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Your most played game so far this year ..

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    Halo 3, online. I play it 1.5-2 hours most nights and have done since it came out. Ranked doubles FTW!

    Skate I've still managed to play loads this year too, despite caning it when it came out. And PGR 4 I've absolutely caned again recently too, so that must have a good few hours on it, but Halo is definitely way ahead.


      I?ve put a lot of hours into games this year, but only played a few titles. Mass Effect, Civilization IV and GTA IV. I?d have to say Civ IV wins by a long shot when it comes to hours played. I just couldn?t tear myself away from it.


        Guess it's going to be Bomberman Live for me - just enjoy the fact if you've got a spare 15 minutes, you can just slap it on and play away (so long as Lives not down).


          I think I have games more or less tied!

          COD4 Online & SP = 30hours
          Oblivion PS3 = 30 Hours
          Mass Effect = 30 Hours.
          GTAIV = 30 Hours

          GTA will be the winner in the short term, but Oblivion will no doubt win in the end!


            Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
            I think I have games more or less tied!

            COD4 Online & SP = 30hours
            Oblivion PS3 = 30 Hours
            Mass Effect = 30 Hours.
            GTAIV = 30 Hours

            GTA will be the winner in the short term, but Oblivion will no doubt win in the end!
            Oblivions def. gonna win I've replayed that myself now twice (and without owning Shivering Isles etc), and still enjoy the bugger! Over 230 hours FTW


              Halo 3, online. I play it 1.5-2 hours most nights and have done since it came out. Ranked doubles FTW!
              Same. however Ninja Gaiden will soon rank quite highly. Oh and Naruto Accel 2 has a fair amount of hours put into it.

              Going to try and get from 45 to 50 in Team Slayer on Halo 3 soon however


                Call of Duty for me too, both online and off, really like bettering my scores on arcade mode (maybe we should have a top scores thread).

                Wish I could say it was Ridge 7 but can't connect online for some reason.


                  COD 4 online. Now at 20+ DAYS!

                  Killl number ranked 2,907 (PS3)

                  GTA sits there , but have only played it for 2 hours..


                    Call of Duty 4 for me - I play it pretty much every night and every time I think I'm getting a bit bored I change up my perks / weapons and find a new lease of life. I've not put in a silly amount of hours ( people at the top of the leaderboards must literally be playing it 7-12 hours a day EVERY day ) but I put in an average of a hour a day I would imagine.

                    I've finished GTAIV and Lost Odyssey so I've put a good amount of time into both of them too. Least played for me (there's plenty to choose from!) is probably GT5 Prologue - I wanted to play it but just had too many other things to get on with.


                      COD4 for me this year. The multi-player is just so... right.


                        Team Fortress 2 on PC. Not played much else at all apart from that, actually.


                          nazotte oboeru otona no kanji renshuu kanzenban by hours, then Smash Bros Brawl and probably either Rune Factory 2 or Star Soldier R.

                          The wife is hooked on Monster Hunter Freedom 2 after I got it for her for her birthday.


                            Persona 3 FES, 60 hours in with more than that to go I reckon. Wonderful game.


                              Illust Logic (DS). Not sure for how long but it would be quite high.


                                Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, probably. Really enjoyed the game, despite the narrative ineptitude. I'm 99% of the way through on Hyper mode. Sadly, the ridiculously long-winded final boss has put me completely off - it's gone back on the shelf.

                                Alongside Echoes, Corruption demonstrates how superbly judged Prime 1 was.

