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Resident Evil 5 - racist or not?

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    Originally posted by Freddo View Post
    well, shut me up then, haha.

    hadn't played it for ages so I couldn't remember many details, that rings a bell now though yeah you were definitly in europe.
    haha. Having said that though, there's no reason the Spanish couldn't have rallied to the racist cry when resi 4 came along I 'spose, but when you look back, it's not the race of the 'zombies' that Leon is fighting, it's the fact they are crazed mad persons who happen to speak Spanish
    The same can be said of resi 5. it doesn;t matter if the zombies are white, black, brown or yellow...They are the 'affected' antagonists facing the player, not a representation of race or creed at all.

    Doubtless ol' Capcom will take some stick from the Guardian when they get wind of it and if they do why not just make the baddies all colours and stick a few newpaper journos in the mix for good measure. even a few lookalikes ala 'Dawn of the Dead' movie remake.


      heh, I'd love it if the guy from dead rising was in there somewhere, either as a zombie or doing his photography thing as an easter egg.


        Originally posted by Ian(not Ian) View Post
        In Resi 4 Leon tells us he's in Europe and the rascals are speaking Spanish.
        The first bit I know for sure as I started the Wii version last night. The second bit, prolly, but I don't understand Spanish senor.

        Putting my geek hat on for a second.
        Yes it's in Europe, the whole series has been heading to Europe throughout the story arcs.
        They are not speaking Spanish, it's essentially a made up language, based around Spanish. Thus no race, just a bunch of Plagas, speaking a made up language, and from what they say, they all seem to love shopping at "Matalan!"


          I've heard them shout "Cabron" many a time.


            Lets not forget that chris has gone to africa because he's no doubt following the trail of the 'Zombie Virus' (G-Virus?) and, im guessing, stop it from infecting the africans, so really isn't he a hero? He's there to free them from the tyranny of zombies right?


              Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
              Would this whole thread even exist if the subject wasn't already a concernable issue?
              Not really, it's people thinking something is offensive when there is no reason to be.

              If Capcom have no bad intentions then there is nothing to talk about.


                When will the zombie-overlords land in teh Midlands, eh?


                  Originally posted by Swallow View Post
                  When will the zombie-overlords land in teh Midlands, eh?
                  Whenever they want. I'm ready, Chuck Norris style.


                    "I gotta go back IN!!1"


                      Originally posted by Wools View Post
                      Not really, it's people thinking something is offensive when there is no reason to be.

                      If Capcom have no bad intentions then there is nothing to talk about.
                      That response won't work vs. all the people that hate racism/violence in media. Look at Manhunt.


                        If the media kick up a big enough fuss, expect the game to get banned or worse still, it may force Capcom to go back to the drawing board.

                        And no, I don't think any racism is intended by Capcom but it's not all that hard to see why the media might just end up having a field day with Resident Evil 5.


                          I don't consider setting the game in Africa the least bit racist, just like I didn't find setting it's predecessor in Spain racist but... I have recently watched a couple of interesting documentaries about Japan that made the claim the Japanese are quite racist compared to other modern, first-world countries and it's not uncommon for large numbers of it's inhabitants to consider outsiders inferior. I realise lovers of all things Japanese will hate me saying that but, hey, don't shoot the messenger.


                            Come on, you lot, do you really think it's going to get as bad as to end up being banned!?

                            This is assuming the race card is even played to the degree that some are assuming (if it's played at all).


                              "racially motivated attack blamed on influence from video game"... I can see the headlines now.


                                Do excuse my ignorance, but what organization represents and speaks out for the Zombie race in such matters? I seem to have forgotten.

