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Forza 3

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    Yamauchi and his translator are in some sort of trouble. If GT5 will keep the online structure and general feel of Prologue, Forza 2 has the chance to surpass its rival. But there is a catch to Forza, it has only 8 cars on the grid so far.

    It looks the part so far, but biggest question is how the single player mode will hold up.


      Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post

      It looks the part so far, but biggest question is how the single player mode will hold up.
      Better than GT 5 I'm willing to bet , the only area GT games have won in is looks imo . PD will outclass with the rest with their car models and eye popping graphics , yet they lose out in fun racing and decent AI.
      Always have done , always will do imo


        great to see that interview with Dan Greenwald ! game looks amazing.

        Oktober 27......


          On 2 discs too, so there must be tones of cars and tracks. If it avoids being the slog to play thru just to level up the 2nd game was then, this looks like being a day one purchase.


            October 27th?? That's my birthday, so will make a great present


              How are dual disks handled with the 360 install option?


                Won't make any different, there's no disk swapping, the content on the 2nd disk has to be installed.


                  HAS to be installed?

                  Oh for f*ck sake, now I definitely need a bigger HDD, can't wait to pay the outrageous rip off prices MS charge for them.


                    From what has been said so far, disc one is the 'complete' game, and disc two is extra content - cars and stuff at the moment, and maybe some tracks. I think it was dan greenwald, but someone working on it said to the think of disc two as a years worth of dlc on a disc.

                    Theres a high chance you'll have to install disc two to HDD, but theres always a chance it will be optional - you can experience a complete game with disc one without the extra cars and tracks. I understand your frustration at losing HDD space though; I was an early adopter with a 20Gb HDD, the only reason I have 60Gb is a girl at Zavvi exchanging a faulty 360 for me when she really shouldn't!


                      All this has made me really want to play Forza 2 again, however, through some absolutely hardcore levels of stupidity I sold the game and deleted my save, so I'd have to start all over again, which I can't face, especially when I recall how many hours I grinded at the game to get some good stuff.

                      I'm debating buying a new HDD, but then I saw that the 120GBs 360's are about £159.99 now, which is mighty tempting, and I quite fancy the look of the black one!
                      Last edited by Jebus; 06-06-2009, 13:56.


                        Give MS your money Jebus. It's got HDMI and you'll never have to worry about HDD space. Sell your old 360 and it'll be even cheaper.


                          Originally posted by Malc View Post
                'll never have to worry about HDD space.
                          The 120GB HDD on my Elite is pretty much full now . Could definitely do with a larger one these days.

                          Back on topic, this is looking a definite purchase.


                            Seriously? How? Installing every game I'd guess but even then...that's a lotta games!


                              Originally posted by BearBoy View Post
                              The 120GB HDD on my Elite is pretty much full now . Could definitely do with a larger one these days.

                              Back on topic, this is looking a definite purchase.
                              Agreed a larger unit would be nice, cleared space off my HDD last night. Whilst I have 60GB left, I've got 5 games installed, about 20-ish LA games, and a few bits of DLC downloaded - no videos or music etc. If you're a heavy 360 user you can use up the space quickly. Look at all that extra space that's needed for Burnout Paradise Goodies.


                                I'm forever juggling the installs I have. Would help if I didn't have so many games on the go at once .

