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Your most played game so far this year ..

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    Your most played game so far this year ..

    Talking in number of hours played. Getting on for halfway through the year, what have you spent most time playing ? Be it console/handheld/retro/whatever let us know.

    For me, Nanostray 2 (DS) without a shadow of a doubt.

    Really? I've barely touched it because of Loopop Salad thingy (and general lack of time for games).

    For me, it's been Call of Duty 4 online and Family Ski.


      Yep still loving N2 and am fourth or fifth on the world ranking leaderboard for me efforts


        Devil May Cry 4 and Triggerheart Exelica on XBL for me


          same as last year ..... Forza2


            World of warcraft for me...damn mmos!


              Lost Odyssey for me. The bosses are great, the ring system works very well, the dream sequence stories are very well written, the side quests are alot of fun (especially when you're rewarded with really good rings and weapons) and the fact that you can play it in Japanese with English subs is fantastic.

              I even downloaded the additional dungeon from xbox live (not bad for ?3!). I won't even bother going into how great the soundtrack is


                War of the Lions, PSP. I can't think of another game this year I've put 70-80 hours into.


                  Either Call of Duty 4 multi, or Burnout Paradise.


                    XBox GTA: San Andreas - I spent March and April playing it almost exclusively (170+ hrs)


                      I rekon for me it's Tetris. Play it a few times a week.


                        World of Warcraft, by a distance.

                        Non MMO - I can't remember when I played Jeanne D'Arc. If it was this year then that wins, if not it's probably GTA4.


                          Until GTA4 came out, my most played game was Uncharted, as i completed it for the umpteen time......... Im hoping MGS4 will eclipse both these games now.

                          But i can't stop myself from looking back at old RPGs i have missed and plowing through them jus so i know what all the fuss is about, currently tryna do Chrono Trigger (trying to........).



                            COD4 probably, maybe Formula One.


                              it hasn't got a timer but I suspect Everybody golf for me as I did the Jap version then did it all over again recently in English

                              failing that GTA iv has of course been sucking up the hours, with quite a lot of Trackmania & Peggle (those 20mins here and there must add up) on the PC as well.

