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The most exciting time of gaming is...

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    The most exciting time of gaming is...

    ....when you pick up a console at japanese launch.

    Just talking briefly about purchasing consoles at the Japanese launch, and it got me thinking that it is the most exciting time to be into gaming. The anticipation of the launch far exceeds any excitement for the UK launch as its brand new, unventured ground.

    Previous launches without the internet were expensive - psx 600, sat 650, ps2 - 680, however now with the ability to order from overseas its no longer the case. The reduced cost means that it will be open to more people, and therefore more will take advantage. Does this mean that it will become less exciting for the true early adopter who has always done it, now that the club is less exclusive?

    How do others feel? Can the excitement, and anticipation of getting your JPN launch console be surpassed? thoughts please.

    It's a perspective thing - there's no doubt getting a console on launch day is an exciting thing - but the unlightened will get just as much thrill from getting the console on launch day from region X.

    Nothing like the "new car" smell though, except perhaps the "Old Book" smell.



      Perhaps not, the whole build up and hype around a newly launched console is always great, and finally getting it home, unpacking and setting it up for the first time is always a memorable experience. Most recently Id say the best example of that for me would be the JPN PS2 launch, being one of the early adopters of such an item is always a great feeling (some say it doesnt matter, Im sure everyone secretly enjoys the fact they are playing something that others are not able to), and booting Ridge 5 for the first time and seeing the intro sequence and music blaring out of my bass heavy speakers was a tremendous feeling that is rarely bettered in terms of console gaming for me.


        It's a perspective thing - there's no doubt getting a console on launch day is an exciting thing - but the unlightened will get just as much thrill from getting the console on launch day from region X.
        Well exactly.


          My Japanese GC was the first machine i'd bought online, so not only did i have the usual thrill of early adoptership but also the fear of the unknown, quite delicious it was to.


            Id say importing of any kind is always exciting, and in most cases makes you feel really lucky for getting a game early. The most recent example being viewtiful joe.

            However, hardware wise Id say the sheer anticipation and excitment surrounding a new console launch isnt reserved for Japanese releases. Ill never forget the anticipation I had for the PAL dreamcast launch, delays and all.


              Marcus, you made a valid point. The fact that everyone loves it because they are playing something the majority aren't. Maybe thats why the original launches are more exciting.

              Rezna - I was going to make a sarcastic comment about you, purchasing, and console launches....but I won't.


                I'm usually just happy getting a new console

                Can't be arsed if it's on launch or what, getting anything new is ace


                  I dont think many more poeple are going to get the next round of jap consoles. But those who do will get them cheaper. It'll still be exclusive man!


                    Originally posted by replicant
                    Marcus, you made a valid point. The fact that everyone loves it because they are playing something the majority aren't. Maybe thats why the original launches are more exciting.
                    Ah, the old "I know something you don't know" mentality. Never saw the reason for it. I say, the more the merrier.

                    Rezna - I was going to make a sarcastic comment about you, purchasing, and console launches....but I won't.
                    Wow. Restraint. Impressive.


                      Great to see we still have a place for elitism on the forums.

                      God forbid we'd have learned our lesson by now, and just realised that gaming is gaming, and people enjoy playing games and new consoles no matter when they encounter them.



                        I remember anticipating the release of the DC VGA box more than any console or any game. I can't recall how many years I'd longed for VGA console gaming.

                        Then I realised that some games look like poo when using it. If they are compatible at all. Oh well.


                          I never buy consoles at launch, because I dislike spending huge amounts of money on something that I know will be available for half the price a few months later. All my consoles I've bought for a bargain price, and yet I've always gained massive enjoyment from all of them. I certainly feel I'm one of the less jaded gamers on boards like these.

                          The issue of "secretly enjoys the fact they are playing something that others are not able to" doesn't come into it at all for me. Personally, the more people that own a console, the better in my eyes. It means there are more people to chat about the games with, swap games with and generally be excited about things .

                          I have to agree with Mr Treble, although in a slightly less confrontational way .


                            the most exciting time is waiting for a new game, then playing it when it arrives and discussing it with as many people as possible - recent examples being Initial D - the anticipation was building for weeks before release and then when it was released playing through it and discussing it with peeps on the forums was great ..... another example is KOTOR - I am so excited about playing this game and i know it will still be exciting reading peeps thoughts and experiences and discussing mine with them.

                            Buying a new console at any time is exciting - regardless of if it is at 'original launch' or whether you have picked it up years afterwards as a retro item. I can't understand the 'I am playing on this whilst other peeps haven't got one yet' mentality, kinda pointless in my eyes since consoles aren't status symbols - owning one before everyone else does not make a person 'superior' to others etc etc



                              I guess we will have to disagree on this one then. Buying a newly launched Japanese console for me is an exciting time, far more so than buying the same console after its been in circulation for months and the hype has died down, together with the excitement of buying largely exclusive hardware to these shores before it comes commonplace and people know all about it. Getting things early is exciting, and I find it amusing that people here will deny that. Be real, its as much a part of importing as anything else, whether it be a game or console you are talking about, having something thats relatively exclusive is always a nice feeling which is also why people buy nice Ltd edition consoles that no-one else has, rare cars or designer sneakers. It may not make you better than anyone else (a stupid, confrontational thing to say that completely misses the point) but if you enjoy the feeling of the unknown then I see nothing wrong in that.

