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Kingdom Hearts 3 on the Wii???

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    No, I still disagree with that. The only way to research whether or not Kingdom Hearts would s*** on the to PLAY KH on the Wii. OPINIONS people, never said it was fact :/ You expect me to research the innerworkings of a gaming company and claim the PS3 is 'teh s***' just cause its not making the most money right now? I think not.

    What I DO apologise for is if I sounded bitter.


      It's unlikely to be on the Wii. Nomura is a bit like Kojima and Itagaki in that they stick to their preferred formats and are GFX conscious.

      Regarding the Disney license, it's SE who asked Disney for the license rather than a 2 way collaborative idea.


        Originally posted by Profit View Post
        It's unlikely to be on the Wii. Nomura is a bit like Kojima and Itagaki in that they stick to their preferred formats and are GFX conscious.
        Well, it is good thing that Nomura won't decide where it goes*. Kojima can dictate his platform, but only because MGS is Konami's on really, really high profile title these days. But then again, whole company has pretty much gone down to drain. Only MGS4 seems to get decent budjet, TBH. Itagaki and his second hand (can't still remember his name) at Team Ninja have hinted that their next project will be on Wii and/or DS.

        * Furthermore, so far there has been two Nomura projects on DS, World Ends With You and Sigma Harmonics. And DS is least capable console of current batch.
        Last edited by elkatas; 21-05-2008, 10:56.


          Originally posted by Smitty7777 View Post
          No, I still disagree with that. The only way to research whether or not Kingdom Hearts would s*** on the to PLAY KH on the Wii. OPINIONS people, never said it was fact :/ You expect me to research the innerworkings of a gaming company and claim the PS3 is 'teh s***' just cause its not making the most money right now? I think not.
          umm nobody asked you to research how good the game would be. We only wanted you to back up your outrageous claims of square enix making more money on the ps3 than the wii. heh so far theyve made more money on the 360 than they have ps3. and sales figures are facts not opinions.


            Originally posted by Daragon View Post
            And there was me thinking it was the GC - you learn something new every day
            Pfffft, GC blew the PS2 out of the water graphically when the game was actually designed for the Gamecubes architechture. The problem was the PS2 and Xbox worked differently and most games were designed for their architechture which the GC couldn't handle very well.

            As for the hate towards Wii, the only thing I can really attribute it to is fanboy resentment because an "inferior" console has outsold their choice I think it's a great bit of kit, with or without high def.

            Didn't the Xbox 360 come out before Kingdom Hearts 2? If visuals were so important wouldn't the project have been moved to that? Also if visuals mean so much, why did the Dreamcast suffer from so many "direct" PS1-DC ports rather than have games made specifically to the hardware? It's not as if the DC was doing poorly in it's earlier days and it was certainly around "par" with the PS3s early performance
            Last edited by MikeRox; 28-05-2008, 12:18.


              From latest Nintendo Power:

              "We'll kick off the next 20 years of Nintendo Power with more big reveals, including a top-secret cover story fit for a king. It's got a lot of heart. Just kidding. It's Mother 3. Just kidding. Please look forward to it."

              Of course, it could be only DS title (385/2 Days), but in the other hand, this is the E3 issue. And NP has made teasers like this multiple times in the past. Speculate.


                Why is there a zoomed in picture of his ear? am I missing something?


                  Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                  Why is there a zoomed in picture of his ear? am I missing something?
                  Nintendo Power has tendency of doing teasers where silhouette is actually taken from old promo pictures that belong for teased IP. In this case, teaser picture obviously has upper part of Mickey's ear, taken directly from the promo picture I posted. It is a exact match when put to same proportions as the teaser:

                  Last edited by elkatas; 01-07-2008, 19:17.

