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Worms 2: Armageddon [XBLA 2009]

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    Worms 2: Armageddon [XBLA 2009]


    Even more classic Worms-style gameplay is coming to Xbox Live Arcade with Worms 2: Armageddon, a proper numerical sequel to Team17's 1999 classic turn-based strategy game Worms Armageddon. Worms 2: Armageddon's trailer highlights the changes coming to the XBLA version?and eventually to the PC and Mac?including new vertical levels and other landscape types, all-new weapons and much more. Team17 tells us we can expect the game "soon, real soon," so keep an eye peeled. (We didn't see the game listed under Microsoft's planned "Summer of Arcade" promotion, so hopefully that "real soon" will be sooner than we anticipated.)
    source: Kotaku

    The first XBLA game was pretty lite on content/weapons but this looks like a vast improovement

    I did really enjoy the first XBLA game, but it felt like I was playing Worms Lite, being content-crippled to cynically sell us the content later. I don't know if I fancy buying Worms again unless they have something special in this, but it looks like they're doing this properly.


      i finally got my 200 points on the 1st release after not playing it for 12 months or so, loved replaying it now, i will dl the new one too as its good fun and this is the best one to play..


        Count me in for this tomo


          still not up yet , plz hurry, so i can holy grenade some worms


            S'up now


              How is it? Looking forward to this.


                Yep, downloading it now. Sllllllllllllllllllllllllowly


                  i nabbed this, I'm not a worms veteran but seems a lot more fleshed out than the first one.

                  enjoying myself going thru the trainign and first few solo missions.

                  the shop unlock method with ingame currency for some items seems a bit clunky, not sure what I'm paying for in some cases.


                    brilliant game well worth 800 points .

                    the shop thing i bought a few wepons like banana bomb , how do you use them in game,? as they did not appear in the campaign?


                      This game is brilliant!!! It's probably too early to call but it looks to be the best Worms game ever made The weaponary selection is insane when you have most things unlocked! And the return of the holy hand grenade As well as the new armageddon weapon!

                      The new vertical levels are pretty awesome, the campaign is pretty fun to play and has some interesting levels. Rope race is a laugh and I like forts!

                      Making your own game styles is fun. I'm going to make a mode called 'War of the religous' and have Only unlimited holy hand grenades! (Might throw in some ninja ropes and jetpacks)

                      Absolutely loving this game, so much to do/unlock/play. Makes the first one on XBLA look like Worms: ultra lite Trial demo in comparison.


                        its pritty awsome i must say only better by maby the orginal armegedden, but we will see
                        when u buy the wepons, what modes can you use them in?
                        add me

                        SILENT MOUNTAIN


                          I'm enjoying this. Not sure if it'll top the PC versions for versatility, but this is the best console version I've played - and I think I've owned almost every console iteration.

                          Graphics are great. Don't like the laser sight on the shotgun, feels like cheating, maybe it can be turned off? As usual with Worms, I've returned to my original custom game setup as perfected in the original Worms as seen on the PS1


                            how do you rotate girder bars? in the old games u could purt them at different angles.

                            i cant fid out how to do it on this version?


                              I haven't checked on worms 2 Armageddon but it is almost definately going to be Y, its used to change the timer on grenades and the direction of airstrikes.

                              SUPER SHEEP IS BACK! AWESOME!

