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FEZ - XNA Created Gem of GDC08?

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    FEZ - XNA Created Gem of GDC08?

    No its not the sequal to REZ.
    Although this game did recently win.....
    The 2008 Independent Games Festival Award for Excellence in Visual Art.

    Just watch this video, JUST WATCH IT. 58 Sec mark will REVEAL all.

    Very impressive. This XNA stuff has incredible potential could make MS and Developers some cash via XBLA and also highlight these impressive independant developers on a worldwide scale.
    Although Microsoft have not said whether the downloads would be free, or if the service would generate revenue for game developers.
    One of the guys behind the company Kokoromi, Phil Fish did say though "I wouldn't like to give a year of work away just because Microsoft allows us to do it."
    He hopes to reap $10 per download on his game, using his own Web site.

    Check out the official teams site too for more updates...
    Now available on Steam VR and PS VR.

    don't look that interesting to be brutally honest.


      Super Paper Mario mechanics..presuming it was developed afterwards and considering how long SPM was in develpment....


        I saw the video for Fez for the first time yesterday. Hadn't heard of it before that. I think it looks great. I'd certainly be prepared to pay for it as I think developers deserve to reap some reward for their efforts.


          I think that looks great, and you are missing the point. This XNA stuff is the return of the bedroom programmer! This stuff is done mostly by individuals using the tools MS let you download for free.

          If Microsoft can get the pricing right or better still give them away for free it could be massive.

          Lets not forget Nintendo are about to try and charge us 500 points for C64 games!


            The music's wonderful


              That's pretty damn cool actually, much better than Paper Mario's version. Depends on the quality of the level design, of course.


                its spm as mentioned crossed with crush on the psp


                  Crossed with Echochrome.

                  Mucking around with persectives really is the new lens flare. Not that I'm complaining, anything that makes interesting new gameplay is a good thing.


                    That looks awesome! I knew I would love it as soon as I saw the little white fella in the "press whatever" screen. So cute the way he hangs onto the side of platforms. Then the perspective shifts, this sort of thing is way better than the usual 3D games and I'm glad you can only move around in 90 degree shifts, being able to move in that free look around view would be too much.


                      This still hasnt been confirmed for 360 BUT this picture has just been put on the site.

                      Hopefully some more at this years GDC!


                        That just messes with my mind. That kind of 3D/2D mix just isn't right. Almost like I can't comprehend it. The clothes line thing at 1:55 is just too weird for my brain.




                            New trailer out from GDC09


                              Man, that looks stunning. I'd pay 1200 points for it

