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PS3 Trophy discussion thread

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    Originally posted by hoolak View Post
    You know what? I don't get a sound effect when I get a trophy. Firmware could of done with more testing by the sound of it.
    Honestly, I'd like full control for when they appear over both systems. I'm sure someone will correct me, but as far as I know the 360 still displays the "achievement unlocked" text at the screen even with menu sounds disabled.


      Sure you're right, turning off "notifications" just disables notifications of friends coming online, new messages/invites.


        I can understand why Microsoft want the achievement system in the player's face but it just doesn't work in every game due to the fact it only serves one mentality - the f**k, yeah" I've done something.

        If you want a bigger spectrum of response to a game beyond the feel good factor then that's where it starts to break down. Most games avoid this because they simply don't explore those areas. The horror example was an easy one... I just keep thinking back to if an 'achievement unlocked' symbol came up for when (Silent Hill 2 spoiler)

        James has just discovered he was the one who killed his wife

        or 'achievement unlocked'

        just after you've died in Shadow of the Colossus

        ... it wouldn't really work in more emotionally varied games because the whole premise of achievements is to make you feel good about yourself.


          Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
          Sure you're right, turning off "notifications" just disables notifications of friends coming online, new messages/invites.
          I'm not sure if I'm following this thread properly, but on the 360 if you turn off notifications, it doesn't display achievement messages either. If that's what you're talking about.


            Are you sure? I thought I had notifications switched off and they were still coming up afterwards. Then again, I've barely touched my 360 over the past five months.


              Not sure that's supposed to happen - in my experience if you turn off notifications it turns off everything including achievement unlocked messages.

              It's a pet hate of mine and something I wish they'd sort. There's nothing worse than gunning for an achievement, thinking you've got it, only to find it's someone coming online


                Excellent. I'll check it out later to see if it's on or not.


                  Warhawk at least will have some retroactive trophies, which makes sense for an online only game.


                    see post #73 matey


                      I'm getting too lazy in my old age. When it pops into Google Reader I assume it's news and post away.


                        Originally posted by Concept View Post
                        Are you sure? I thought I had notifications switched off and they were still coming up afterwards. Then again, I've barely touched my 360 over the past five months.
                        Yep, definitely - I turn notifications off for more "atmospheric" titles like Condemned and Bioshock, and it definitely doesn't come up with achievement notifications either.


                          Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                          It's a pet hate of mine and something I wish they'd sort. There's nothing worse than gunning for an achievement, thinking you've got it, only to find it's someone coming online
                          Heh. I've had that happen more times than I care to remember! We need to campaign for a new noise.


                            Originally posted by huxley View Post
                            Is there a way to disable the Trophies I just dont buy into this gamer score stuff.
                            I'm not interested either.

                            Just noticed in Ferrari that there are Trophies in the game but it doesn't mention whether they are the official type or just something to aim for in the game and happen to share the same name.


                              Think they just share the same name, not seen Ferrari Challenge mentioned on any Trohpy compatible games lists anywhere.


                                Ferrari Challenge has it's own 'Accomplishments'. The Trophy mode allows you to race unlocked cars over 3 races (for each car you do it with) to win a trophy (nothing to do with PS trophies). Trophy mode exists because Challenge mode uses the F430 only.

