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Warhammer 40K: Space Marine.

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    There is no Chapter called Angels of Death. There's Blood Angels and Dark Angels. I think the term angels of death in the trailer is meant to refer to the space marines in a descriptive way.

    Also, the hammers aren't Thunder Hammers, they are Force hammers which are used by Librarians.

    Needless to say, I love the 40k universe and this looks great. They've nailed the Ork Power Armour and the jump packs spot on.


      Force Hammers are not just used by Librarians, I think most HQ choices can take them. At least there is a Captain figure with one.

      That makes me sound like I am being a pedantic Warhammer nerd and trying to look cool on a forum. There is no way my first paragraph can ever make me look cool so don't think I'm being a d*ck!

      In the Eurogamer preview I think they said that the Ultramarines aren't a confirmed chapter or something. Which seems odd seeing as they have paid for Ultramarine FMV.


        Originally posted by Brats View Post
        There is no Chapter called Angels of Death.
        Yeah, The Angels of Death are the other biker gang in GTA IV.


          That's my point Angels of Death refers to the Dark Angels, Blood Angels and their spin offs - not the Ultramarines.

          When did they let you give Thunder Hammers to normal marines though? I thought it was Terminator armour only?


            As per -->


              That page is blank .

              I do seem to remember the Angels of Death being a reference to the Blood Angels and Dark Angels, but that's a very obscure reference. I'm sure the term is used here as descriptive term. They could have used 'The Emporer's Tools of Destruction' or something similar. My point being I don't think they are getting the Chapters mixed up.

              And Thunder Hammers are different to Force hammers. Force hammers use the marines pshychic powers, just like Force Swords. Thunder Hammers use the power generated by the Terminator Armour. However Inquisitors have a newer version of the Thunder Hammer that requires less power to run called Daemon Hammers.

              Man, that's a superbly geeky post .


                Originally posted by chopemon View Post
                Force Hammers are not just used by Librarians, I think most HQ choices can take them. At least there is a Captain figure with one.
                I had an Inquisitor figure with one. I think any character with strong psychic power can have a force weapon.


                  Cheers for the update. I still play with 3rd edition rules, guess I need to keep up to date more. Angels of Death was the Blood Angels and Dark Angels codex in second edition.


                    lol at all the games workshop banter, I'm actually kind of surprised there are so many fans. I was into this stuff in a big way when I was a teenager but the prohibitive cost and lack of anybody to play against (bar my brother) eventually made me grow out of it.

                    I still built the armies but could never use them! I had dark elves for warhammer, squats for space marine and eldar for 40K.. and a dark elf bloodbowl team. Loved it back then.

                    The games have never been done very well though IMO, it's a bit of a wasted opportunity as the source material is bountiful. I don't expect much better from this one.

                    Strolls if you haven't played Space Hulk before you really should check it out. It's an incredibly fun strategy title, though my copy came without a manual which made it painful to learn at first. Very atmospheric and you really feel the tension of being trapped in those close confines surrounded by genestealers.
                    When we were kids my best friend couldn't read 'genestealers' properly.. he would always call them 'genningstellars'


                      Originally posted by Darwock View Post
                      The games have never been done very well though IMO, it's a bit of a wasted opportunity as the source material is bountiful. I don't expect much better from this one.
                      have you played dawn of war? only one of the greatest strategy games evah!!!11!!


                        I love the universe and setting, but lack the resources to play the tabletop game. I just content myself with the novels which are (mostly) good.


                          Looking forward to this, I enjoy pretty much anything set in the 40K universe.
                          One of my favourite things about buying the Codex's (when I used to play) was reading the short stories, my favourite being the one about Sanguinius which is probably why I primarily played as Blood Angels.

                          I would love to buy some of the books but they dont have any of them as e-books


                            I was into Games Workshop for a while which was odd seeing as I never really had someone to play against other than my brother (who just played the vanilla boxed version of the game with space marines vs orks). Went to Golden Daemon once and had a great time. Eventually gave it up because it was too consciously nerdy. I do still love the artwork and backstory though.

                            I was an Ork player and the game was so horribly imbalanced against them. Most missions gave you points for destroying or breaking a squad and given the short range and rubbish armour of most orks, it made it far too easy for most races to win.

                            Still waiting on a 40K mmo.


                              5th edition 40k is a *really* fast game compared to 2nd and 3rd edition.


                                I've heard the updates since I stopped made things a whole lot less incredibly hard for Orks. Didn't help me though ;_;

                                Garthskull thraka (sp?) was awesome mind.

                                Did they ever nerf the vortex grenade? Giving one of those to a terminator squad leader on an assassination mission = easy win.

