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Gran Turismo 5

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    I'm getting fed up of these GT5 videos now. I thought the early ones were gobsmacking but now they feel like the racing equivalent of Duke Nukem Forever news snippets, the only difference being they are a bit more frequent and actually move.

    *mental image of Kazunori juggling*


      Yeah, lost interest in this game. Ofcourse I'll be first in line to buy it, but for now i don't care.

      Also, they never really show anything. Still no proper insight on damage and tracks (its mostly Tokyo, Nurburgring and some talks about Top gear). And that Night racing trailer looks simply like a piece of GT1's clubman route 5, which was always set at night.


        I am not in here for any GT related reason, I just wanted to say BIG TRAIN rocks. Mark Heap in that sketch always cracks me up and his juggling is fantastic.


          I'd like to jump on the Big Train love train.

          "Would anyone like to see my monkey impression"
          Last edited by charlesr; 13-05-2010, 12:46.


            I bet there'll be trains in GT5. Mark my words.


              Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
              Still no proper insight on damage and tracks (its mostly Tokyo, Nurburgring and some talks about Top gear). And that Night racing trailer looks simply like a piece of GT1's clubman route 5, which was always set at night.
              Even the bit in the trailer where the Subaru gets hammered and the door flies around looked way too action-packed to be indicative of the in-game collisions.

              I did quite like the night stage, though, especially when that random car drove past. And I'll probably buy it on release, too


                They really need to sort out the patching element to this, I pray to god its not like GT5P, it'll fail dismally if so.


                  I never managed to update my GT5P when I had it. I eventually gave up.


                    Exactly! Thats why I hope its changed, if it hasn't, people are going to drop this game like a stone, especially if you require the updates to play online which is very likely.

                    I wonder why they can't just do the annoying 'oh you've loaded the game - lets put you through a non-resumable, non-backgroundable, has-to-be-installed 3.8GB patch while you sit there and stare at the TV or go do something else when you expected to just play a game you've purchased with your own money etc'

                    Like everyone else does.


                      It did have resumeable downloads but for some ridiculous reason the download status bar used to reset, it was a proper pain in the arse though trying to update, think it took me about 3 days on and off as it kept timing out.


                        Yeah, maybe it did, but I was wondering why they couldn't do it the same as everyone else, the 'better'* pre-game method.

                        *better = still terrible but better.


                          Originally posted by kernow View Post
                          Yeah, maybe it did, but I was wondering why they couldn't do it the same as everyone else, the 'better'* pre-game method.

                          *better = still terrible but better.
                          Yeah I know what your saying, I'd prefer it if you could just do background downloads for patches in a similar way to downloading from the store, then just choose to install them manually from the xmb.


                            It's likely being delayed to give the fans the chance of getting into the Guiness World Records for longest pre-order held. I know it's aiming for Sept/Oct release but I'm already getting that 2011 vibe...


                              I am positive that its being delayed for only one reason, and that is the 3D aspect of it. You can expect this to drag on and on...and of course it will have some sort of Playstation MOVE thing in it too.


                                Originally posted by Pharfetchd View Post
                                I'd prefer it if you could just do background downloads for patches in a similar way to downloading from the store, then just choose to install them manually from the xmb.
                                It's another anti piracy measure. Prevent people copying their own patch onto the HDD to replace the genuine update.

