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What has everyone been playing this week?

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    I'd say HL2. Bioshock starts of great but the last 1/3 of the game is pretty disappointing. On the other hand, HL2's ending definitely makes a impact and then you can get started on EP1 and 2, which are even better.


      Originally posted by Shozuki View Post
      now that i've set up my Kef speakers and Onkyo reciever im in the mood for some cinematics, hence im re-playing DMC4 and MGS4 with a side dish of Soul Calibur 4
      Nice one, I'll be having a bit of that particular side dish this evening.

      Not been much on the PS3 this week but have only been playing Ridge, in fact for the last week have been playing either R4, R7 or the hi-spec original on both PS3 and ripped PSP, christ even ripped the music off and been listening to it on the PSP too.


        Originally posted by El Leone View Post
        I'd say HL2. Bioshock starts of great but the last 1/3 of the game is pretty disappointing. On the other hand, HL2's ending definitely makes a impact and then you can get started on EP1 and 2, which are even better.

        Hmmm who should he listen to.


          Well given one of them said Half Life 2's ending makes an impact (its up there with the worst silly and abrupt endings off all time in my opinion) I'd take the formers opinion.

          Also Bioshock is the far more engaging experience although to be fair they are both excellent games (both with disapointing endings actually).


            Sniper Elite on the good old xbox - everyone should play it a least once !


              Originally posted by nintastic View Post
              Sniper Elite on the good old xbox - everyone should play it a least once !
              True; Sniper Elite is a really great and unique game when it sticks to the stealth and sniping but unfortunately they too often allow it to divert away from its Hitman template into a standard WW2 shooter.

              Flawed XBox gem IMHO.


                Loving my DS at the mo'. Playing N+, Prof. Layton and just started the Dragon Quest 4 remake.

                N+ is just fantastic. Only played the demo on 360, but to me the control and physics seem much more satisfying on DS. It's totally suited to 5 minute blasts but I nearly always play for much longer. Rock hard in parts and immensely satisfying, reminds me very much of Bangai-O.

                Professor Layton is getting more interesting, and the little I've played of DQ4 has been ace. I loved DQ8 to bits, and so far it plays almost identically but obviously with an even stronger retro feel.

                Also been enjoying Viva Pinata 2, more of the same but that's what I was after. I'm totally crap at it.


                  I finally finished MGS4 this week! 35 hours it took me, too.

                  Also been playing SSF2T/SF3TS on 2dfighter


                    Played some KOF95 on the MVS and couldn't get past the 2nd fight, awesome. been giving the PURE demo a spin for a couple times, and banging my head against the screen playing DoDonPachi DOJ (it is ridiculous)


                      Well, Spore and TF2 are the only games I got time for - but I did manage to slip in a few hours of World End's with You for the very first time - an excellent game if it can keep up the pacing. Tried to get into FF4 on the DS, but frankly I just dont have the time to devote to a very so paced game atm. Very much looking forward to unpacking my Wii and clocking some more hours on about 10games I barely touched - not to mention Warhead comes out on Friday which seems to get getting rave reviews.


                        Finished Sonic Adventure for the first time today. Still not sure if I like it, heh.


                          Originally posted by kernow View Post
                          and banging my head against the screen playing DoDonPachi DOJ (it is ridiculous)
                          Just fired this up for 20 mins to remind me. Scary stuff.
                          How do you choose to use beam or bullets?


                            You choose which element doll you want

                            This should help I ususally go for the lazer type as its (a bit) easier to damage bosses.


                              Ah thanks, but I mean, each one has beam and bullets. I think. If you hold down square, you get beam and if you bomb while beaming, it stops bullets in the path. Not sure why you'd do this.


                                not sure I get you

                                theres 2 types of bomb with the B button, one is the normal smart bomb type thing by pressing B alone, and the other by holding down A then pressing B , is the laser bomb, which is just a massive laser that uh .. kills stuff.

                                Then you have hypers which if you've got , will be used by default before a bomb.

                                does that help?
                                Last edited by kernow; 13-09-2008, 14:41.

