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Metroid: Other M - Team Ninja does Metroid

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    The game remains incredibly hard to judge. Seems to be linear 2.5D corridors with occasional open rooms with full movement.

    I just don't know what to think of it really.


      Looks fantastic! Really can't wait for this now, and before that video I was a bit indifferent to the whole thing.


        I think that video is certainly the best propaganda since the original announcement. I think the major problem evident from that gameplay is they would have been better to use the nunchuk. An analogue stick does a better job at 2D sections than a D-pad does at 3D.


          Is it just me or monster design really is atrocious? I mean, it was even before Metroid Prime that monster didn't had to have one or more big eyes randomly placed on their body and have the brightest colors available in the palette.


            I think it looks great, love the speed of it. You can certainly tell Team Ninja made it, some of the animation & movement really reminds me of Ninja Gaiden.


              It looks great, but I'm a bit confused after seeing great looking 2.5D action and then FPS bits.

              Is Prime 3 a must play? It's been sitting on my shelf since release. I loved the first, but got bored of the second.


                Looks very impressive, fast and furious. Hope there is still plenty of exploration and times of solitude to contrast the action packed sections shown in the trailer.


                  Oh my, that's looking very special indeed.

                  Isn't about time people came to terms with the solitude/exploration thing? In that they'll be very little, it was always bound to be like that since day one, given it's ties with Fusion. Accept it for what it is. Very excited for this game.


                    Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                    Is Prime 3 a must play? It's been sitting on my shelf since release. I loved the first, but got bored of the second.
                    Personally, I found it was something of a return to form. There were a few mistakes made ? like the new human interactions and relatively poor production values in dialogue/human character models ? but it was a fair bit better than Prime 2. The second one was too dark and depressing ? the atmosphere that ate away at your suit in the early stages really put me off collecting all the extras.


                      Wow. That looks very special indeedy. Absolutely cannot wait...

                      *goes and watches again*
                      ----Member since April 2002



                        When is this due to be released?


                          Release date is June 27 in North America, and September 24 in Europe.


                            Wow, import time then.


                              good old nintendo, keeping import forums like this relevant...

                              Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                              Is Prime 3 a must play? It's been sitting on my shelf since release. I loved the first, but got bored of the second.
                              yep, I loved prime 3. First game for me that showed me how well the wii remote could really be used, especially for an fps.


                                Originally posted by mr_sockochris View Post
                                Release date is June 27 in North America, and September 24 in Europe.
                                I thought this **** was done with.

                                I'm tempted to pick up Prime 3 now that we have a Wii in the house. Prime is my favourite game of the last generation bar none, but Echoes was a real let down (Some strong sections) for me.

                                At least being developed elsewhere means this won't necessarily be built around a 'parallel dimension' dynamic.

