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    First off I'd suggest Excite Truck and Sonic & the Sectret Rings. I know you asked not to recommend RE4 as you already have the Cube version but the Wii version, by most accounts, is an even better game with the new control system so I have to recommend it and personally can't wait for my copy to arrive.

    As for the VC, there's some pretty decent stuff on there and it's well worth checking out as you'll inevitably come across software you harbour fond memories for and haven't played in many years. It probably speaks more for the lack of decent, new Wii software than it does for how good the VC is - but I've spent more time and had more fun playing VC games than I have proper Wii software.


      Originally posted by slicer1000 View Post
      hey guys this has gone way off topic.

      if you want to disagree about Kororinpa and Monkey ball start another thread.

      I will point out I do have no interest in the VC. When you have a Pal version of Lylat Wars and star fox 64 usa on the N64 at home. paying £7 to play it on my Wii seem like a joke.

      Thanks again for the advice.
      Can you please explain how its gone off topic??

      Originally posted by slicer1000 View Post
      I interested in the below but not sure how good they are

      super monkey balls

      Are they any good? what else is the.
      We have told you which was good & which wasn't, You yourself asked, were trying to stop you from wasting your cash from buying a crap game thats all (^_^)


        Forget Monkey Ball.

        Go for Kororinpa, Mercury Meltdown Revolution, Excite Truck, Mario Strikers, Red Steel and Sonic.

        Apparently, the likes of Medal of Honor, GT Pro Series and Pangya are aquired tastes but I like them


          Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post

          Warioware is fun but incredibly short.

          Metal Slug as Jake says has no digital input so is pretty much pointless.

          I wouldn't recommend a PAL Wii to anyone but a very casual player who has absolutely no interest in the latest big releases and the virtual console.
          Originally posted by importaku View Post
          LOL, sorry im going to defend Kororinpa

          Kororinpa has amazing control compared to monkey balls controls which are like a one legged man on crutches running on a ice rink.

          I can only agree with some comments made in previous posts.After about a month i stopped playing my pal wii as i was disappointed in the games available.Apart from the odd bowling session when i have the family round then the only time the machine is used is my little girl or the good lady having a quick 15 minute blast of kororinpa or cooking mama.

          On the games front i tried metal slug and found it unplayable with the wiimote,i believe it plays better with a gamecube controller.Kororinpa is a recommended game as it has the correct balance of challenge and control fairness.If you fall off a level its your mistake and not poorly implemented controls.

          Just my opinion.


            i know you havent mentioned it

            but get excite truck - just loads of fun fun fun


              Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
              i know you havent mentioned it

              but get excite truck - just loads of fun fun fun
              Excite Truck did nothing for me. A totally ordinary, generic racer with mediocre visuals and abysmal music which received an unusually high level of interest from the press due to it being a launch game, and sharing the word 'excite' with Nintendo's famous Excite Bike.

              I'm glad you liked it though.


                I wasn't expecting anything from it when I played it on my friend's Wii but I really did enjoy it. Good for short bursts of play.


                  ExciteTruck was a decent title to pick up on launch when we all wanted to play our brand new Wii's all day but had a lack of quality titles to play. It's a fun little game you'll play for a while in short bursts, but will hardly go down as a classic.
                  Worth getting if your stuck for new Wii games to buy though.


                    We have told you which was good & which wasn't, You yourself asked, were trying to stop you from wasting your cash from buying a crap game thats all
                    You do have a fair point but it was turning into a money balls VS Kororinpa thread.

                    Yes I did get one today from my local Gamestations I got two game.

                    Mario Strikers


                    Super Monkey ball

                    do not worry I will get Kororinpa soon.

                    I know what you are thinking but from what I play from my brief go it seemed pretty good. It is a birthday present so I only tested it to make sure it worked.

                    As I do not have broadband. Do you know if certain games will contain hardware Upadtes? My Wii is Version 2.1?

                    As for the VC, there's some pretty decent stuff on there and it's well worth checking out as you'll inevitably come across software you harbour fond memories for and haven't played in many years.
                    As Shakey_Jake33 may well know my brother (S3M) and I have a large collection of games if I want to play super mario world which we have 3 different versions of I will do so on our snes.

                    We are 31 games away from having a complete PAL sega saturn set. I need to update the 50/60 hz list on our web site.

                    So I have no interest in the VC.

                    I do think the overall the Wii does seem to be lacking some decent software. but I am sure that will change with time.

                    Thanks again everyone


                      Originally posted by slicer1000 View Post

                      I do think overall the Wii does seem to be lacking some decent software.
                      You got that right.


                        Get Eledees. It's really fun to play and the sense of tactile immersion is really inspired.

                        Once you've beaten the main game, you can go back and score attack or S-Rank the levels (as I do when I play it) or use the excellent level designer, bearing in mind of course that the more you unlock by replaying, the more level design components become availalbe.

                        A really great, and terribly overlooked game.


                          I keep having to think what 'eledees' actually is. What is it with the relentless re-naming of games for Europeans?!

                          Is 'Elebits' really so hard to say?


                            Single player:

                            Paper Mario
                            Mercury Meltdown


                            Wii Sports (still the daddy )
                            Wario Ware
                            Mario Strikers
                            Wii Play (worth getting for a fiver when you get a second mote)

                            All of these range from good to great fun imo.


                              Originally posted by importaku View Post
                              LOL, sorry im going to defend Kororinpa, calling it a monkey ball ripoff is like the ultimate insult. Why rip off a **** game

                              Have you actually played monkeyball on the wii??

                              Kororinpa has amazing control compared to monkey balls controls which are like a one legged man on crutches running on a ice rink.

                              & how is it a monkey ball rip off, there were marble games long before sega brought out monkey ball you know. Just because you control a ball in a arena dosent mean it was a copy of monkey ball. I don't remember you having to collect crystals in monkey ball. You dont flip entire levels on their side like you can in kororinpa.

                              You might think its shallow & can whizz to the end in a hour but did you unlock all the secret levels as they increase the replay factor plus the mirror levels & getting gold cups on the time trials.

                              As much as i love monkey ball 1 & 2 on the cube the wii version is just a pile of **** from start to finish. Sega took what was a wonderful series & managed to cock it up big time.
                              Don't want to drag this out, but I was referring to the only decent version of Monkey Ball - the original GC version. The Wii version is attrocious.

