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Hydrophobia [PS3/360]

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    Seems to seperate from that. Don't know if it's tomorrow or Wed's that it hits. I'm expecting some reviews of next weeks Comic Jumper to be 'less than 40hrs. 2/10'


      What is this new promo called anyway? Winter of arcade?


        It's part of Games Feast.

        The game is out in the usual Wednesday slot.


          When this was a disc based title everything about it seemed to suggest it was meant to be a budget release and I wasn't really surprised to see it end up as a download. I'm yet to see or read anything that suggests Edge's review is incorrect.

          The fact that Dark Energy seemed to talk endlessly about the water physics with little mention of any of the important stuff really had me concerned that the water was sole reason they produced the game.

          Of course, I've not played it so I'm limited in what comments I can make but by god it's the dullest looking game I've seen in a very long time.


            I wrote it off as being nothing but an ugly tech demo game designed to show off some middle ware. Apparently it was, but MS threw a load of cash there way and had it made into something decent.



              Hydrophobia Pure.

              Free update/DLC and the game is going to be reduced to 800 points. Coming tomorrow (21st).

              If the demo gets patched with the gameplay improvements I'll give it another go.
              Last edited by Bort; 20-12-2010, 09:50.


                Regardless of personal opinions, full credit to them for being willing to go back and make such changes to the game. Bodes well for the eventual second installment too. CVG lists the changes in total to be:

                -Remapped control scheme
                -Reworked combat
                -Improved cover mechanic and camera
                -Clearer damage and objectives
                -Improved climbing
                -Clearer graphics

                I might go through it again even though I enjoyed it the first time anyway.


                  I was hoping this was an announcmnet of the PSN version finally comng out........ Sigh....... sounds good though for the next installment.



                    Tell me about it. I doubt I'll pick this up now even if they do bother with a PSN release.


                      currently 400 points on Xbox Live FYI


                        It's actually pretty good, bought it when they reduced to 800, well worth it.
                        Sure it feels ropey at times, but it's intense and enjoyable


                          The game is now on the way to Steam and PSN as Hydrophobia Prophecy and possibly Live at some point, depending on Microsoft.

                          A couple of screen shots, don't know how they compare though:

                          Originally posted by Dark Energy Digital
                          • Enhanced environmental lighting throughout the game
                          • High resolution textures
                          • Updated video texture work
                          • Hugely improved particle systems throughout the game
                          • Depth of field effects implemented
                          • MLAA anti-aliasing
                          • Improved lighting and shadowing solutions
                          • HydroEngine Enhancements

                          Enhanced character DripMapping technology
                          • Improved reflection and refraction mapping
                          • Enhancement underwater visual effects
                          • Underwater depth of field effect
                          • Enhanced particle system and improved performance
                          • New high resolution RippleMap simulation responds to characters and objects
                          • Jump distance more accurate relative to movement speed
                          • Added stationary jump
                          • Speed of movement through vents increased and animations improved
                          • Speed of movement with MAVI increased
                          • Various animations refined to provide better feedback
                          • Narrative and Backstory

                          Scoot character remodelled
                          • Scoot character recast, now played by Oliver Vaquer (GTA: Liberty City Stories, The Warriors, Law & Order)
                          • Characterisation improved with remastered voice acting and additional scenes
                          • Mila characters role has been enhanced with compelling new scenes
                          • Storyline enhanced and completed
                          • Dramatic new plot points shed light on the back story and the Prophecy of Malthus
                          • New in game video communications enhance the narrative without disrupting gameplay
                          • Compelling new cutscenes and dramatic twists
                          • New mechanics designed around the deeper narrative
                          • Hydro Kinetic powers brought into the main story
                          • Dramatic new ending completes the story arc
                          • Wading and Swimming

                          Reworked Kate's bracing animation and responsiveness
                          • Eliminated undesirable situations where the character was swept out of player control
                          • Increased speed of recovery after being wiped out by water
                          • Removed invasive reactionary animations after being wiped out by water

                          Art Direction
                          • Improved environmental lighting
                          • Re-designed locations add variety and drama
                          • Spectacular new environments introduced
                          • Reworked environmental assets

                          • New and improved music tracks
                          • Re-mastered audio and improved sound design
                          • New SFX added to various feedback systems

                          • Improved lock-on effect for electric cable puzzles
                          • Added mini-puzzles to existing areas
                          • Exclusive new environments introduce new physics based puzzles
                          • Ability to manipulate floating objects to solve bouyancy based puzzles
                          • New narrative based challenges

