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Gran Turismo 5

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    Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
    In terms of a racer this is about the best looking there is , not moving the ball forward much , but I never thought Gears Moved the ball forward much if at all . Games like GRAW and Lost Planet made my jaw hit the floor more than Gears

    This looks right up there with PGR 4 and when you factor in its handling way more cars on track , and no doubt 60 fps its impressive
    You've mis-quoted me there TA

    This whole discussion - almost this entire thread - is about one thing "the graphics" but as you've just said they've "not moved the ball forward much".

    This is my main problem "not moving the ball forward much" - everybody complained over Forza2's graphics and called it forza1.5 but at the end of the day they'd "moved the ball" in other directions - the painting of the cars (which looks to me to have eclipsed actual racing for peoples time spent in the game), the physical upgrading of the car models (something GT had at the outset but subsequently dropped in pursuit of better car models/graphicial flourish), FORZA TV, Online Career, Online Tournaments, Auction House, the physics model, the damage modelling - all these things "moved the ball" in other areas whereas to me this is simply a case of "make it look better".

    As a result of these iterative Forza steps there are currently 3 active threads in "online" - one for endurance racing, the "star in a reasonably priced car" and the general meet-up thread. As well as those you've got the Forza2 pics thread - I wonder if GT5 will manage anything like this sense of community.

    Regarding the number of cars on track I remember an interview with Yu Suzuki way back where he claimed it'd be easy enough to have more cars in F355 but that it created "stress" for the player as cornering & passing became much more troublesome - If you think about it he had a point.
    Last edited by Yoshimax; 21-07-2007, 12:29. Reason: added extra bit


      Yoshi -I could be wrong, but perhaps the original poster was getting at the idea that, guarenteed, whenever we have a PS3 game being discussed you can almost put your mortgage on KN coming on and picking holes before adding the obligatory "Thats what Sony gets for having an underpowered/underperforming GPU"........

      However, thats neither here nor there, this is about GT5.


      /Burnout 2 FTW

      I like to think of it as KN's 'signiture'. In much the same way as Blerk on Eurogamer is associated with 'Meh'.


        Exactly right Yoshi.

        I dont have a problem with the graphics, but i know i wont be buying GT5 becuase Forza 2 will still be leaps ahead overall. The fact that Forza 2 has the fantastic engine and physics that any simulator needs along with the fact it has full damaging modelling that effects all the physics of the cars is leaps ahead of anything Polyphony have done.

        I mean just have a race in Forza 2 in full Sim mode with the Telemetry on and you realise just how immense what Forza 2 has achieved is.

        Then you get Polyphony complaining about how much work would be involved with creating the same thing in GT5, errrrrrr HELLO GT4 was released in December 2004 WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING SINCE !!!

        So yeah the graphics may well be fantastic but they will have to pull there fingers out to get it to Forza 2's level in all the other areas like online intergration and car modification
        Last edited by Ajay1986; 21-07-2007, 12:35.


          Originally posted by TheBlackLodge View Post
          Yoshi -I could be wrong, but perhaps the original poster was getting at the idea that, guarenteed, whenever we have a PS3 game being discussed you can almost put your mortgage on KN coming on and picking holes before adding the obligatory "Thats what Sony gets for having an underpowered/underperforming GPU"........
          I find that when Kotatsu picks holes he is not biased in the platform on which he's picking the holes - Indeed many of the games he tears apart are multi-platform - In addition, as he works in the industry as an artist I quite value his opinions.

          Do you not find it a bit off that Sony went on about "1080p IS HD not your 720p rubbish" and now they're taking all kinds of shortcuts to hit 1080p because their marketing hyperbole couldn't match the GPU's performance realities ? To me that's what this is and what he's getting at.

          I find the whole thing with people coming in on the back of a post making snide remarks distasteful tbh - I've been on the receiving end myself for no more than posting my opinions (I believe that's the point of the place ) - In addition it almost always seems to be the PS3-related criticisms that garner the most vitriolic comeback - As I said I've been there (at one point I found myself thinking through what would happen if I posted my opinion in the Killzone2 thread - I found out quick enough and sadly I was right but the point is I shouldn't have to wonder like that).

          If he is indeed regurgitating the same lines to stir reaction I agree that's wrong but I think using "report post" and stating his concerns would be a more productive action for the poster in question - the mods are here to decide what's acceptable or not.

          Anyway, back OT - I'm glad somebody agrees with me before I become the one getting shot down & labelled


            I'll be buying it as I like the GT style of driving. Both Forza and GT have lovely physics models, obviously neither are 'correct', but they're both tweaked to produce nice results.

            Another thing with GT is that you know you'll be spoilt by the presentation. We can argue about how 'next-gen' the graphics and physics are, but surely nobody can deny that GT kills other titles dead for professional presentation.


              It's performance analyser stuff for watching post-race is also one of the finest examples I've ever seen.

