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Edge 208 scores

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    Edge 208 scores

    New Super Mario Bros Wii - 7
    Uncharted 2 - 9
    Operation Flashpoint : Dragon Rising - 8
    Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time - 7
    Borderlands - 6
    Brutal Legend - 7
    GTA : Episodes From Liberty City - 9
    Forza 3 - 9
    PES 2010 - 7
    Mario and Luigi : Bowsers Inside Story - 9
    Drawn To Life: The Next Chapter - 5
    Might and Magic: Clash Of Heroes - 9
    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - 5
    Lost Winds: Winter Of The Melodias - 8
    Tekken 6 - 7
    Ju-On The Grudge - 4

    Disagree with the KH 358/2 score (subscription is obviously now cancelled!)

    Do seem to be handing out lots of 9's recently


    *Warble rave Whinge*


    Consider my subscription cancelado


      I would say that Uncharted 2 deserves a 10 more than I thought something like GTA IV did (runs for cover).

      Surprised by the middling score for Kingdom Hearts. It's a real achievement what Sqeenix have managed to get the DS to do and I wonder if the review makes any mention of this?

      Strong score for Forza 3 and Mario & Luigi (genius game) which is nice.

      PES and New SMB getting 7s is kind of what I expected. Having seen PES today I am glad I haven't blindly dived in and bought it.

      And the Borderlands score seems to be the "watch the internetz guys explode" score this month looking at some of the love it's getting in First Play.


        *My review for edge magazine for the past 5 years - 5/10*


          SO disgusted at the 9 score for Uncharted that I went to subscribe online, filled in all the details and repeatedly hit the subscribe button but without clicking the "agree to terms" box. That showed them.


            i cant believe Ju-On the Grudge got 4! ive cancelled my subscription and burnt all my back issues.

            oh wait a minute...


              For Christmas I will ask for a gift subscription pack from WHSmith, subscribe, then punch my mother in the face for daring to give me such a filthy subscription.

              Then cancel it


                Any interesting features this month? That Jeff Minter interview in the last issue was a pleasant surprise.


                  Originally posted by laruso View Post
                  i cant believe Ju-On the Grudge got 4! ive cancelled my subscription and burnt all my back issues.
                  There's talk around these very parts that the game is actually quite brilliant...

                  Admittedly it was one viral spammer who was seemed to be cutting their teeth using `Viral Marketing for Dummies` but it still counts right?


                    I am shocked at the Mario and Luigi score, was fully expecting it to get 6. IMO fully deserves that 9, interesting to see the NSMB Wii score, does anybody know what the DS game scored?


                      Originally posted by The Mole View Post
                      interesting to see the NSMB Wii score, does anybody know what the DS game scored?

                      I'm slightly disappointed by their Uncharted 2 score, but I don't know whether I'm just being biased or not. ODST seemed to do a lot less for its 9, though, but in fairness Edge aren't the only critics being arguably inconsistent with their scoring of late.

                      At any rate, none of my favourite five games have scored an Edge 10 so I shouldn't be that surprised.

                      Considering there are five nines awarded this month, if someone showed me the list of reviewed games without scores and I had to guess which ones received the nines, I'd have probably guessed two correctly. Three tops. Good job I'm not on You Bet!.


                        Borderlands isn't much of a surprise, going by the posts from the people who like it. I can appreciate it'll have its fans, but even the good reviews were mentioning a whole lot of little faults, there's no story to speak of, all the reviews repeatedly state the single-player isn't worth it and some of us prefer our games with a little more than oh God keep shooting the monster until the pretty things fall out. It's been made specifically for a very niche audience who'll think it's 10/10 material just by virtue of existing.

                        KH is a surprise (I would have thought higher than that), but it still doesn't interest me. Again, most of the impressions - even from the people who're enjoying it - make it sound dull and uninspired. Technical prowess doesn't excuse endless grinding and some of the stupidest worldbuilding ever accomplished.

                        On the other hand, Edge do seem to be bowing to pressure somewhat, but hey - there are a hell of a lot of quality high-profile releases in there. (And Forza 3 I find about as appealing as a doctor's waiting room, but I can plainly see the attraction, unlike KH or Borderlands.) The first issue I ever bought was the XBox launch lineup, and that was 8s and 9s all the way through.


                          people who care too much about reviews and scores should better not subscribe to Edge magazine. although i think they are missing the point. for me it's the features and industry insights that matter and make the magazine read worthwhile.


                            Score were spot on , I was more gutted to read about the breakway from StarBreeze studios .


                              Originally posted by kernow View Post
                              *My review for edge magazine for the past 5 years - 5/10*


                              I'm cancelling my sub to...erm... you?!?!

