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Super Mario Sunshine Afterthoughts

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    Sorry to drag this thread up over 12 months since the last post but it seemed relevant. I've just completed SMS and wanted to talk about it.
    I got this game on US launch (middle of 2002 IIRC), but stopped playing for ages because I got stuck and wasn't enjoying it that much.

    Well having got back into a few days ago I like it more. Just beat Bowser with 85 shines, going back it's a nice game. I forgot how bright and vibrant the colours are, they really are a breath of fresh air. What I really liked was all the levels were interconnected as part of one island, on parts of certain levels you can see others, it helps the continuity and makes it all feel part of the same island. Personally didn't have any problems with the camera either, any time it say got stuck behind an object you get a block black Mario overlayed on the object so you can still carry on without any major mishaps.
    FLUDD was nice as was the retro levels, even if they did make me scream on numerous occasions. The red coin challenges that occur on the classic levels are suitably rock too.
    The jet pack FLUDD was top on 2 levels in particular. Racing around Wave Race style on the airport and the Harbour are two of my stand out moments.

    One thing I am a little unclear on is who was the shadow Mario and where did the FLUDD thingy come from? It was probably all explained in game, but the seperation in the time I played it has meant I've forgot.
    Also why does Yoshi not like water in SMS? In Mario World he could swim. I might be wrong as I've not played them for ages but I think he could swim in Yoshi Story and Yoshi Island too.

    I quite like the blue coins. They can be collected or left, doing either still allows you to complete the game. It adds an extra challenge should you want it. Some of the placing of them are a bit odd, but by in large they're cool. Just wish it showed a little table with them numbered 1-30 and the ones you've collected ticked. Would have made it easier, and fairer, to collect the last few as you know what level to look for them on and if needed a FAQ can be consulted.

    I was disappointed with the Bowser fight though. After I'd smashed the switches I thought, cool, let the fight commence. I was expecting a 3D fight like Mario 64 Bowser surrounded by lava. But it never came. Very weak boss IMO. It played nice and looked cool but there should have been more to the battle. The rubbber ducky was sweet though.

    Few things I didn't like:
    The conclusion to the Moma Peach story. I was expecting big things, bit of a kop out.
    Bowsers voice. The voice actor was ****e.
    Having to catch Shadow Mario on every level. Sure include it a few times, but on every level? Needed more innovation than every 7th level of the world having to catch him.
    Mario's swimming. For me one of the best things of M64 was swimming. Exploring the 64 worlds underwater was theraputic and fun, the music suitably soothing. You didn't get any of this in SMS with the exception of the red coin challenge where you had to capture that fish that split up on Noki Bay.

    Overall, very nice game. Not as good as M64 but still enjoyable despite a few frustrating bits.


      thanks for this rehash... i've been thinking of getting a US version, as I never finished my Jap one, got bored and lost the thread, so I may put a request out in the wanted thread.



        heh, i went back to this a few weeks ago too... started from scratch and forgot how much fun it was to play around the levels - completely and utterly side-tracking from the main goal at hand. There is so much challenge and enjoyment to be had trying to reach the highest point on each level? and the view is well worth it. I still think it looks beautiful. I agree Mr Bowser, so bright, so vibrant, a breath of fresh air indeed.

        Oh, and I also forgot how much I loved the music. Especially the remix during the Retro stages. Pretty certain I had that on my computer somewhere? hmmm? will have to hunt that out.

        Also? I still think this game got/still receives far too much criticism and people overlook(ed) the delights this little gem had to other. Not a true Mario 64 sequel? Pfft. It was still pure gaming bliss imo.

        ----Member since April 2002


          I bought this again after selling it originally just after finishing my final uni exams. At heart the control system and various locations are still amazing and the game does not get enough credit for not having the cliched snow\lava etc levels.

          On replaying it I got the the first shine in the theme park and remembered how much it irritated me and I haven't played it since.


            Mario Sunshine lived or died depending on whether you *got* the camera control system. If you did, it was a great game. If you didn't, it was a **** one.


              I just rebought it after selling it months and months ago. Should arrive tommorrow, really looking forward to going through it all again. I think Noki Bay was the highlight for me, never before have I been so transfixed by a level. I used make my way to the top and just satre at the view for minutes on end, simply breathtaking stuff. The music was very relaxing as well, fingers crossed it comes tommorrow.


                Originally posted by bowser123
                One thing I am a little unclear on is who was the shadow Mario and where did the FLUDD thingy come from? It was probably all explained in game, but the seperation in the time I played it has meant I've forgot.
                Spoilers for those who have not played...

                - A spate of graffiti has plagued Dolphic Island, instigated by a certain plumber.
                - Mistaken for Shadow Mario, you are then imprisoned.
                - You are given the FLUDD contraption (created by Professor E. Gadd) to clean up the island, as punishment.
                - Shadow Mario was Bowser Jnr. Why he did it... i can't remember.

                Err, i think.
                (racks my brain...)


                  gee, thanks...


                    Having re-read this thread just now it makes really interesting reading.

                    I am really suprised by some of the comments earlier on (particuarly Saurians) about having trouble controlling the character, and finding the system unfair.

                    One of the best things about Mario games is that you feel a complete "oneness" with Mario - being able to instinctively control him out of any situation. This is what made M64 for me, and it is also what made SMS. I never felt I was cheated out of a situation apart from when i was struggling with the camera to begin with - I always found control of Mario perfect.

                    I would often boot the game up (just with M64) and just run about on top of the rooftops, or mess about because controlling the character was such fun. Half of my time playing was literally just doing this. I had found almost everything there was to find in the hub well before I finished half of the levels.

                    I suppose ojlim has a point - maybe it did live or die on whether you got to grips with the camera control system.


                      I personally loved SMS, but you have to admit the Pirate Ships shine and the one round the back of that building had some shocking camera moments.

