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Gran Turismo 5

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    Originally posted by Eight Rooks View Post
    Hey, hey, hey - I would seriously balk at playing GT if you paid me, but I still think that footage looks amazing. I'll never buy the thing, but I've watched the night driving trailer countless times.
    I will buy it the same as I have every other GT game. I will play it and very quickly remember how bad I am at simulation games, then either never play it again or maybe fire it up every now and again when I want to look at something amazing.


      Watching those vids kind of depresses me a bit. I know for a fact that I'll play it and the collectormaniac in me will sink some time into the cars etc but I've got that swan song feeling about it too as there's just so much about it that feels decidedly PS1/PS2 era. The cars and smoothness look amazing but the physics model looks archaic and the tracks mind numbingly life and soulless. With each game I find the cars stiff handling harder and harder to stomach too as for a so called sim it's not realistic in the slightest. GT still has appeal despite seeming more like a vanity project these days but I think they're leaving the door open even after all this time for Forza to take the crown.


        Can we not lock this thread until the release date is annouced and is at least 2 weeks away from release so they can't pull it?

        Everytime the thread gets bumped up I think "at last".....followed by massive disappointment.


          Originally posted by englishbob View Post
          Can we not lock this thread until the release date is annouced and is at least 2 weeks away from release so they can't pull it?

          Everytime the thread gets bumped up I think "at last".....followed by massive disappointment.
          That's nearly three years of disappointment then!!


            Yep, here's to another 3 then...


              Can't believe that some of you actually think this game is ever coming out?!?


                Right, looks like I'm gonna go get Prologue tomorrow then. Even if it's different to what GT5 is now, those videos are making me too excited to sleep. And if GT5 doesn't come out, then at least I'll actually have Prologue.

                The sunlight flickering through the leaves on the trees freaked me out. I haven't been this excited about sunlight since first seeing the PGR3 cockpit view (gits decided to turn PGR4 into a rain simulator)


                  Beware that the lighting of Prologue is absolutely crap.


                    Beware that Prologue IS crap. The grinding is unbearable.

                    I mean, the Ferrari F1 car is 2 million points, if you get awarded about 20k per race thats a 100 races just to get one car. I know they wanted to make it last a bit, but thats a joke. Hopefully this will not happen in the full release........................................... ...........................much


                      To be fair, the F1 car is th only car that takes any effort to buy.

                      The car isn't needed in the game, it seems to be there more for people who've completed everything but still want to play it. If you enjoy playing the game and want to continue when you've completed it then you'll get the F1 automatically as you play, if you don't want to continue playing once you've completed it then you don't need to.

                      If you just want to mess around with all the different cars instead of spending time playing the game you can download a game save with the all the cars unlocked. That would pretty much kill the game for me as what I enjoy is building up a collection of cars but people play games for different reasons so never let anybody tell you it's wrong.


                        Originally posted by englishbob View Post
                        I am positive that its being delayed for only one reason, and that is the 3D aspect of it. You can expect this to drag on and on...and of course it will have some sort of Playstation MOVE thing in it too.
                        I love it when I'm right! Double buzzword bingo confirmed

                        "Gran Turismo 5’s most recent delays were reportedly caused by publisher Sony’s decision to implement Move and 3D support, according to MCV."

                        The latest video game news, reviews and features from the team at Edge Magazine. Subscribe here today.


                          It's MCV saying it, I wouldn't go crowing too much just yet


                            Won't get a straight answer from Sony, so MCV is about as good as it gets. According to European and US Sony "reps", this was releasing last Christmas...


                              Also Kaz Yamauchi (better than any rep) announced at Tokyo Games Show 2009 it would be released March 2010, fail.
                              Thought they had already implemented head tracking, what could Move possibly give to the experience? unless of course Sony are bringing out a wii style move steering wheel.
                              It's got to be primed for a September release now.


                                Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                                It's got to be primed for a September release now.

