last edited by JP; 27-05-2007, 15:20. Reason: Added prices...


            At the Gamestation I work in we still have are working through our launch PS3's, they have been selling steadily though as we only have a few left from our huge launch allocation. With regards to Wii's we don't have people pre-ordering them anymore so when we get stock in (usually 2-3 weeks) we sell them as normal and as you would expect they go straight away!


              Also selling very poorly in US and Japan. Sony need to do something quickly before 3rd place is the best they can hope for.


                PS3 has sold faster than PS2 did in the same launch period (which went on to own the last generation with sale > 100 million) and also faster than 360 did in the same launch period. Sony need not worry... yet.


                  Apart from it sold 82,000 units in the US last month, as opposed to 471k DS, 360k Wii, and 184k 360... Even GBA sold 84,000...

                  I've said it before, but I've never even SEEN a PS3!
                  Last edited by Swallow; 27-05-2007, 16:47.


                    Launch period doesn't really count for much. If supply can meet or exceed demand sales will be great.
                    I only know one other person that bought a PS3 at launch and he's the classic early adopter. Since then only two more friends or colleagues have bought a PS3 and that's for Blu-Ray playback.
                    By contrast four friends and three workmates bought the 360 at launch and a few more since.
                    We'll see how things look by Christmas but high price + lack of good software is not a good position to be in.

                    The demand for Wii's is remarkable though. I've had a lot of guys asking at work where the best place is to buy one.

                    I think Nintendo will walk away with the desktop and handheld markets this generation.

                    Maybe the real reason for poorish sales of both the 360 and PS3 is simply that people only have so much disposable income and there's a heck of a lot of options that it can be spent on eg DVD's, Flat panel TV's, laptops, iPods, mobile phones etc...


                      I wonder what Nintendo will do next generation? What do you think the chances are of them using modified versions of the Gamecube chips yet again lol?

                      It is a little strange that the Wii is so high in the charts when you consider how poor the games are really!! It was very different with the DS as it had top quality games all along but the Wii games have been very disappointing and do seem to compare badly in reviews when compared to 360 & PS3 games??

                      I'm sure that Miyamoto will be able to pull something interesting out of it in the end though!


                        I think the price has definately been the PS3s sore point so far. The die-hards bought them in the first week, but I bet loads of non-of-the-wiser (regarding blu-ray) got scared off by that price tag for a console. Yeah, you could say, "but you get a blu-ray player there too", but half the people wouldn't know what it was, wouldn't have HDTV, wouldn't give a toss. I dunno. It's still early days here for PS3 and the big games have yet to surface. Soon as chav smells GTA and Pro Evo, I think sales may get better. Maybe a price drop for xmas would help also.


                          Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                          Soon as chav smells GTA and Pro Evo, I think sales may get better. Maybe a price drop for xmas would help also.
                          Lol !!!

                          You're right about the price, it does seem a little extravagant for people who aren't gamers as such. One of the reasons I bought it though was because of the Blu-Ray player and media capability and I am happy with what I payed for it as there isn't anything which does the same even close to that price.

                          I think when the autumn price drop (about ?350?) it will increase sales somewhat amongst other types of customers though. Strangely, only less than a week ago my 11 year old nephew claimed that he liked it but he* wouldn't pay ?400 for it until SingStar was released??? I was a little shocked to hear someone thinking that SingStar was a system seller...especially at that price.

                          *when he said he, what he meant was he obviously plans to start annoying my sister into buying one for christmas. What my nephew doesn't know is that her husband has already got one in his sights for his own use with a new HD TV.


                            Originally posted by FullSpecWarrior View Post
                            PS3 has sold faster than PS2 did in the same launch period (which went on to own the last generation with sale > 100 million) and also faster than 360 did in the same launch period. Sony need not worry... yet.
                            If you mean in Europe, possibly. Worldwide, though? No way. In Japan it's tracking well below the GameCube at the same point in their lifespans, let alone the PS2. It's not even doing 10,000 a week there anymore. In the US it dropped to 82,000 last month, while the 360 has never dropped below 125k even when you couldn't get one early last year. If things don't pick up soon it could be in serious trouble.
                            Last edited by NekoFever; 27-05-2007, 18:07.


                              I'll go out on a limb and say Japan is lost for Sony. I think the traction Nintendo have already picked up with the Wii has become too big a snowball to stop now.

                              Europe is the important battleground for the PS3.

