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Cannot log into shop :(

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    I had this happen to me the other night. us wii , set to brazil. doesnt connect to shop but everything else worked fine....worked fine the next night though. server trouble?


      Originally posted by Selix View Post
      Same here, it's not happening! I've got a US Will set as Brazil account. Wonder if they've caught on? I hope not, I've got about ?20 sat on my Wii.
      I just accessed the shop from my US Wii without problem. Quite relieved as I too have around ?20 worth of points.


        I cannot log onto the European shop at all. All I get is the 'connecting' message and then it hangs


          Originally posted by sofasurfer View Post
          I cannot log onto the European shop at all. All I get is the 'connecting' message and then it hangs
          thats what happens to me


            Originally posted by eastyy View Post
            thats what happens to me
            Worked ok for me a couple of days ago so looks like it may be a problem with their server.


              I've had it quite a few times myself.

              To be honest I've had similar problems with all three online services. Live just doesn't seem to like me at all, I'm continually logging in and out of that one.


                still nothing every other aspect works fine as i have done system updates the news thing

                tried for the past 2 weeks now


                  Sorry to hear that mate!!

                  This may be a VERY stupid point but bear with me...

                  If you've not already tried this 100s of times:

                  >Wii Options
                  >Wii Settings
                  >[go to the right] Internet
                  >Connection Settings
                  [select your connection]
                  >Use This Connection
                  >[go back to] Agreement/Contact
                  >I Accept

                  Then try logging into the shop, it can take quite some time.

                  I'm guessing that you've already done this several times which is why I didn't suggest it before. If you haven't...try it now.
                  Last edited by JP; 10-07-2007, 11:27.


                    I've got the same problem as well now. been put on a new connection and I just can't log on. Very annoying as I want paper mario


                      well basically just says now connecting....well i thought it might be downloading updates or something but according to the net work thing its not actually downloading anything

                      left it for a hour and still nothing


                        I had this problem just yesterday. It seems that something had reseted my Wii's DNS settings.


                          Just got a wireless router for the house (about 2 weeks ago now) and same problem I've left it on for an hour at max and nothing I have to switch the console off and I've tried it every other day since I've gotten the router. My PS3 works fine with it as does my PSP and laptop just the Wii shop channel and also from the looks of things the weather channel the news ones fine and pretty fast.


                            I have been having similer problems for about 2 weeks, can use weather,news + vote channels, but no shop or internet. When i try to log into shop it says i need to accept the agreement, but when i go to accept it times out and i get error code 220602. Have checked all the setting, re-set up connection, when i test connection it is fine.

                            I have contacted Nintendo, but they were not alot of help, but advised:

                            * Router set to work on both bandwidth's, B & G
                            * Router set to channel 1 or 11
                            * Router to be minimum of 4 feet away from Wii

                            Apparantly that is what their error code look-up came up with, i had all this correct anyway, also apparently the Shop and Internet channels work on B, other channels G. This does not help my connection issue's, so if anyone gets it working any help will be great.



                              I can't connect either, it just sits there on the connecting screen and i end up having to pull the plug. The news and weather works fine and i have been the the update screen which completed fine so its obviously not a connectivity problem, but its really annoying as i want Devil Crush.


                                Well i finally managed to get in this morning. Could it be that they were having troubles with their servers or something?

