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Top 3 Favourite series/franchise?

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    Top 3 Favourite series/franchise?

    Just had a thought about Nintendo games, while they've got these new interesting games out there, the main focus from gamers is still on the key titles Mario, Metroid, Zelda etc.
    What's the last BIG franchise they made anyway? They've had plenty new ideas from N64-Cube-Wii but how many of them are actually franchises that they'll stick with for sometime? Pikmin looks to have bitten the dust (Although I'm half expecting them to announce Pikmin 3), Chibi robo seems to be a new one they've invested in and a Wii version/sequel seems inevitable.
    That aside, I then wondered if I could actually say what my top 3 favourite franchises are, as there as so many worthy of note. It was quite a hard decision in the end.

    In no order of preference:

    Mario platforming series (Not party, sports, etc)
    - Can't beat a good Mario game, whether it be Yoshi's island, Mario world, Mario bros 3, Super mario 64 or the upcoming Mario galaxy which despite not having played said title, I'm convinced it's gonna not leave my Wii until completion.
    I just love how they are fun to play, not too easy if you dive deeper into the game but not too difficult if you just want to play it through and always have many secrets to find in the levels.
    Also Mario series has some of the coolest power ups ever, from the Super star to Fire flower and Metal cap

    Resident evil
    Although Resident evil 4 is my favourite, I love the first 3 (ignoring Zero) almost as much and can't decide between them. Resident evil created my threefavourite antagonists of all videogames: Nemesis (I hope they have another in 5), Birkin and of course Wesker.
    Also the jumpy bits, crazy monsters, cheesy voice acting & claustrophobic corridors/rooms made the scariest game I have ever seen.
    REmake is definitely the scariest source of media/entertainment ever, without a doubt. No movie comes close.
    Resident evil 4 reinvented the series, although it sadly ditched the fun make-you-****-yourself jumpy bits and zombies etc, it did have some of the best gameplay in a third person shooter ever, some incredibly atmospheric moments, tonnes of unlockables and the best replayability I have ever seen in a singleplayer game. Resident evil 4 was the first game to make me want to play through again. Instantly. after completion. I think I've lost days to Resident evil 4 if you add up all the hours I still wish the Resident evil 4 (with ghosts and enchanted dolls etc) would be released. It looked so good

    The Legend of Zelda (Philips CDI versions excluded)
    Zelda Ocarina of time is still today one of my favourite games EV@R!!! and Majoras mask is damn close behind it.
    Bringing one of the most useful ideas ever to combat: Auto lock-on Zelda has always been about slashing things, exploring dungeons and being a complete joy to play from start to finish.
    The 2D ones although fairly different are too amazing games themselves, from Links awakening on the Gameboy to Minish cap on GBA and Phantom Hourglass on DS (OK so it's not really 2D) they've always been great games to play at home or on the go and follow the classic Zelda template brilliantly while feeling a little different to their console/3D counterparts.
    I also enjoyed Windwaker, despite many disliking the graphics or sailing. Didn't even find the triforce hunt that bad really.

    Honourable mentions:
    Metroid (2D mainly, but I do like Prime)
    Halo series (
    Mario kart series (
    Paper mario series

    As much as I'm hoping for some new enjoyable games in the future, I'm more intested in Mario galaxy, Resident evil 5 and hoping for a new 2D metroid on VC/DS.
    Also have high hopes for the new Zelda.

    1st Castlevania.

    It began on the Nes for me, love nearly all of them, although there are some rotters in there, including the 3-d games, lament is the only 3-d i liked, and that has sufferings.

    2nd Zelda.

    Wind Waker is still my favourite, but one can ponder at the thought put into these masterpieces. Works beautifully in 2d and 3d.

    3rd Mario.

    Christmas when the nes came out, what a day, it was beautiful, real gaming in the comfort of your own home, i loved arcade gaming loads back then, but this was real, it was as good as and if not better. Yes i love sunshine! Play the game..its ****ing brilliant!

    Special mention to


    (choices 1, 2 and 3 can be moved around at any time!XD)


      *Fire Pro Wrestling/KoC branch of Spike wrestling games
      Pure gameplay, massive amount of wrestlers, moves, edits and crazy amount of depth to make VF blush.

      *Dynasty/Samurai Warriors/koei hack'n'slash
      Love these games, 1 man army, destroyer of nations, funny dubs, many characters, crap loads of unlockables even though there not the most advanced games or massive upgrades between each new game koei churns out are the best hack'n'slashers.

