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Pro Evo v Fifa

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    Sorry for my "do you find PES too challenging question" it was born from the thinking that PES was getting shunned by preferers of FIFA for things like "you can't tackle player without fouling"... in my mind, that's a case of somebody not playing the game correctly. There are training tutorials in the game which cover everything from tackling, dribbling, shooting and dead ball situations.

    It takes a while to master PES whereas in FIFA you can use the boring tactics of old to score (cross it in from the wing and press FIRE!).

    I'm a PES fanboy now. I know this. Unashamedly I bought FIFA 08 this year had an amazing 16 unbeaten run online before I sold it. Found it not very challenging.

    Bottom line was I couldn't play both games together. After playing FIFA and then going on to play some PES, I'd find myself in FIFA mode and get absolutely pummelled. I found it poisoned my highly regarded special game that I play all year round.

    My only dis for it this year is the same point most in here have already said, it needs a revamping in other areas away from core gameplay. However, once locked-in to the gameplay, these other problems fizzle out, until some FIFA fella comes along and starts pointing them out

    Please don't take me too seriously on what may seem to come across as fanboy stubborness, I'm really just kidding around a bit - winding up. Both games can exist together, but for me, it's certainly one or the other. I pick one. The number one


      Although I agree somewhat on the star players being harder to tackle, is this not realistic? There is a reason teams look to close down people like Messi, Ronaldinho, etc quickly when they get the ball in real life, because if you give them time to turn they will punish you. If you are a smaller team and get men behind the ball you can deal with them, at the expense of your own attack, as happens in real life.

      By only real bugbear is that a lot of younger players are underrated in the 'middle-class' teams, especially on pace, which sometimes means your counter attacking threat is less than it should be when facing the bigger teams.

      Looking forward to some online battles with you lot once the game turns up, hopefully tomorrow if the post system isn't too screwed up. Probably won't be online for a few days though as I'm sure me, my brother and my mates will be rinsing it first.


        It is realistic to have them react quicker and be stronger etc where appropriate. But that is not the issue, it is when you do actually get feet to the ball or when you tackle but the ball bobbles into their run still. Again and again. But, for instance having Ronaldinho outmuscling a big beefy CB that isn't that well known is dodgy.

        The balance is right where the teams are in the same tier in my honest opinion but when you come out of their tiers it is stupid.


          In real life an unkown big CB is likley to just end up fouling players of that quality out of either frustration or the fact that they are unable to react as quick, that kind of thing is really hard to translate into a game, becuase as the player you arent really a single minded centerback, youre the whole team, so they just make the world class players virtualy unstopable often.

          This is one of the great things about the Be a pro mode on the new Fifa though, if youre a defender and a world class winger completely outclasses and storms past you leading to a cross and goal, it actualy feels as satisfying as it does frustrating, becuase it makes sense. Likewise if you actualy get the ball you feel like youve done well.

          The Pro Camera is actualy how I play every game of Fifa now, even the normal matches, its much easier to play the game in every way becuase you can pull off what you want to do better, as the camera is more like a view you get when actualy playing football as oposed to seeing it on tv.
          Last edited by rmoxon; 24-10-2007, 23:09.

