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Those Marvelous Metal Gear Games.

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    Loved all of the main PS2 games but I don't know if I can choose between them.

    The ending of Snake Eater certainly offers a 'salute then rip your medals off in disgust' moment. It also features the longest ladder climb in gaming history if I'm not mistaken; having the theme tune kick in halfway is truly inspired.


      Originally posted by jimmie2k View Post
      If you haven't played MGS1 on the PSone then the GC version is very good, it's just a bit too flashy for it's own good, very "Matrix" style cutscences etc. Hardcore peeps will also tell you that it's a little on the easy side due to the first person mode.
      i think twin snakes is better than the PSone version

      dont get me wrong they're both great games, just think twin snakes is a little harder (dont use 1st person) and the flashy graphics gives it the edge over the train smash PSone version

      Sniper wolf looks like a real lady now

      loads more jokes in amongst it as well, which make it a better package

      even the fight with

      psycho mantis is harder as you have to go through 4 controller ports rather than 2

      any movie with Ninja in, is just quite incredible

      the only down side is that it takes a while to get used to the Gamecube controller and i think thats what turns a few people off from really giving it a try, i've read on various forums how people have just given up before the lift because they cant get used to it.

      i had a few days off so i played it thru and got the stealth, bandana and tuxedo

      and i didnt think much to MGS2 but tried it again about a year ago and finished it for the 1st time, just a great game as well, the harrier fight is brilliant

      i havent played MGS3 yet, if i do play it which version should i play, snake eater or subsistence?
      Last edited by buster_broon; 04-06-2007, 13:27.


        Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
        Yeah I know what you mean with MGS on PS1 Eezy - It was like playing a whole new genre or something - I'd say it was up there with Mario64 for that "wild eyed wonder" feeling it gave you for the first few hours of play.
        Seriously? I can appreciate the game for what it was trying to do, but is it seriously up there with Mario 64? I don't think the game itself was doing anything new, although the presentation and 'this-is-a-game' nods such as the code on the back of the box and the fight with Psychomantis were great.

        But I remember getting really frustrated with some really rubbish elements. Random deaths, horrid controls, repetitive bosses, nonsensical item use (why am I sent in here with no weapons, yet I can't steal this dead soldier's gun?), stop/start gameplay, and probably more I can't remember.

        This is possibly because I came to MGS after playing through Goldeneye. And where Goldeneye moved games forwards in many ways, MGS seemed to move them back again. A lot of the 'non-gameplay' elements in MGS are very daring, but in terms of gameplay it is incredibly regressive.


          Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
          i havent played MGS3 yet, if i do play it which version should i play, snake eater or subsistence?
          SUBSISTENCE all the way.
          It's got better camera, or classic cam if you prefer.


            Originally posted by Brats View Post
            Seriously? I can appreciate the game for what it was trying to do, but is it seriously up there with Mario 64? I don't think the game itself was doing anything new, although the presentation and 'this-is-a-game' nods such as the code on the back of the box and the fight with Psychomantis were great.

            But I remember getting really frustrated with some really rubbish elements. Random deaths, horrid controls, repetitive bosses, nonsensical item use (why am I sent in here with no weapons, yet I can't steal this dead soldier's gun?), stop/start gameplay, and probably more I can't remember.

            This is possibly because I came to MGS after playing through Goldeneye. And where Goldeneye moved games forwards in many ways, MGS seemed to move them back again. A lot of the 'non-gameplay' elements in MGS are very daring, but in terms of gameplay it is incredibly regressive.
            Aha - But I did say "first few hours of play" and the truth is I never even finished it till I got the GC version

            But for those first few hours - watching the intro, the way it kicked into the game, getting used to gadgets, breaking in, the whole camera/footprint/radar mechanic - Yeah, for me it was <at the start> up there with M64.

            M64 came along a lot later and it was more than the first few hours which left me spellbound given I'm still playing through it today (now with my son) which makes it all the more special


              Fair enough. I did finish the original MGS, but I found some of it a real chore. Parts were good (especially the end).


                Personally I loved all the MGS games. I'm a total sucker for the over the top spy environment.
                Sure, Raiden in MGS2 wasn't as cool as Snake, but I thought it was a great game nonetheless. The story was so ridiculous it couldn't be anything but enjoyable.
                I also had a lot of fun with the engine in MGS2. There's a lot of attention to detail in the way things work. It was a good blend between almost sandbox mechanics and linear storytelling. Sort of like Thief. But completely different.


                  Can't say I had a problem with the Cube pad for TTS and I played through the original on PS1 fine...

                  Btw if anyone wants a copy of Ghost Babel, I've got a complete spare at the mo
                  Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                    aye, mucking about in MGS2 is great. shooting stuff on the shelves, popping the plasma telly, throwing the guards overboard and my favourite - risking my arse to take pictures of the bosses mid-fight. getting close-ups of
                    without getting destroyed was a battle and a half. worth it though.

                    i adore all the games - christ, i even completed 'Substance' on the Xbox i like them that much. i have to be in the mood to start them though as i know i'll waste hours playing, but reading this thread has made me want to start over again.


                      One thing i really like about MGS3 is the 60's Cold War setting, its so atmospheric with all the period weaponry and hardware, the jungle looks breathtaking too, ive yet to finnish it, infact ive hardly started but i feel its going to become my favorite in the series and im glad Portable ops (which nobodys even mentioned! Why?) is set in the same timeframe even if MGS4 isnt. Btw @Mayhem theres some clown on fleabay trying to sell a sealed GBC MGS for ?99.99


                        Too drunk to post coherently. 3 was aces as was 1. 1 had a lot of amazing things in it....


                          the boss fights are just too badass in 3

                          the only downside was the name of their unit, a bit predictable, I liked the story of 3 but after a few times with the

                          snake on the boss' chest coming out into the ground etc, and other elements, I found a bit cheesy

                          great game though


                            Originally posted by jimmie2k View Post
                            However if you get Subsistence, the camera problems magically disappear.
                            None of the other problems disappear though I'm another who hasn't 'got' the MGS series. Stick me on ignore!


                              MGS3 : Subsistance is a must! The new camera angle alone is worth a re-purchase.


                                Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                                MGS3 : Subsistance is a must! The new camera angle alone is worth a re-purchase.
                                I was thinking about it. I played trough Snake Eater, but always though the game would be sooo much more enjoyable with a better camera angle.

                                Has Subsistance got a radar?

