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Soul Calibur II US Upgrades

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    Soul Calibur II US Upgrades

    As no one seems to be posting a definitive word on this other than the press release, here's what I've found to be the upgrades in the US version of SC2:

    New playable characters: Lizardman, Berserker and Assassin are now playable but, get this, only in certain modes. These modes DON'T include Weapon Master, Arcade or Survival. How crap is that? They do have 6 costumes each, though.

    It's harder...but then again...: Some aspects of the game have been tweaked to make them harder, especially the earlier stages of Weapon Master mode. That said, some of the later stages which were previously a nightmare are now much easier.

    Improved Berserker: I found this one to be extremely noticable. Whereas he was a walking punchbag in the Jap version (much like Jack in Tekken), the Berserker's a right ol' c**t in the US version. He falls back on his more sudden moves with regularity - those annoying moves which are almost impossible to telegraph. He tends to open up your defence with those before demolishing you with some heavy combos - not at all his behaviour in the Jap version.

    English dialogue: As seen in the arcade version of SC, the dialogue is all in English. For once, however, this isn't a disadvantage. The new dialogue is a whole lot better than the Jap, especially for characters such as Nightmare and Spawn (giving away the version which I've been playing, there).

    Minor graphics tweaks: The route markers in Weapons Master mode, for example, are a little nicer. I'm sure there are loads of similar adjustments which I simply haven't noticed.

    Excellent, thanks for the info

    I have the jpn Xbox version, torn on this now. Don't think its qute worth it but... I'd agree that the English voices are pretty decent, I played the Pal PS2 demo today.


      Are you guys kidding? The English voices (and I'm presuming they are the same as the arcade version) are universally awful.


        Not kidding no, I like understanding whats being said. Subtitles might have been preferable, but I don't mind the quality of the voice acting either.


          Originally posted by Papercut
          Not kidding no, I like understanding whats being said. Subtitles might have been preferable, but I don't mind the quality of the voice acting either.
          Ah well, each to their own. Personally I find Astaroth's frankly strange utterings (DISGUSTING!!!) and Mitsurugi's overlong dramatic pauses untolerable.

          Anyone know if you can subtitle the Japanese voices on the US version?


            Yeah, you can have the original Japanese voices with subs in the US release.


              I think the majority of the English voice-over's are tastefully done.

              I especially like all of the female one's and the French guy who says "You are not even worth killing.."


                Astaroth and Spawn's swearing does it for me in terms of the English V/O.


                I should add that having finished off Weapon Master mode in the US version, it's safe to say that the 'Nightmare Nightmare' is still unaddressed. I am, of course, referring to the fact that as soon as you get your hands on the Soul Calibur, Nightmare becomes practically indestructible. Though it is handy for cheesing through those abominable dungeon missions.

                The recommendation, as before, is that you stick this game straight onto Expert mode the moment you start playing. They've tweaked the AI, but it's still hopelessly unbalanced on Normal.


                  Intertia, how's Rocky?

                  I've been thinking about getting the GC version because it's dirt cheap over here.


                    Originally posted by npg
                    Intertia, how's Rocky?

                    I've been thinking about getting the GC version because it's dirt cheap over here.
                    Rocky's one of the best movie tie-in games ever made. Thing is, though, I do have a fondness for boxing games (I played Knockout Kings 2002 to the point of collapse), so I could be wearing rose-tinted specs on this one.


                      I've seen some reviews which don't seem to favour the game much apart from EDGE's and from a few past discussions on these forums I remember reading there were a couple of people who complained that they could quite easily beat the game using a few moves. That's really the only reason I haven't picked it up yet.

                      It's one of those games that seems to be squarely split down the middle in terms of opinion. Still for ?12 I can't really go wrong although I'm trying not to get into the habit of amassing to many games that I'll never get round to playing.


                        Originally posted by npg
                        I've seen some reviews which don't seem to favour the game much apart from EDGE's and from a few past discussions on these forums I remember reading there were a couple of people who complained that they could quite easily beat the game using a few moves. That's really the only reason I haven't picked it up yet.

                        It's one of those games that seems to be squarely split down the middle in terms of opinion. Still for ?12 I can't really go wrong although I'm trying not to get into the habit of amassing to many games that I'll never get round to playing.
                        To be honest, with the right knack of timing and defence you could complete most fighting games with a mere handful of moves. The difference with a game like Rocky is that you'll want to learn the complete selection and you'll want each bout to play like the movie does, both of which are entirely possible. One thing, though - it does absolutely cripple your thumb after a while.


                          Originally posted by Inertia_
                          To be honest, with the right knack of timing and defence you could complete most fighting games with a mere handful of moves. The difference with a game like Rocky is that you'll want to learn the complete selection and you'll want each bout to play like the movie does, both of which are entirely possible. One thing, though - it does absolutely cripple your thumb after a while.
                          I'm quite fond of boxing games myself so I think I'm going to give it try. Graphically it doesn't appear to be as good looking as EA's Knockout Kings 2003 but then again, it doesn't look too shabby either.

                          Oh and thanks for the thumb warning. Not that I'll be able to sue Rage for anything should I suffer from an injuries similar to Nintendonitis or whatever the name is, because the buggers filed for bankruptcy. Still wondering what the hell happened to Lamborghini though.


                            Does Assassin squeak when you press the kick button at the pre-match mode (where the characters can taunt each other before the match?)