                          Combat and Cover Systems
                          • Individual bone based enemy lock on feature (depending on difficult setting)
                          • Improved aim assist functionality
                          • Dynamic aim reticule adapts to different ammo types and combat behaviour
                          • Destructable object system reworked for greater feedback and effectiveness
                          • Greater variety of ammo earlier in the game
                          • AI enhancements and performance improvements
                          • Instant ammo collection features eliminates unneccessary button presses
                          • Rebalanced Sonic Rounds for more effective combat
                          • Reload times reduced for better combat flow

                          Cover System Enhancements
                          • Blind fire functionality added
                          • Turn corners while in cover and engage in flanking maneuvours
                          • Cover animation improvements
                          • More responsive and smooth cover transitions
                          • All new Floating Cover system
                          • Grab bouyant object to use as dynamic cover in water
                          • Use floating cover on the surface or during underwater combat
                          • New Climbing Combat system
                          • Ability to shoot and engage in combat while climbing or hanging

                          Levels and Game Balance
                          • Enhanced and redesigned levels
                          • Exclusive new levels to explore throughout the game
                          • All new mechanics, puzzles and combat added
                          • Dramatic new end sequence using Hydro Kinetic abilities
                          • Decrypting doors sequence shortened
                          • Tutorial added for hack mini game
                          • Improved feedback, waypoint design and tutorials
                          • Better checkpoint design
                          • Improved difficulty setting design
                          • Rationalised waypoint system choice allows players to set their preference for how much hand holding they want independently of difficulty setting

                          • Contextual Dev Feedback System - bring up Dev Feedback from the pause menu at any time to comment on your experience
                          • Your feedback is uploaded to Dark Energy augmented with contextual information about the gamestate
                          • Dark Energy will continue to act upon gathered data from the playing community

                          GUI and Front End
                          • Menus reworked
                          • Front end menus re-designed
                          • In game menus re-designed

                          • Pre-purchase the Steam version for just $10.19 / ?7.64 (including 15% pre-purchase discount)
                          • New locations, mechanics and narrative elements extend the lifespan of the main game massively

                          Originally posted by Eurogamer
                          Hydrophobia Prophecy is described as version 1.5 of the game that began life on the Xbox 360 last year.

                          It also follows the December 2010 release of Hydrophobia Pure on Xbox Live Arcade.

                          The game includes new levels ? around 70 per cent of the game is new - and existing levels have been reworked.

                          The cover system has been improved, and combat is now possible from climbing points. The game is said to have a "proper, dramatic new ending", with an expanded storyline. There are new voice actors, too.

                          And the game has been augmented, developer Dark Energy Digital said, with feedback gathered from the Hydrophobia Listening Post.

                          "It's Hydrophobia 1.5, really," managing director Deborah Jones told Eurogamer.

                          "It's also not the original and it's also not Pure."

                          "The game is now hugely longer," DED boss Pete Jones added. "We've honed, refined and developed the stuff people liked, and we've added a bunch of new stuff that's gone down really well in usability tests."

                          The Steam version launches on 9th May, with a pre-order price of ?7.64 / $10.19.

                          The PlayStation Network version, which launches shortly after the Steam version, supports the Move controller, and will be similarly priced.

                          Here, the navigation controller controls player movement, and the Move controller is used to control the camera and aiming.

                          Pete Jones said "the ultimate decision" on whether DED will bring Prophecy to the Xbox 360 is Microsoft's, but "it's our intention to do so".

                          The Steam version of Prophecy includes a developer feedback system, called Darknet, built in. It allows players to pause the game and send contextually augmented feedback to DED's servers in real-time.

                          Prophecy brings the Hydrophobia story arc to a close, but DED wants to expand on the concept with "other stories within the Hydrophobia universe".

                          "We want to be the first game and the first developer that truly has a one-to-one connection with the community," Jones said.

                          "We're a bit of a slow starter and we made mistakes in the beginning, but we've got there in the end. We've been committed heart and soul to this project. We believe in it completely. We've created something now we're all very proud of."


                            Im still hoping for a retail disc release at some point down the line, on the PS3 :/



                              The way things are going the only way you'll be able to get PSN titles in future are on disk.


                                Based on what they say there and the XBL version it sounds like they've changed the main concerns and ditched the trilogy opting to merge it into one game. Screens look the same but for ?7 it's well worth it.

