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Warhammer 40K: Space Marine.

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    Warhammer 40K: Space Marine.

    Described as a "3rd-person, action close-combat" "brawler", it's all about an "up-close personal visceral melee experience" and "intimate brutality".

    Click to viewWe know THQ are working on a Warhammer brawler. And that it's both "brutal" and "intimate". Now, courtesy of this leaked demo vid, we know that it's called Warhammer 40K: Space Marine and, more importantly, we know how it looks. And boy does it look great. Bearing in mind this is early, raw footage (so…

    They already made this, it was called Gears of War

    I jest of course, even if Gears did rip off the Space Marine look and the gothic art style, it's good to see they've chosen a different angle to go with this. It could be worth keeping an eye on

    The 'overkill' mode looks very interesting. I assumed it would be the standard Devil Trigger style mechanic but the example they show at the end of the video is more like the fistfighting in Chronicles of Riddick or Condemned. Nice!
    Last edited by MattyD; 14-09-2008, 09:19.


      Cool, even in this early build it looks really nice. They've definitely gotten the scale of 40k right. Although I dont know about the shooting doors to open them O_o


        "up-close and personal experience"? that's a good laugh at best. judging from the video i'm not sure what to think and expect of this. combat looks kind of slow and boring, the camera seems slightly odd too.


          This is a pre-alpha build so probably best not to be too judgemental yet.


            Originally posted by MattyD View Post
            This is a pre-alpha build so probably best not to be too judgemental yet.
            Yeah, exactly. They don't even say what platform(s) they intend to release for.

            I'm just quite excited to see a shooter-style Space Marine game, as I've kinda been interested in the Warhammer 40k's universe since it was first released (I even remember reading the announcement advert for "Rogue Trader" in White Dwarf about two or three years before that). Reading about this new game has even made me look into grabbing a copy of Space Hulk - I'm sure the graphics will be rubbish compared to everything else on my PS3, but I just wanna play it.


              I really used to be into the 40k stuff, nothing really original shown there but has potential I suppose.

              I'm not buying it out of principle though! He said cinemaction at least 5 times and until he learns to speak correctly he's definately not getting my money.


                Strolls if you haven't played Space Hulk before you really should check it out. It's an incredibly fun strategy title, though my copy came without a manual which made it painful to learn at first. Very atmospheric and you really feel the tension of being trapped in those close confines surrounded by genestealers.

                Personally I can't wait for this, that moment he steps outdoors looks amazing and the graphics look really atmospheric. I do hope there's more than just the Chaos forces though, it would be awesome to play against Eldar or Orks, although probably not practical for a modern game budget. By the Press Start sign I'm assuming PS3 and 360.

                One thing that really winds me up are all the people on kotaku and the joystiq/fanboy communities calling it a ripoff of Gears.


                  Originally posted by averybluemonkey View Post
                  Strolls if you haven't played Space Hulk before you really should check it out. It's an incredibly fun strategy title, though my copy came without a manual which made it painful to learn at first. Very atmospheric and you really feel the tension of being trapped in those close confines surrounded by genestealers.
                  I was really into games on the family BBC Micro, but quit when I left home in about 1990, so missed everything from the Super NES to the PS2.

                  But I have a really strong memory of visiting my girlfriend's family & her kid step-brother was playing Warhammer 40k (what I now know to be Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels) on what I now know to be a PS1. Coming from the BBC, the 3D FPS style really left an impression!



                    But did the PS1 have Elite, Grannies Garden and Pod?


                      Officially announced now, with a shiny new trailer.


                        Looks amazing and Relic are fantastic developers so I have high hopes for it.


                          Lovely stuff - looks like it's come a very long way since the first footage.


                            This is clearly a different game from that one leaked Space Marine game. It's even made by a different developer and it looks totally different. That first one probably got scrapped.


                              Nice to see the Orks in there but in terms of artistic direction doesn't look a patch on the first game shown here, the architecture isn't nearly as gothic looking.

                              I also get extremely worried when they are showing Ultramarines but are talking about Angels of Death, if they can't get their chapters right it really worries me. Not to mention since when did Space Marines have hammers?

