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FEZ - XNA Created Gem of GDC08?

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    Wouldn't it have made more sense to not release a borked game in the first place an spend maybe a 1/3 of the patch price on a couple of weeks of extra QA. I don't see the problem if it's not working it's their responsibility to fix it for free that's why it cost Toyota millions when them cars were sold with a knackered part last year


      I like the community hysteria surrounding this. It is a cheap videogame, with a problem that affects less than 1 in 100 people and the problem is one that you lose you progress in a videogame. Perspective time. People "boycotting" the game and rubbish like that - why not put your energy into boycotting products from companies that actually participate in genuinely evil actions around the world. Why expend any energy on a matter so trivial it makes my brain ache?


        Ok.. let's just say that I'm not boycotting it, but I'm not going to buy it or play it because the bloke behind it (IMHO) is a bit of a twat.


          Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
          I like the community hysteria surrounding this. It is a cheap videogame, with a problem that affects less than 1 in 100 people and the problem is one that you lose you progress in a videogame. Perspective time. People "boycotting" the game and rubbish like that - why not put your energy into boycotting products from companies that actually participate in genuinely evil actions around the world. Why expend any energy on a matter so trivial it makes my brain ache?
          But you are going to be pretty pissed if you are that 1 in 100 it affects no? I'm not boycotting it btw I wouldn't have bought it in the first place


            Boycott it all you want! There is nothing wrong with having standards in a situation like this. The developer is a tool and the product is faulty!


              Not to mention a big douchebag also.


                I read an interview with the coder that helped put this game together and he sounds like a top bloke mr fish on the other hand has a bit of a mouth. I think bitching about a whole game made by a team of people based on one persons views is a little bit sad.

                the engine that runs it is doing something very unique that adds to the gameplay to make a fresh and interesting experience, its been made on a shoestring budget and it's been put together by an indie dev. And is in my book 100% more intresting than a lot of other big budget releases of late.

                it would be interesting to see how much money this game did make when you take four years worth of wages into account maybe there is no money left to get this patch back through certification. Maybe Microsoft should pick the bill up here as its it's policys and service that is delivering an unsatisfiying experience to gamers in this case.
                Last edited by Lebowski; 19-07-2012, 10:23.


                  As much as I love Fez I just can't take this excuse seriously.
                  Look at this quote from another indie dev.

                  It costs $10k to cert the 2nd title update on Xbox. Every developer is aware of this before they sign a deal.

                  First title update is free, but if you screw that up, well gotta pay.

                  They signed up for this.
                  That was a message from 5th Cell Hybrid, Scribblenauts Devs.
                  If you can't get it right on your second patch, just how many freebies are you allowed to have?
                  Yeah, yeah Steam this Steam that is all well if you went with Steam but they chose XBLA for a specific reason, one we will probably never get the true details about.
                  Last edited by Family Fry; 19-07-2012, 14:20.


                    It doesn't matter how they word it, they're basically saying this:

                    We could fix the broken game that we made but it's gonna cost us money to fix the mistake that we made. Now, I know everyone else has been doing this for years and years but I'm a bit special and I want this to be somebody else's fault so go and complain to microsoft.

                    They chose a distribution platform based on what would get them the most publicity and profit. There's a price to pay for that and they should just pay it, although TBH the damage is done now.


                      Didn't Mr Fish have a bee in his bonnet about the deal Notch had with MS regarding free updates.. meh.


                        They signed up to a contract which stipulates that patching costs money. If they're not going to fix their game because it eats into their profits then that's their (****ty) decision, but to then have the cheek to try and act like the unknowing victim of the evil empire is pathetic. People citing Steam as some kind of gaming Utopia need to realise that being on XBLA gives you access to a certain audience - and if a dev wants access to that audience (which Polytron clearly did) then they have to play by those rules.

                        I've bought the game already but haven't played it properly yet - I've been willing to give it a chance despite thinking Phil Fish was a tool, but the whole saga just manages to gets worse and worse. If I didn't already have the game I certainly wouldn't be buying it after this.

                        I'm watching Indie Game the Movie tonight at the Prince Charles Cinema; becoming very tempted to find some tomatoes en route.


                          Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
                          Didn't Mr Fish have a bee in his bonnet about the deal Notch had with MS regarding free updates.. meh.
                          Yeah, that was right, but if he thought that the unreleased/unfinished FEZ was as important to Microsoft as the crazy crazy popular Minecraft, then he clearly has a massive ego, don't get me wrong, FEZ is fantastic, but it was never going to be the heavy hitter that Minecraft already was.

                          He also got fired from Ubisoft, his first games job. He just strikes me as some kind of dissillusioned know-it-all.
                          Last edited by EvilBoris; 19-07-2012, 16:26.


                            Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                            Yeah, that was right, but if he thought that the unreleased/unfinished FEZ was as important to Microsoft as the crazy crazy popular Minecraft, then he clearly is a delusional moron, don't get me wrong, FEZ is fantastic, but it was never going to be the heavy hitter that Minecraft already was.
                            Fixed that for you.


                              I do believe it was arrogance, his comments from last year and how he came across in the indie video. I think he would have done better on PC (steam maybe) then when everything was ironed out or it went super popular like MC then bring it to the consoles. MS where always going to behave like this, I simply cannot believe that they didn't think that they would get stung on paying for the submission fee. After all it was their fault the patch was DOA not down to MS? or is that not true?


                                He's a whiney mutton chopped dick.

                                Here's a quote from a while back, why isn't FEZ coming to Steam?

                                "Fez is a console game, not a PC game" - Phil Fish

