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What has everyone been playing this week?

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    Finished Onimusha: Warlords which I surprised myself and rather enjoyed. Very short though (<8hrs). Now moved onto XBox exclusive Planet Moon's Armed & Dangerous. Clearly from the same stable as MDK/2 and Giants CK which I loved but, so far, it hasn't grabbed or amused me as much as those games did right from the start. Early days though.


      started and finished the main game of Portal. Lovely stuff and a surprising last few levels. Good suff.


        Illusion of gaia and finding it frustrating,
        first disgaea, odin sphere, pc genjin & gunhed - loving all those


          Puzzle Quest (DS). Enjoying it. RPG with puzzle battles. Waiting for Yakuza 2 to arrive from Play.


            Just Bangai-o Spirits again this week, working my way through the stages created for the competition at IGN. Temper's Pain has been my favourite so far. Also been trying to finish off my Tempest 2000 based level (rather pathetically called Tempest 2008 LOL) though it still needs a bit more tweaking.
            Think MegaMan 9 might give me something else to play next week if I have any time.


              Originally posted by losersclub View Post
              Illusion of gaia and finding it frustrating
              I have to say that throughout its duration, that game never betters 7/10 status and is extremely overrated. It did make me very emotional at one point, when

              the pig sacrifices itself so the main character doesn't die

              , but one emotional occurrence is NOT evidence of it being some 'RPG Classic'.

              Anyhoos, I've been playing GBA Metroid Fusion and well-enjoying it, even though it doesn't seem to have quite that same magic that Super Metroid had. It was only ?4 in CEX and I'm back to looking forward to my bus journeys again. I had this eons ago when I had a basic, un-backlit 2001-era GBA, and sold it on due to ****ty lighting situations affecting gameplay. It's good to play it proper.


                Apart from Fifa 08 on the 360 and a bit of Eternal Sonata, which is a bonkers game that makes me laugh, not much. However, got Professor Layton from these forums yesterday and had a couple of hours on that last night. It's fantastic and think I will be hammering this game over the next few days.


                  Still playing The World Ends With You on my commutes to/from work, and aside from a couple of minutes starting up Beautiful Katamari that's about it.

                  Just got Mario Advance 2 (Mario World ) GBA though, so that might take over the coveted travel companion slot. Whichever turns up first out of Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia will surely get some playtime too.


                    I'm up to chapter 4 on Yakuza 2. Such a great game, it's so over the top it brings No More Heroes to mind. But now I can't stop thinking how much better it would have been if NMH shared Yakuza's approach to city roaming, and not the duff GTA-lite approach.

                    Also, getting quite far with Dragon Quest IV. It's brilliant! Love the old-school presentation, it's really nicely translated and also full of clever touches in its story.

                    Looking forward to playing de Blob this friday too.


                      I started my second playthrough of GTA (360).

                      Utterly utterly ace.

                      Can't wait for the DLC!


                        Broke out the controller and did some train driving on Densha de GO! on the Wii.
                        When you do the Driving Mode remember to set autosave on...I love how it tells you how long the trip will take. I looked at one run and thought "2 hours!? F*** that." Still, good fun, especially when you have the driver's voice coming from the wiimote.
                        Last edited by kryss; 24-09-2008, 11:51. Reason: "go fun"...


                          NHL 09, almost exculsively. I'm only halfway through my first season, too.


                            Im currently playing through Uncharted: Drakes Fortune again for the trophies lol....... PLUS the patch that put the trophies in has allowed for blood splatter on my jap PS3! SCORE

                            Tried to get back into KOF: Maximum Impact, but it looks terrible on a HDTV through my ps3, and i gave up! I think ima try and complete Grandia 2 on the PS2 (even though ive played through the DC version like 5 times now lol).



                              Mainly COD4 PS3 (still) and played it on 360 as well while I waited for a replacement PS3.

                              Gunners Heaven (PSone on my PS3, Jap download) still enjoy this old school blaster


                                This week I have been mostly playin':

                                Mercenaries 2 - a messy, bugridden travesty.
                                Star Wars: TFU - Star Wars goes Emo with a Lucas-ego sized helping of "meh".
                                LittleBigPlanet beta: Hooray,, I like games again!!! Because it's so much frickin' fun to play!!

