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Forza 3

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    Originally posted by Jebus View Post
    Indeed, I don't mind it as a "feature" but you should be able to turn it off.

    If you are l33t enough to use it just don't press the button


      The problem is, obviously, that I'm *not* l33t enough to not use it. Hence giving in to temptation.


        Oh go on, give in! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO *dangles something tempting to jebus*


          I can't believe you are dangling this early, on a Sunday, the lords day of all days.


            My girlfriend said the same thing


              My only fear is that whether you use it or not, the fact that it is there takes away some of the thrill. I like endurance races, because it requires a different kind of skill to focus for that length of time and not get complacent by lap 32. Plus it's the closest games get to mimicking the pressure of real racing.

              With Forza 2, there was no option. If you lost it and crashed, that was it. I actually never crashed on an endurance race, but the fact that an irreversible wipe out was possible at any moment made it a brilliant experience imo.


                I wish NFS:Shift had a rewind button. I could have got all those bloody "corner mastered" badges no problem.


                  Every time you hit just a fraction if an inch over a corner the prompt to rewind pops up


                    Same as the demo then? That's gonna be annoying.

                    Quick question Mike, one I forgot to test in the demo...does it still have that really wierd thing if you try to take a shortcut across the corner where it just suddenly slows you to almost a halt?


                      Originally posted by dvdmike View Post
                      Every time you hit just a fraction if an inch over a corner the prompt to rewind pops up
                      You can turn the prompt off though, can't you?


                        Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                        You can turn the prompt off though, can't you?
                        I've read elsewhere that you can't...that's why I'd like confirmation from someone else.


                          I thought you could turn the prompt off in the demo - can't see why that would be removed for the full game.


                            Will have a look when I am not playing uncharted 2 bad time for forza to come out, even tho it will sell more


                              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                              Is he definitely a reviewer though?
                              Looks like. He has photo evidence to back it up too. I'm sure there are some people who've yarred the game (and others too) getting caught and whining about it, but banning people for playing legitimate copies early is stupid.

                              After all the big noise MS made about glitchers getting suspended/banned and then never really following through (the whole GoW2 debacle springs to mind) I find it staggering that they'll ban people with less than 100% certainty that their copy is illegal. We've all received games early from time to time, even by only 24 hours. If MS think they'll stop retailers releasing early by punishing the consumer then they're very, very wrong.


                                I totally agree, I just didn't see any evidence of him being a reviewer apart from him saying he was. [EDIT: he does seem to be legit]

                                On the Turn10 twitter apparently they are saying the servers are still "beta" anyway and Monday they wipe them clean, which I think affects money etc earnt on there?

                                I'm almost certain though that they aren't banning people for "playing a game early" as that would just be idiotic and half this forum would be banned. MS are powerful and large, but not stupid. Banning people for playing legitimate copies early would be a PR nightmare, and they don't really need another one of those.
                                Last edited by Jebus; 18-10-2009, 13:58.

