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    Originally posted by babs View Post
    There's bugger all room left for innovation with standard tv/console/joypad combinations. Most of the genres have been done to death, that's the reason it's all sequels people are buying - they take the formula and refine it.

    It's only new interfaces which can really offer much in the way of true innovation now if you ask me, and even then it's just a difference in immersion and re-invented formulae.

    I disagree.

    Todays games all follow the same formula just like movies does. Hollywood produces the same crap as always (just like the gaming industry) but every now and then there an independent film (or Korean or Japanese) film that blows everyone away.

    I think people need to think loess profit and more 'what do I want to create today'.


      would like to have played mario galaxy but a wrist op stops me playing wii


        I don't think a game has to be fresh and inivative to be good. Half Life 2 is a fantastic game but its only a FPS like anyother, its just how well its implemented. It's very hard to come up with a game type or style thats not been done already.


          Originally posted by BeyondJumpFish View Post
          I don't think a game has to be fresh and inivative to be good. Half Life 2 is a fantastic game but its only a FPS like anyother, its just how well its implemented. It's very hard to come up with a game type or style thats not been done already.
          Enter Keita Takahashi to confuse the hell out of everyone with Nobi Nobi Boy


            Originally posted by BeyondJumpFish View Post
            Half Life 2 is a fantastic game
            It is. Because it offered someting new (exploration).

            Episode one and two is rubish.


              I didn't find any exploration in HL2. Just a single path.


                wish braben would just get on with elite 4


                  The elite 4? Are they the trainers at the end of pokemon?

