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Official F-Zero GX Thread (US version)

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    Official F-Zero GX Thread (US version)

    Hey. Before I get flamed, I done a thread in comments and suggestions and they said I should just try it. I've started a new thread, because I don't think it's fair to join a thread that is 60 odd pages long, as it will kinda ruin the experiance for me, and alot of other players who haven't experianced the JAP version.

    So this thread is just for the US version members.

    I've got my copy on order from DVD box office, so I'm hoping to have it by the weekend.

    This will be my first ever F-Zero game. So i'm dead excited.

    When are you expecting your copy? Are there many other US version only players?

    *waits to get flamed*

    I waited for the US version for fear of the customize options in Japanese.

    F-Zero X is, as far as I'm concerned, untouchable. I hope this gives me the same feeling.

    having played the JPN version briefly, I belive it probably will


      Hopefully I'll have it at the end of this week too, provided I get my hands on another Cube after giving mine to my better half...completely didn't realise FZGX was out so soon!


        I hope it will be here friday or saturday, I'm off this weekend and would love to have time to really get into it.


          I've got it on order from dvdboxoffice too.

          Can't wait.


            Mines been on order for a good few months from dvdboxoffice, i hope it doesn't come for a couple of weeks though. I am not going to play it until i have sorted out and installed my 42inch plasma, it's the game i want to christen it with(either that or SC2) 8)


              Mines been on order from goblin for some time now. So hopefully it'l be here some time soon. I look forward to being mid table in the time trials


                I've been looking foreward for the USA release for ages the build up and the excitement for it was tremendous! However, yesterday I had to use the money I saved up for a phone bill that's over due and its important its paid we just had a baby last week! phones very important now you see. So now im in a complete let down state over it, really bummed out over it. I could have been playing it yesterday.


                  Originally posted by taurusnipple
                  I've been looking foreward for the USA release for ages the build up and the excitement for it was tremendous! However, yesterday I had to use the money I saved up for a phone bill that's over due and its important its paid we just had a baby last week! phones very important now you see. So now im in a complete let down state over it, really bummed out over it. I could have been playing it yesterday.
                  Chin up myfriend you've got a lovely squark box to lookafter no time for gaming anyway

                  work,nappy changing,eat,sleep is your life now

                  Congratulations by the way


                    Anyone have the skinny on when Goblin are supposed to ship it? I've got mine on pre-order there too


                      Thanks fuzzybee. My little daughter will grow up to be a hardcore gamer just like her daddy!...having said that I did tell my wife she would levitate out of her womb...


                        You could always justify getting it by saying that your investing in your daughter's future. For that's what the future will be racing wicked fast with customisable vehicles and english menus. I have an extra PS2 I think I'm going to trade in to get this, and Pokemon Pinball.


                          Try not to get too hyped like the original thread. While very nice, GX isn't nearly as good as X. X was pretty much perfect. Tube!

                          A friend of mine got his yesterday. Not much seems to have changed from the Jap version, apart from straight translations, obviously.



                            Mine was shipped last night. Best get here for the weekend. Cant wait


                              Originally posted by Marmite
                              Mine was shipped last night. Best get here for the weekend. Cant wait
                              Ditto. I hope it does turn up before the wkend as I'm movin but I have my doubts.

                              Not to worry though, I bought Mario Golf to tide me over and it is doing that just perfectly. In fact I'm just starting to really get into the golf, tis great fun (though I haven't sworn at a game this much in aaages ).

                              But back to the game in hand. Been lookin fwd to F-Zero for ages, as a few have mentioned, I've also had a quick blast on the Jap vs and was addicted to F-Zero X so bring it on I say... 8)

                              The excitement builds...

