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FEZ - XNA Created Gem of GDC08?

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    Friday, April 13 for 800 Microsoft Points, developer Polytron has confirmed


      Reviews are starting to emerge for Fez (or as I prefer Charlesr's Grand Adventure)

      IGN = 9.5/10

      Eurogamer = 10/10
      Polytron's "2D platformer in a 3D world" fuses retro psychedelia with the spirit of the Nintendo classics to create a mysterious and wonderful adventure game.


        Heheh. Good one.


          Why can't my day off be today.....
          Cannot wait to get my hands on this, getting high praise all over it seems (only looked at scores) I am avoiding reviews as some are spoilerish.


            Up now on the marketplace:


              Polytron have a new patch that fixes the save game issue. But they aren't going to make it available because Microsoft will charge them to re certify and less than 1% of people are affected. They are instead putting the old patch up.



                How much money have Polytron made from Fez?

                I see nothing but poor commercial practice on both sides here.

                Having not reviewed the T&Cs of XBLA I caveat myself here but at least in the uk there is an implied term to provide goods which are fit for purpose, problem is - is a download only game a good? Traditionalists would argue not...

                There is a similar provision for the provision of services but who is going to take this on?

                Im voting with my feet. Won't play Fez again and might boycott Polytrons future releases based on this. At the end of the day Mocrosoft are less to blame. They didn't make the game, they provide the online structure for delivery. I am quite sure their contract with XBLA devs is clear on these points.


                  I've boycotted this game from day one. Although I secretly long to play it.


                    Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
                    I've boycotted this game from day one. Although I secretly long to play it.
                    Its not as good as they seem to think it is.


                      That's ****e.

                      To be honest, they aren't the first Naive indie developer that has thrown their toys out of the pram when it suddenly hits them that they are going to have to part with cash to patch a game (Something that EVERYONE knows anyway, because it has been publically stated on many occasions) or that their are various caveats that mean you won't always get what you want.

                      I'd given Phil fish a second chance by assuming that all those dickish comments her had made in the past were in jest, but it appears he is just a dick.
                      I wouldn't worry about future releases, my prediction is that they've used all teir creative juices over the 5 years it took to make FE


                        Theres been a lot of hate on MS for this practice, however to me it makes sense. It encourages developers to get a more complete product out first time. Less patching is a good thing, and something we like to moan about a lot. Phil Fish should have tested his first patch in more depth. Yes its spoiling some peoples enjoyment. But if it leads to other developers spending more time completing and testing their products before release then I only see this as a good thing.


                          It's not specific to Micrsoft either though, Sony require certification
                          Last edited by EvilBoris; 19-07-2012, 07:32.


                            The more I think about it the more I'm annoyed at them.

                            I bought his game. I think this practice is shameful.

                            I want a refund BUT I read the T&C's of XBLA purchases which states clearly "No Refund".

                            So I sit up and shut up. I don't moan and screw people over.

                            What a bell end he is.


                              I bought this after playing the demo and it crashed straight after, and does so every single time I try it. I've had no value out of this game whatsoever. Disappointing.


                                Does he not realise this pretty much kills further sales? It might only affect 1% but how does a prospective purchaser know whether they will be affected or not - they can't. Which means a lot of people who haven't got it yet (like me) can't buy with any confidence and will inflate that 1% figure.