              I'm not getting down on GT - Like you I've enjoyed the series as it has it's own unique driving model which is great fun to play but they need to move it on.

              I think Concept mentioned he believed with the impending release of pgr4 that "PGR fatigue" was setting in - if that's true I can certainly see "GT Fatigue" hitting very quickly indeed - particularly as by the time the fully fleshed GT5 hits there'll have been 2 previous iterations out already (the GT4 "update" and "GT5 Prologue")


                Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                You've mis-quoted me there TA

                Oh sorry , didn't mean any offence . I'm just saying that I never saw GOW as that much of a leap and all games will take shortcuts not matter the hardware . After PG3 and GRAW in high def then most games don't look that much of a huge leap to me .

                PGR4 and GT5 look awesome , and I know very well what Yu said in EDGE about having more cars on track , but thats sort of a diff point as I'm not sure that's why Forza II or PGR 4 have 8 or 6 cars on track at any one time (maybe its more down to the game engine) . Forza II is a nice game and I quite like it, but it really is Forza I.5 in high def imo .

                I think Concept mentioned he believed with the impending release of pgr4 that "PGR fatigue" was setting in - if that's true I can certainly see "GT Fatigue" hitting very quickly indeed - particularly as by the time the fully fleshed GT5 hits there'll have been 2 previous iterations out already (the GT4 "update" and "GT5 Prologue")
                The big diff for me is PGR single player modes have been so dire , so you're going to get bored very fast (PGR3 was the worst of the lot imo) What made PGR2 was its online mode which is still the best along with TOCA II imo , too much focus on fast cars and boring online and lack of the Moscow track were the major letdowns of PGR3 .

                It looked mint but the cars and online mode was nothing to that of PGR2. I have such high hopes for PGR4 , the very fact that the Moscow are back in means I can't wait for the game , and the graphics look out of this world


                  Originally posted by razu View Post
                  @ neko

                  I agree with the approach they take for GT. Tons of detail in the cars and little in the track. It doesn't stand up to screenshot scrutineers, but in-game it's fine, the whole moving image always looks fantastic.
                  Not sure, it depends on how good you are at the game. When I'm playing Forza I seem to be in front all the time, so have no pretty car models to look at.

                  I can understand why developers focus most of their rendering power on car or character models, as those are the aspects that make for nice pretty screen shots and are what people always look for. That said, you can amaze people with environments too if you put your mind to it, again, Gears is a perfect example of this. Not that the environments in the GT games look bad, - they're leagues ahead of the stuff in Forza 2 - they're just always brutally low poly and Cell should allow them to go beyond that.

                  Gotham 2 has some of the nicest racing game backgrounds I've seen so far, it's just a shame I personally find that series too flawed to be interested in it anymore.


                    Not trying to get into this hi-tech rendering polygonifying texturizing artex gloss undercoat debate, but I do find the simple snowy mountains and greenery that surround the course in the current GT HD very effective. Hope we get more of that caper. Simple, but lush.


                      Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                      I do find the simple snowy mountains and greenery that surround the course in the current GT HD very effective.
                      Funny you say that though, it stuck out a mile with me, noticed it as soon as I started playing, it's the main graphical problem I have with it.


                        Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                        Not trying to get into this hi-tech rendering polygonifying texturizing artex gloss undercoat debate, but I do find the simple snowy mountains and greenery that surround the course in the current GT HD very effective. Hope we get more of that caper. Simple, but lush.
                        I'd completely forgotten about that track since the video was released lol!

                        I suppose one of the reasons that the Suzuka track in the new video looks bland is because that is, unfortunately, how bland the real Suzuka track is anyway.

                        Hoolak, I think you may get lucky as Yamauchi has said previously that the non race track courses will be raced in far more open environments like the Eiger Nordwand track. So hopefully there will be more like that rather than just all the track based circuits which do tend to look a little crappt in comparison.


                          Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
                          Funny you say that though, it stuck out a mile with me, noticed it as soon as I started playing, it's the main graphical problem I have with it.
                          Suppose beauty is in the eye of the behol.... unless I have sh*t in me eyes

                          Does me.


                            Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                            Suppose beauty is in the eye of the behol.... unless I have sh*t in me eyes

                            Does me.
                            Lol you're not the only one then!!!

                            On a correctly calibrated TV that track looks stunning, particularly when you realise that it is running on the GT4 game engine rather than the GT5 version and that the landscape and mountains are rendered in 3D rather than just flat textures.

                            As you said though, different people appreciate different things...


                              To be fair to Forza II some of its backround are lovely to look at and I like how all the bystanders are fully polygon models .
                              Have to say that Rallisport II had the best backgrounds I ever seen a racer last gen, just a shame the car models weren’t up to much


                                Has there been any mention of how HOME fits into the prologue release? I've seen a screenshot of one of the menu's and the HOME logo is clearly one of the icons featured.
                                Prologue is out in October in Japan isn't it?

