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What has everyone been playing this week?

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    Bit of an eclectic mix this last couple of weeks for me;

    Pro Evo 09 (PS3)
    Brain Training
    Far Cry 2 (360)


      Happy Dance Collection
      Bangai-o DS


        a healthy dose of fable 2!


          Just finished Half Life 2 last night, inbetween races of PGR4.

          Both from the hard drive


            This week I played Fifa 2009 on XBOX 360, Wipeout, Midnight Club LA on PS3.


              A couple weeks back I re-completed Twilight Princess... but this time was even more special because I completed it, from start to finish, with the little one. Chloe, bless her, is only six years old (my partner's daughter) and Twilight Princess was her first Zelda experience. Watching her little eyes light up was, for me, quite wonderful. She absolutely adored it and now everytime we go for a walk or play in the trees she'll proclaim how she is "Princess Zelda!" - heh, makes me smile.

              This week, we started playing through Ocarina of Time. This is my favourite Zelda, and she seems to be loving it too. She thinks it looks more 'cartoony' then TP, also 'harder' and 'scarier' too. heh.

              I'm also addicted to Mario Kart wii at the moment. Love playing it online, so much fun.
              ----Member since April 2002



                Bless, get em hooked while they are young eh?
                Nice to see you about Adam.

                Played a bit of Fallout 3 this week but have found my self hooked on forbidden siren, so many games and rumour has it I`ll be able to get my hands on GOW2 in the morning.
                Not enough time!


                  Timesplitters 3 this week

                  finished it earlier in the week on Normal and now just pushing it through on hard

                  alright game - thought 2 was better


                    Starting someone out on twilight princess is nothing less than sacrilige. Five heart pieces? to hell with you!


                      Heart Piece hunting was one of her favourite things! Bless her. Everytime before venturing into a new dungeon or wherever she would mutter "can we go see the heart lady first?" (the 'heart lady' being the fortune teller). Bug collecting was also on top of the list because Chloe liked visiting the the bug lady because she looked ''pretty''. Aww.

                      Once we finish Ocarina of Time i'm going to introduce her to Majora's Mask, and then the beautifully captizating Wind Waker
                      ----Member since April 2002



                        Not much again this week for me.

                        I played a bt more Too Human on the 360. Apart from that I have spent more time sorting out the games that I want to sell.


                          Out of interest, how are you finding Too Human? Is is something you're finding you dip in and out of quite casually, rather then being completely and utterly engrossed? I adore previous Silicon Knight's work so was naturally very interested in this, but it seems to offer very little of what i liked about them in the first place... Hows the story for instance? Anyhoo... sorry, i'm just blah blah blahing ;-)
                          ----Member since April 2002



                            You're doing it in crazy order! You should get her a gameboy with link's awakening. how are you gonna get her to go back to the 2d ones now? Has she played animal crossing? She would totally be digging on that.


                              I am playing it in small bite size chunks. It is very repetitive, and if I tried playing it for hours on end I would sicken myself of it. To be fair my gaming habits nowadays are for arcade style thrills rather than deep engrosing experiences, so maybe it's just me.

                              The story is not too bad. It's all norse gods mixed with cybernetics in the future. A mix of traditional and cyberpunk styles. The cut scenes are lengthy if you like that type of thing.


                                I'm on a frankly amazing mix of Fallout 3, Siren Blood Curse, and Pic Pic on the DS.

                                Fallout 3's world is so compelling, a really addictive game it is. Even through all its bugs I'm finding it hard to fault.

                                Siren is ace too, massive fan of the PS2 games and it's great to play a remake that's both different and significantly tighter than the original. They've done a grand job of fleshing out the Shibito too, they really stand out from the zombie crowd now. Love it.

                                Pic Pic is handheld puzzling genius. Picked it up after reading Eurogamer's 10/10 review. It's 3 picture based puzzle games rolled in to one. They're all great and there's 400 (!!!) of each, but the snappily titled 'Drawing' is my runaway favourite. It's one of those games you still see when you're not playing it, it has a lot of charm too thanks to it's basic translation and slightly wonky looking pictures.

                                Good times.

