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Sony nearly double Playstation 3 sales....

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    Haven't seen it mentioned here yet but apologies if it has but the other problem I can see with people being a little hesitant to pick up a PS3 thus far is the cost of third party software.

    Where the 360 has been out for a while it is possible to go out and find the newest AAA releases for silly money - sometimes upto £10 - £12 cheaper than the PS3 version. I'm sure people look at that price difference and think "why should I buy the more expensive one?" especially when experience tells us that the 360 version is usually better.

    Maybe this will change in the future as developers get better at utilising the architecture of the PS3 - I certainly expect Devil May Cry 4, The Club and Burnout Paradise to be almost indistinguishable between the two formats (fingers crossed) - but for now 360 seems the way to go. The only multi-platform titles I have owned on the PS3 are The Darkness and PES2008 (and I've got the 360 version of that too just in case )

    Personally though, I feel the PS3 has more than enough great , exclusive games to warrant a purchase now. Ratchet & Clank, Heavenly Sword, Resistance, Motor Storm, Ridge Racer 7, Folklore, Minna no Golf 5 with Uncharted to come in a couple of weeks (would buy US but have some trade to get shot of).


      Then you look at new game releases though, and US PS3 games are always available for £30, which is by and large cheaper than you can get Western copies of 360 games.

      Ridge Racer 7 isn't "great" by any means, by the way...


        Originally posted by Swallow View Post
        Then you look at new game releases though, and US PS3 games are always available for ?30, which is by and large cheaper than you can get Western copies of 360 games.

        Ridge Racer 7 isn't "great" by any means, by the way...
        But, if you're Joe Public buying off of the high street you may not be aware of the region free-ness of the hardware. That and I know people who still don't trust shopping on the internet

        I've always been a big Ridge racer fan and found 7 to be excellent. It was the first game that I bought with my Jap console back in January.

        Each to his own...and all that...


          Originally posted by Swallow View Post
          Good to see them selling more in all honesty, hope it gives the Japanese devs a kick up the arse as there's been barely anything of note from them on either 360 or PS3.
          Which devs ?


            Squeenix for a (major) start. Konami. Nippon Ichi.


              Originally posted by Fastslyfox View Post
              I agree the PS3 doesnot have a true AAA title as of yet but my PS3 catalouge is not too shabby at the moment..

              Resistance fall of man
              Ridge Racer 7
              Heavenly sword
              Mina no Golf 5
              The Darkness
              Ratchet and Clank: tools of destruction
              Assasins Creed
              Call of duty 4
              Guitar Hero 3
              But none of those are really system sellers seeing as you can aquire them on other consoles... If you're looking at the exclusive 'system sellers' in your collection you've got what, 5? none are really 'DROP EVERYTHING, BUY A PS3 NOW!" though are they? Certainly nothing to touch exclusives on the 360 or the Wii.

              I'm getting a ps3 next month but purely for blu ray as there's literally nothing I 'need' on the console game wise and even then I'm loathe to buy one to support this stupid format war with hd dvd.


                Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                But, if you're Joe Public buying off of the high street you may not be aware of the region free-ness of the hardware. That and I know people who still don't trust shopping on the internet
                Well, noobs are noobs I suppose.


                  I bought a PS3 a month ago, simply because I felt I'd waited long enough to see what it's all about.

                  MotorStorm is the only title that has really impressed me. It's an awesome experience, and a game that I've been playing more than anything else this month.

                  Sadly... I haven't seen another original title that really appeals to me.

                  I'm keeping the machine, because it's a solid piece of kit, and I know a few good games will be coming its way.

                  The 360 is the machine I couldn't live without though.


                    360 is still the King for me personally, games wise and online wise.

                    However things are looking up now for the PS3, the price is better and good games are appearing. R&C is one of the most fun games of the year. Im still highly skeptical about Home tho, i dont think Sony will ever have an online system to rival Live.


                      Originally posted by Hidekazu Kushima View Post
                      But none of those are really system sellers seeing as you can aquire them on other consoles... If you're looking at the exclusive 'system sellers' in your collection you've got what, 5? none are really 'DROP EVERYTHING, BUY A PS3 NOW!" though are they? Certainly nothing to touch exclusives on the 360 or the Wii.

                      I'm getting a ps3 next month but purely for blu ray as there's literally nothing I 'need' on the console game wise and even then I'm loathe to buy one to support this stupid format war with hd dvd.

                      As per my post, the games listed are not AAA titles but decent enough to warrant the purchase of a PS3. I am not saying one of those titles is a system seller, but together they should convince many at a ?299 price point.


                        But if you already have a 360 (like every good gamer should) then there's really nothing.


                          Originally posted by Hidekazu Kushima View Post
                          But if you already have a 360 (like every good gamer should) then there's really nothing.
                          You cannot play Resistance, Ridge Racer 7, Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly sword, mina no golf 5, motorstorm, Drakes fortune, Haze (This side of Christmas) on 360 though.

                          Any way, this thread was about improved PS3 sales, not about how good the 360 is.

                          Owning all three is the way to go(like every gamer should)


                            I don't know. The best you've been able to say about the catalogue is that it's 'not too shabby'. And you're right. But, for many, there are more than enough great games on other systems which, right now, makes it tough to justify buying an expensive console for some 'not too shabby' games.

                            I guess that depends on how much time you have for gaming. If you have so much time that you run out of things to play on othe systems then, yes absolutely, getting a PS3 makes sense. The price point is much better too, which makes it an easier purchase and obviously made a difference.


                              I'm buying a PS3 in DEC/Jan in Japan these are the games i'm going for although not AAA they are good.

                              Sega Rally
                              Virtua Tennis
                              Virtua Fighter 5
                              Heaveanly sword
                              GT: Prologue
                              Ninja Gaiden (poss)

                              To come DMC4, MGS4 which maybe are AAA. I don't feel these are bad games and I know what I'm getting before I play them.

                              PS I don't want or own a 360 or Wii and for me the experience will perhaps mirror my X-Box and GC games wise, I'm not a big FPS or platform games n I know what's gonna come to PS3.
                              Last edited by JU!; 24-11-2007, 15:33.


                                Originally posted by Hidekazu Kushima View Post
                                But if you already have a 360 (like every good gamer should) then there's really nothing.
                                what a ridiculous and blinkered post, i don't own a 360 and have no inclination to i own a Dreamcast,Snes and a Playstation 3 i am a very happy gamer, altho according to you i am not a good gamer your statement is well just daft.

                                i thought this topic was about ps3 and it's improved sales ??

                                i must have read the title wrong as it seems to be about blinkered quotes with AAA being thrown around as if it actually has a meaning when in reality AAA means nothing