      *Shenmue series
      1 of a kind, enough said


        The only series that I really get excited about is Dragon Quest due to the pure and simple gameplay, utter charm and the sheer sense of adventure.

        The Suikoden series is a favourite of mine. The first two and the fifth are excellent, although I did thoroughly enjoy the other two. Tactics was pretty good too.

        I also quite like the Metroidesque Castlevanias, although none of the recent entries have come close to Symphony of the Night. The latest entries have also felt somewhat tired.


          Crash Bandicoot - But only the Naughty Dog games!
          I really enjoyed playing them years ago, and I've got the first one one its way to me after winning it on eBay.

          Phoenix Wright
          My favourite games on the DS. I stupidly traded in the first one though, so I'll need to try and buy it again soon. I'll want to play through them again before Ace Attorney 4. which I can't wait for!

          The single player in the first was great, and the online multiplayer in the second was brilliant. I can't believe I spent nine months playing it almost every day. The third finished the story well enough, but could have been better, and from what I've played of the multiplayer so far, it's pretty good too.


            1. Metal Gear Solid - The first one is my favourite game of all time, I finished it 3 or 4 times and loved it every time. Sons of Liberty was a let down to some, but I still loved it even if it got bizarre at times. Snake Eater came close to toppling the first one for me as the boss battles were just sublime and the story brilliant.

            2. PES - Played every PES since the first one and enjoyed them all. I love football, PES is the best recreation of the beautiful game...that simple really.

            3. Halo - For me, the best FPS experience on any console. All 3 combined superb single player and multiplayer experiences to near perfection. Master Chief rules


              Wow a real variation of what people's favourite franchise/secrets are here! Didn't expect stuff like PES and crash bandicoot!


                Castlevania - have played through more Vania games to completion than any other action game franchise I care to remember. I am a massive fan to the point that I even loved Legacy Of Darkness. Yes, Legacy of Darkness.

                Zelda - I love the familiarity and warm glow each game gives me, still feels the sex when you beat a tricky puzzle, and apart from Zelda 2 which I have never liked, I can't think of a bad entry in the whole series. A perfect day for me would be snuggled up under a quilt in front of the fire, eating and drinking things and playing Zelda.

                King of Fighters - my fave fighters series. I religiously buy and play through each installment, even the MI games. I love the art styles, the crazy stories, the familiar faces and of course the cracking 2D gameplay.


                  Silent Hill - They haven't all been great and I always have criticisms but this series has always sucked me in and I love the world they have created. I find something to love in all of them. Have Origins on the way and am looking forward to it.

                  And, eh... Zelda and something else too.


                    Hmmm these answers may have been very different in years gone by, let's see....

                    Singstar - I'm an absolute sucker for these games, even if they are essentially just discs of songs. Some of my best memories of recent years have involved Singstar and friends (and beer, plenty of beer).

                    PES/Winning Eleven - Even though the last couple have failed to capture me, WE has taken months and months of my life.

                    Zelda - nuff said

                    Others I'd consider too; Street Fighter, Gradius/Parodius, Wonder Boy, Goemon.


                      Zelda - just stunning.

                      Halflife - Valve consistently do the business, innovating and pushing story telling forward.

                      Forza Motorsport - I love driving games, and in the absence of a PC, these are the best driving experiences I've had.


                        For me it has to be :

                        The Biohazard Series - Niohazard Remake being my fave followed by Biohazard 2

                        The Grandia Series - Grandia 2 being my fave

                        The Virtua Fighter Series - VF4 Evo being my fave

                        I can't really digress more as the reasons are pretty much the same as everyone else who have played them. One word - INTENSE!

                        Honourable mentions of course go to -

                        Street Fighter Series
                        Mario Kart Series
                        Final Fantasy Series
                        Silent Hill Series
                        Metal Gear Solid Series
                        Aki produced Wrestling series on the N64



                          1. Football Manager/ Championship manager

                          2. Phoenix Wright

                          3. Resident Evil


                            I'd say:

                            Street fighter series - looking through my collection I own loads of versions, and when a new one comes out I buy it as soon as I can. I always enjoy them and they hardly ever dissapoint.

                            2D Mario Series- Love them to bits. Not so keen on the 3D games but give me a 2D mario and I'm a happy man

                            King Of The Fighters - I always have loved my beat 'em ups and a glance at my collection shows apart from street fighter games I have mostly from the king of the fighters series. This years instalment is amazing and even the older installments are still very playable. Like my fellow poster a few posts up I also own the 3D versions and quite enjoy them!


                              Metal Gear
                              Phoenix Wright

