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E3 2007 - Game Of The Show Predictions

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    I am going to stick my neck out and predict Killzone 2 to be game of the show. (let the bashing begin)


      If Mass Effect is there id vote for it but maybe thats becuase im a Bioware obbessed freak.

      Overall id say Mario Galaxy will probably take it, if not that it'll be something else Nintendo. I can see this E3 being all about Nintendo.

      Killzone 2 will look nice i bet but looking at Guerrilla Games track record i cant see it being anything other then a stinker to play. Tho im sure it'll get big time hyping by starved PS3 owners.


        Smash Bros. is definitely not playable, but I'd be surprised if every game mentioned so far was there in a playable form. (By playable, they mean 'journo can pick up a pad and play', not 'someone from the developer plays it live'.)

        Can't see Halo3 or Halo Wars being playable, for example.


          Condemned 2 on 360! apparently the first level is going to be shown at E3. There's supposed to be some really unforgettable hallucinations and crazy **** that i think is gonna stay with people with see it for a long time!!


            Anything single-player by Team ICO (if they show), MGS4, Alan Wake or Mass Effect.

            Realistically? Shenmue III of course. It'll floor everything. :P
            Last edited by Concept; 10-07-2007, 12:54.


              Originally posted by Plisken View Post
              Condemned 2 on 360! apparently the first level is going to be shown at E3. There's supposed to be some really unforgettable hallucinations and crazy **** that i think is gonna stay with people with see it for a long time!!

              For real? That's wicked! Can't wait.

              I reckon MP3 might be a crowd pleaser this year. LBP maybe, too.


                If the above is true, although it's due 2008, I hope Monolith share a demo. It'll ruin the surprise if the previews spoil it all.


                  That would force me to get LIVE. I hope it happens.


                    Have a look at the Top 10 on Gametrailers:

                    Gametrailers Top 10

                    I hope, really hope that the #1 spot does become the game of the show.


                      If a new zelda is announced then it could well take the show, but that's unlikely so i'll say and hope: Mario galaxy


                        Originally posted by Bleeders View Post

                        The smart money would be on either Halo 3, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy etc. walking away with it, however, I'm going for something of a very rank-outsider, I'm going to plump for Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction on PS3.

                        I've kept an eye on this one and it's looking utterly fantastic and really hope it delivers a solid platforming-adventure, because I don't think we've had anything in that mould since, well... Mario 64, tbh.
                        I thoroughly doubt Ratchet & Clank will be anything special. The PS2 games were alright but to be honest relied a lot more on shooting things than platforming. They IMO played a lot like Fur Fighters but with platformer type controls.


                          It amazes me how the vast majority of Nintendo fans are happy with another Zelda, Mario, Metroid or Animal Crossing. I own a Wii (US) and i'm really hoping for new IP that pushes the system and takes advantage of its features.
                          Last edited by Keith; 11-07-2007, 00:10.


                            I think it has to be rock band...

                            That youtube video alone has had everyone going nuts so to see it playable in the flesh with possibly the finished guitars & drums is going to be amazing. It's certainly going to be a shop floor drawcard.


                              Originally posted by Selix View Post
                              Edit: Also, as we all know, it's about kicking ass and taking names!
                              If it's anything like last years' then that's all that it'll be about, pretty much, apart from lolSony.

                              From my totally unbiased opinion I reckon game of the show will be something PS3 based this time, but nothing new, probably MGS4/GTA4 or something crap like that that will get all the fanboys going, or possibly even Halo 3 if they release SP footage (again, ZZZzzz...) As if Metroid/Mario etc are ever going to be more popular considering they're Marmite games now.

                              A new Zelda could well do the trick mind, but it's far too early for another one of those yet. The new Smash Bros. perhaps?


                                Originally posted by Miguel007 View Post
                                I'm hoping a sequel to Shadow of The Collossus will show up on PS3 and blow us all away.
                                I hear you bud, i know they are doing something for ps3, imagine them big envirements eek

