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What has everyone been playing this week?

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    Maybe. Not that I could have been any more confused.... I'll investigate


      haha ..


        Originally posted by honeymustard View Post
        Finished Sonic Adventure for the first time today. Still not sure if I like it, heh.
        Did you finish all characters stories to get the final special mission?


          Final Fantasy VII. No, seriously, thought it would be fun to go relive the memories so to speak. Looks like arse but still has that old magic......


            Just finished Chicago Enforcer on the Xbox, fun while it lasted...


              Got Eternal Sonata from here and have been giving that a go this week. It's nothing special and the story line is laughabale, still, it is quite relaxing and is just the sort of game I am looking for at the moment.


                Well, when my eyes aren't telling to not look at anything short range or I'll go blind I'm playing:

                Mercenaries 2 with my flatmate (good laugh to take off stress and literally blow **** up), Soul Calibur 4 (making filthy female characters in various states of fetish dress) and Wild Arms 5 (good RPG that goes at a decent pace) although that's been on the backburner for the last week so I need to give that some attention again.


                  Its all about the XBLA for me right now.

                  As Rock Band is out of action until I solder it back together I have been neasting Castle Crashers. Fantastic little game that is well worthy of anyones money. Played up to lvl 43 already and just finished main quest. Now to tackle Insane mode!!

                  Also started BC:Re-armed - v hard but great fun, lovely looking and souning. This is what I had in mind when the Arcade launched in 2006.

                  Along that vein looking forward to Mega Man 9 and may dabble with Sam Sho 2 also...


                    pretty much just Afrika.
                    still hooked on it, but it is getting a little trickier now. but around 35 hours put into it so far, so money well spent imo.
                    and a tiny bit of everbody's golf too. continuing taking part in the rllmuk online games.


                      Originally posted by TheBlackLodge View Post
                      Final Fantasy VII. No, seriously, thought it would be fun to go relive the memories so to speak.
                      Me too. Not very far in (just inside Shinra HQ at prez) but really enjoying it.

                      Also enjoying Ibara now I understand how to play it a bit better. Arrange mode is tremendous.


                        NHL 09 on the Be A Pro mode. I'm an 'offensive defenceman.' 11 games played, 8+7, a plus-5 rating and 96 hits so far. Promted to first line D at San Antonio Rampage.


                          Having recently got a 360 back im going through the games i wanted to but couldn't.

                          Did Halo 3 last week, and barring the cortana level (jesus was that the worst, most badly thought out level ive ever played, someone please give me the level devs address so i can nock a few teeth out for putting me through it) Overall though it was a fantastic game, not as good as one, although overall the levels were less repetitive and better in general, but better than 2.

                          Currently on Mass Effect, which im loving so far, love the way you can load your ammo with chemical or radioactive rounds, watching the enemy disintegrate is immensely satisfying . About 18 hours in so far and loving everything about it, exploring planets is handled very well.

                          Then guna move onto Tiberium wars for my strategy fix.


                            ive been on soul calibur 4. Its more of the same but I like it. I decided to put the dreamcast soul calibur on last night to see how much it had changed. I played it to death on the DC and remember it being one of the most beautiful games I'd ever seen. Looking at it last night I almost cried. It looked terrible. Talk about rose tinted glasses.


                              Asterix on SMS and Moonwalker on MD.

                              I have a problem with Moonwalker, this happened when i last played the rom too, on 1-3, i cant find tehe last girl, i mean how many doors can there be - not many, just cant get off this stage its like im in limbo.

                              and terrible at games.


                                I've been playing some random games recently.

                                A fornight ago on the weekend I was in town just picking some stuff up for the week and in my local indie, which has been goign through a rough patch, had a Gamecube for ?18. I've sold my collection and originally thought better of it but decided in the end to pick it up.

                                Since then I've had a great time completing Resident Evil on the last weekend and I'm goign to do the same for Resi 2 and 3 soon. The trilogy is my most re-played series in existance and I've missed not playing them for 6 months or so after I sold everythign bar my 360.

                                Also as I've now finally got employed at the comapny I've been working as a contractor for some time, I've been given certain privilages for downloading off Xbox Live. Last night I got the code for Doom and have nearly compalted all of the first chapter. It's amazing how well Doom has aged and the secret areas I've found in the levels that I've never seen before.

                                Brilliant, brillaint games!

