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Your current gen wishlists

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    Your current gen wishlists

    Just reading the EDF3 thread and it got me thinking. Which games on this gens systems do you think deserve sequels? Personally I'd go for:

    EDF4 - Even though I've not done the third one yet, another with online co-op would be the dogs. Plus all the crazy ass stuff from EDF2 and about fifty thousand levels with new features, vehicles that actually do what you want them to and Pale Wing.

    Shutokou Battle XO/Import Tuner Challenge 2 - Imagine an update with awesome graphics, Osaka & Nagoya included like on TXR3, online team battles where your team races for control of say, a certain section of C1 Outer loop and more importantly - A BETTER RANGE OF CARS including the AE86 selectable from the start and all the Honda's put back in!

    Boku no Natsuyasumi 5 - 3 was just a dream and the best PS3 game do date. The good ending was a real tear jerker and the sense of exploration was immense. Graphically it was just beautiful and the only real downer was it was too short. Imagine being given a choice of locations at the start, deciding if you want to spend you holiday on 'Uncles Farm' in the north or go to the beach instead and also being given the choice to 'return' for a weekend or few days later in the year.

    Chromehounds 2 - Not really much I can say about this, except half my friends list would love it. But they'd have to get rid of the stupid valor and gold hexagon/cross achievements because they take the piss!

    Football Kingdom 2 - OK, not this gen, but one of the most underrated football games ever. Just update the graphics, slightly refine the gameplay and add a decent online mode and I know I'd buy it straight off. It could have some cool achievements too, like ones for unlocking secret teams. On the original you could unlock Brazil 94 by beating Brazil on penatlies with Italy and Italy 94 by beating Brazil on penalties or England 66 by beating Germany with England.

    What d'ya reckon guys?
    Last edited by MonkeyJuggleDX; 03-09-2009, 06:59.

    Shenmue 3.


      Demon's Souls. Although I say it reluctantly as I never want perfect experiences to get tarnished by inferior sequels.

      Slight twist but games that I *don't* want to see sequels for are LBP, Wipeout HD & Warhawk - simply because a sequel to any of these would signify the end (or at least weakening) of the online communities.


        Rallisport Challenge 3.

        Or just make RC2 BC..... It looks like a next gen game already. Then I can pack up the old Xbox.


          Kingdom Hearts 3
          Lunar 3 (a guy can dream)
          Breath of Fire V (ditto)
          Persona 5
          The World Ends With You 2 (although at the same time I almost don't want a sequel because the first game was one of the best games this generation)


            Looks over the obvious ones like Shenmue III or Lunar III. I love to see sequels too ...

            Power Drift II Put the Out Run II team onthe case , next gen visuals meets 13 players Online = Massive amounts of Fun

            Kung Fu Chaos II - One of the most overlooked and underrated games of all time . Forget Smash Bro , Power Stone , this game was better , All it lacked was 4 player online , which a sequel could fix .

            ChromeHounds II - Just more of the same , with a better single player mode , and easier menu's

            F355 II - More the same , just with more Ferrari cars , Tracks and full on-line play .

            Deep Fear II - Well I loved the Saturn version

            Bug III - Yeah I know people will laugh , but I thought the 2nd Bug was brilliant

            WonderBoy - Love to see a sequel using the Hedgehog engine

            O.TO.GI III - Forget DMC, Ninja Gaiden (well maybe not that game) O.TO.GI II was the best action game I've ever played , that demands a Next Gen sequel

            Panzer Dragoon Orta II - I just want more bliss , from the best Team at making 3D shooters .

            Spikeout II - Loved the X-Box version , A sequel with proper next gen graphics , physics and interactive environments -people smashing through balconies and crashing on the tables Ect below (sort of like Police Story & Project A) would rule.

            Burning Rangers II - Bring more realistic setting 2 teams of 4 Live -Co-Op players , That enter massive Nuclear like Power stations . So vast that the Teams have enter at different parts . Voice communication between the 2 teams , asking for help (if their area is getting critical , or some area's that need the the 2 teams to unite and tackle
            And I think you could have one hell of a LIVE -Co-Op game

            REZ II- Just 5 more levels of more of the same, would do me

            Fighters MegaMix II - I think SEGA needs to do this , if VF is going to be a seller inthe home
            Last edited by Team Andromeda; 03-09-2009, 08:24.


              I'd love some high resolution 2D action RPG/platformers. Something along the lines of SotN but in proper HD.


                Just give me a decent current gen version of Pro Evo FFS.


                  Sega really really need to do another Wonder Boy. It's such an under rated franchise.

                  I'm afraid I don't trust Sonic Team to do Burning Rangers II any more. Wii NiGHTS was so poorly thought out and I'm not sure there's any real creative talent left in the team.


                    Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post

                    I'm afraid I don't trust Sonic Team to do Burning Rangers II any more. Wii NiGHTS was so poorly thought out and I'm not sure there's any real creative talent left in the team.
                    There's some Big changes and new plans inside the Sonic Team , you never know , they might surprise a few

                    And to be fair NiGHTS II wasn't that bad for a game in development hell , that was ordered to be on the Wii at the request of SOJ , when it was to be a 360 and PS3 title and being developed as such .
                    There's plenty of talent inside Sonic Team just led , by some poor Producers (the Shinobi PS2 producer being the worst) , or short terms measures and fixes by SEGA board


                      I'd like more decent co-op games, please.


                        Originally posted by Darwock View Post
                        Demon's Souls. Although I say it reluctantly as I never want perfect experiences to get tarnished by inferior sequels.

                        Slight twist but games that I *don't* want to see sequels for are LBP, Wipeout HD & Warhawk - simply because a sequel to any of these would signify the end (or at least weakening) of the online communities.
                        i would have to agree with you on that one with all my heart



                          I'm a cracka and didn't read the original post.

                          Err... I can't think of anything fictional I want at the minute.

                          Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                          There's some Big changes and new plans inside the Sonic Team , you never know , they might surprise a few
                          Phantasy Star Universe wasn't too bad, that surprised me and many more forumites/ex-forumites.


                          Ah ha! I know what I want! PS3 Gradius VI.
                          Last edited by dataDave; 03-09-2009, 15:25.


                            Dead space 2 (which I believe is in development but hasnt been officially announced yet)

                            New Resident evil (Reboot) I don't wanna have to wait til next gen.

                            Resi 2 REmake

                            Castlevania Aria of Sorrow 2 (DS/Wiiware/XBLA)

                            Super Metroid 2/New 2D Metroid (DS/Wiiware)

                            Timeshift 2 - I liked the original so a more thought out sequel would be nice

                            Alot of the games I would have listed have been announced in the last year (Mod War 2, Bioshock 2, dead rising 2, Assassins creed 2, crackdown 2, Another Halo, Mario Galaxy 2, Left 4 dead 2 etc)


                              I would love to see Killer Instinct 3 and Perfect Dark 2 on the 360. I have just started playing PD0 in anticipation of the original appearing on XBLA and it is pretty awesome actually, so a sequel would be lovely. Make it happen Rare!

