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DJ Hero from Activison ?

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    Holy balls that is a big tracklist - I'm a metaller at heart yet this has got more songs that I enjoy than most of the GH lists!


      Setlist looks sick, really looking forward to getting back into some DJ Hero my housemate's original turntables from last year are knackered so I'll probably buy the inevitable updated ones too.

      /waits patiently for news on DJ Hero 3DS :l


        That setlist looks freakin' awesome! Pretty much every track is a classic (except David Guetta who can GTF). Seems to be a much better mix of hip-hop and electronica this time around too.

        Originally posted by Dezm0nd View Post
        Justice - "Waters Of Nazareth" One of the best on here, IMO!
        I completely agree. Can't wait to be dancing around to those dirty, distorted beats. There wasn't enough Justuce (or electro) in the first game. This more than makes up for it.

        And Chic!


          Chatted to someone who'd been testing it religiously for a few months and he told me it's wicked. He said the freestyle mode actually does work like you'd think, and you get more points for scratching to the beat than just spinning the wheel randomly (which you can do if you want). Colour me interested with a splash of cynicism until I actually get my hands on it.


            Good shout with the chic, never knew that track was from them

            Being a mental prodigy fan I'm glad to see they're finally in a music game other than TTR. Looking forward to hearing the mix with it.


              So do the original decks both break really easily? I've seen the standard ones going new now for $49 & the renegade going new for $99. Both bargains given original rrp but is the renegade worth the extra cash?


                I have the Renegade and it's absolutely superb. I've had no probs with it, love the case and everyone who sees it loves it.

                At that price, do it.


                  I'd wait for the updated hardware that'll launch with this game, personally.

