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What has everyone been playing this week?

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    played through Bayonetta over the weekend, also being revisiting Bioshock


      Just completed Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and really loved it. It palled in one or two places (wave after wave of bad guys), but the gunplay was pretty good as were the platform elements, and the gfx and production values were extremely high.

      But why oh why, do we have to have

      zombie/monster type

      subplots everywhere. A bit Indiana Jones, perhaps what with the

      Nazi part of the storyline

      , but I could have done without it, tbh.

      Overall, a great way to kick off my introduction to PS3 gaming.


        Little bits of Borderlands (bloody Moxxie) and co-op Lego Batman, but on the weekend I finally made a proper start on Arkham Asylum. Really impressed with it on all fronts - borrows plenty from all sorts of genres and paints over a lovely Batman paint all over the top. Superb.


          Been on a BIG PES drive lately, as I want to get 2009 and 2010 finished so then I have 1000G on all of the PES games.

          Other than that, I've been on a retro fighters session on XBLA. Samurai Shodown 2, Fatal Fury Special & KoF98UM.

          Shame all the online matches I get are either against the hardcore or Japanese with extreme lag.


            Played and completed Darksiders last week. Awesome game! This week I will be playing through Bayonetta, currently on Chapter X. Another very good game but I have to say I enjoyed Darksiders alot more.


              I've been playing Darksiders which is superb and really quite refreshing in a strange way. Love the art style too. Bayonetta is another game I've re-picked up from having the JPN 360 ver. But I still cant get into it, great combat sure but the game is let down by uninspiring level design.

              Last week I finished Spirit Tracks which was the most fun i've had on my DS since dawn of sorrow. I also completed Tomb Raider: Underworld for the second time on my shiny new PC, which was also alot of fun but buggy! and finally restarted Devil May Cry 4 on my PC which looks amazing and still holds up very well and is much better then Bayonetta in my opinion of course...


                Started Batman: AA on Saturday and I've just completed the story mode at 70% complete. Think I'll try a few of the challenges but I'm not sure if I'll bother to 100% it.

                I very competent but not ball burstingly awesome game. Solid game with style that will excel if you have a penchant for Bats. It won me over to it's side when

                Bats and Joker switch places and it replays the opening sequence.


                  I erm, attempted to play Sonic The Hedgehog 2006. I gave up after literally 5 minutes. Possibly the worst game I have ever played in my ENTIRE life.

                  I'm back on MotorStorm 2 now. I'm at level 7 with almost 100% gold medals. I am determined to 100% it. It's so infuriating that I shout at the TV and threaten to turn off the PS3 if it does not let me win. Lol.
                  Kept you waiting, huh?


                    Spent the last couple of weeks playing and finishing Silent Hill: Homecoming and Tomb Raider: Underworld.

                    Wasn't a huge fan of Homecoming tbh, the controls were too much like hard work mainly because I'm one of those invert-Y axis people, and there was no damn option to change it Also found the combat tiresome. It did feel like only a Silent Hill game can though, and that atmosphere at least made it worthwhile playing through to the end.

                    Underworld was better, nice to be back playing with Lara It played like its always done, nothing really new, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Couple of very frustrating bits though, but on the whole I enjoyed it. For my money though TR: Legend and TR: Anniversary were much better.


                      Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                      I erm, attempted to play Sonic The Hedgehog 2006. I gave up after literally 5 minutes. Possibly the worst game I have ever played in my ENTIRE life.
                      'tis a silly game, where waiting 5 minutes for the game to load a 5 word sentence from an NPC, before walking away and falling though the floor, are features.


                        Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
                        'tis a silly game, where waiting 5 minutes for the game to load a 5 word sentence from an NPC, before walking away and falling though the floor, are features.
                        Indeed. And to think I've actually been hunting it down since 2006...

                        I kept thinking of Super Scope 6 when I tried to convince myself I hadn't done wrong.
                        Kept you waiting, huh?


                          Started and finished Modern Warfare 2 am thing of playing Batman and a few games of tekken and the loading time don't really matter that much to me


                            Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                            I kept thinking of Super Scope 6 when I tried to convince myself I hadn't done wrong.
                            I still have one of those!


                              I started re-playing Super Mario Glaxy over the Christmas Holidays and then had to travel around the country visting various relatives. So I have re-started it again and am still loving every second. It really is an incredible game, just the thing to cheer me up in the long dark winter nights.


                                Fallout 3, now 100% done. Moved onto Borderlands last night and I've been playing World of Warcraft again as well.

