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Those Marvelous Metal Gear Games.

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    Those Marvelous Metal Gear Games.

    Ah Metal Gear Appriciation here please. I bought MGS3 Substance at the weekend and its blown my mind, after the slight let down (for me anyway) of MGS 2 i didnt exactly rush out to buy Snake eater.. But whata mistakea to makea! MGS1 had been up until now my favorite metal gear game, which ive just restarted on the cube, and that was a pleasent suprise, in that Silicon Knights had done such a good job updating it, As they arent Konami i wasnt expecting much more than a total cock up. Wrong. ANOTHER marvelous Metal Gear MGS2 hmm, well I LOVED the tanker section like pretty much everybody else, bit of a missed oppertunity. Having said that, i love'em all, flaws and all. Dont limit yourself these though, fling some love in the direction of the PSP games, the NES and MSX games and even the GBC and PC. Were counting on you Snake

    Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel on the Game Boy Color is up there with the very best in the entire series as far as I'm concerned.


      Told you you'd like it. Snake Eater is a superb game. Makes you forget MGS 2 ever happened.


        yeah, I prefer 3 over 2 lots, I did the tanker part but can't be assed to do big shell again, maybe I'll just play 3 instead.

        "sometimes you might feed, on a treeee frooggg"


          How far through MGS3 are you?


            Substance is excellent, if not a little confusing. I finished it on Saturday for the first time in English. I started Integral in English yesterday. Subsistence is on the way too. Top games. I'm sad I've only ever played in Japanese up until now.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              Is is a crime to like all the MGS?

              MGS3 ending has one of most memorable endings I've seen in a game for years


                I've never got on with any of the Metal Gear games. I completed Solid on the PSone and thought it was 'okay' but not without serious flaws (although some really clever bits too).

                MGS2 I got seriously bored about three hours into. I tried Twin Snakes when it came out for the GC, but again the basic gameplay just failed to grip me.

                Is MGS3 worth bothering with if I felt so meh about the other games?


                  3 is the best of the lot.
                  MGS on the GC was awful. There's a bit more run and gun in MGS3, and the environments and boss fights are amazing.
                  Get susbsistence though, don't bother with Snake Eater.


                    Originally posted by Brats View Post
                    Is MGS3 worth bothering with if I felt so meh about the other games?
                    I'd say not a chance, especially if your problems were gameplay-related. I loved MGS3 as an experience. Strip out the characters and the cut-scenes, however, and you're left with awkward control, a horrendous camera and levels that feel like they should be controlled but aren't.

                    MGS1 got it right, in my opinion, because it accepted it was a game and gave you a game-appropriate viewpoint and level design while also giving you a radar (you could basically play the game with the radar). MGS2 took away the viewpoint. MGS3 took away the radar.


                      I have never played any, bar an hour on 2 on PS2. Was gonna start with Twin Snakes on the GC and go through them.

                      Why is it not good Jimmie? Should i not bother with it?


                        If you haven't played MGS1 on the PSone then the GC version is very good, it's just a bit too flashy for it's own good, very "Matrix" style cutscences etc. Hardcore peeps will also tell you that it's a little on the easy side due to the first person mode.


                          Personally I loved MGS2. The fact that the storyline was so over the top, convoluted and pretentious made me enjoy it all the more! I'm probably a sick and twisted individual, but I enjoy it when the storylines go nuts like that, I tend to treat them more like action comedies and don't take them seriously


                            Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                            I'd say not a chance, especially if your problems were gameplay-related. I loved MGS3 as an experience. Strip out the characters and the cut-scenes, however, and you're left with awkward control, a horrendous camera and levels that feel like they should be controlled but aren't.
                            Thanks for the honest opinion. TBH that was the issues I had with the first MGS, that beneath all the flash it actually played like a load of (dare I say it in an MGS thread) basic minigames.


                              However if you get Subsistence, the camera problems magically disappear.

