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LocoRoco Cocoreccho!

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    I had another go of this late last night & everything seemed to click into place & I really started to have a lot of fun with it. Once I put the thought of the PSP version out of my head, the controls seemed to make sense & I started grinning from ear to ear. And I expect I'll pay for extra levels, unless they're over priced. What am I saying, of course I'll pay.


      not played enough to decide - is it just one big multi section level in the ?2 game

      i'd pay a pund or so a go for more levels but as I said above I just love the art direction and music in this and am not really buying it for the actual game


        I actually really like this. I've now got past the gate which requires 50 loco's. Judging from the scoreboards, the maximum is 200. I'd say that was well worth 2 squids.


          I'm really loving this game!!!

          Just beat the boss first thing and got a gorgeous cut scene followed by a message which said "I made a new Mui Mui gate! Go explore the new area!".

          I've opened the big map and the size of the game area has doubles on that. It showed score boards for I think it was 5 areas when I finished, it's going to take quite some time to be able to do the whole thing if they are all a similar size.

          I've found the screen saver thing too I think. When you are playing the game, if you just leave the controls alone the butterfly flies over to the Locos and gets them to dance & sing!


            Great game - wasn't happy at first with the changes but once you click with what they've done (i.e the loco's just go round and round a path till you setup the cutoff/weighbridge) and start looking round the level for alternate routes/loco locations it becomes very good indeed

            They kept that hypno-music as well - the bastards


              I'm up to about 80 now. It's amazing how you miss so many obvious things only to see them with repetition. I've only unlocked one of the mini games so far. It was ok, but fairly similar to the boss battle. Finding hidden locos and opening up new routes is what this game is about.


                Is this out in the uk store?


                  Yep and it needs downloading right now Strider!


                    This is a fantastic game just dont start it thinking your getting a playstation network version of psp Loco Roco, it has all the charm and fun of loco roco but has more of a focus on score and secret finding, and for me plays completely diffrently to the psp version.

                    I think a lot of people are really not getting this for what it is and its a shame as if it was a standalone game with no loco roco attachment i think a lot more people would be raving about it.

                    The controls are effortlessly simple you control a butterfly that flys around the level guiding the loco rocos, pressing circle creates a large circular area which the loco's are drawn to while tapping circle makes the locos move faster or try harder to get to areas your hovering over, and once you get to grips with all the little control nuances it really dose become a joy to play.

                    there are a number of ways the butterfly can interact with the stage as well but i wont spoil these just try hovering the butterfly over things and trying different things with the pad.

                    add in the fact thats its only 1.99 and you cant really not download it.

                    fantastic little game


                      Still playing this. I'm up to 109 now, which still means I'm only about half way. However, I have received a message saying I have activated the last gate. The second mini game is actually a lot better than the first. Requires some pretty speedy thinking and clever use of the sixaxis.

                      Judging from the rankings screen, there also seems to be a bit of a time attack battle going on. Something to try when I've managed to collect all 200.


                        Right, I'm gonna get this tonight then.


                          Gets a great review over at Eurogamer


                            It deserves it. I still have no idea why they marketed it as an interactive screen saver. Why an earth would anyone want that over a game, which is what it actually is!


                              Yeah, I only had a brief play of it earlier but I loved it... and the music is already stuck in my head.

                              Look forward to playing it with my eldest daughter at some point tomorrow.


                                This game is utter genius, even at the inflated US store price. That Eurogamer review is bang on, I can see it taking a while to get the full 200 LocoRoco.

