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PSVita (Successor to PSP, was PSP2 then NGP)

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    Yup, just meant as a Day One thing


      Why the hell they are not releasing it on cart is beyond me I have played about a dozen or so vita releases and got a hk gravity rush this morning and it blows everything else I have played on it to bits and that includes golden abyss


        Is the US one still definitely getting a retail release?


          Originally posted by ikobo View Post
          Is the US one still definitely getting a retail release?


            I'll buckle, no way i'll be able to hold off until May..........


              Originally posted by ikobo View Post
              I'll buckle, no way i'll be able to hold off until May..........
              I'll lend you mine when I'm done (probably by the uk launch)


                When is gravity rush going to be available to download here then?


                  Thought you'd cancelled your pre-order Ikobo?


                    Reinstated it last night mate.


                      CVG's reviews:

                      Uncharted - 8.7/10

                      Mainly the motion controls and it being a victim of the bar set by the console versions

                      Wipeout 2048 - 8.6/10

                      Lack of customisation seems the biggest criticism

                      Modnation Racers - 7.5/10

                      Lack of track variety and touchy touch controls the main digs

                      Little Deviants - 6.3/10

                      Picked at for being too shallow and no replayability

                      Also, Japan will recieve Little Kings Story 2 on March 29th


                        CVG have also done a game by game review round up:

                        Uncharted: Golden Abyss

                        •Destructoid: 9.5 - With Uncharted: Golden Abyss we have the first must-buy for Sony's PlayStation Vita. It takes the series' much-loved gameplay, storytelling and presentation, and adds on innovative touch and tilt features to make a game that fits perfectly alongside its predecessors. Prepare to be amazed by a portable videogame.
                        •PocketGamer: 9 - A triple-A title that you can carry in your pocket, mobile gaming doesn't get any better than this
                        •TheSixthAxis: 9 - As I said earlier, Uncharted: Golden Abyss really is a proper, 10 hour+ Uncharted adventure with very little in the way of compromise. The Vita's launch line-up is strong, but Golden Abyss is certainly one of the titles at the top of the pile.
                        •GiantBomb: 3/5 - Uncharted: Golden Abyss feels like a made-for-cable version of a proper, big-screen Uncharted adventure.
                        •GameSpot: 7.0 - For every moment of enjoyment you have, something comes along to spoil it. Despite its problems, though, Golden Abyss still succeeds in delivering some intense, entertaining action and combat. It's not quite the full-blown Uncharted experience on the move that you might have hoped for, but it's damn close. And for that, it should be commended.
                        •Spong: 8 - The story is engaging, the gameplay gripping and the experience rather addictive. It's rare for an action-based third-person game to pull that off on a handheld console - much rarer on a handheld made by Sony. This is a must-have for the Vita - just bear in mind that you're paying a console-game premium for this.
                        •Digital Spy: 4/5 - Uncharted: Golden Abyss is a worthy addition to a series that has been setting the standards in its genre for several years now. Bend Studio has done a great job optimising the award-winning formula for Sony's new handheld platform, without making too many concessions along the way. If the Vita can deliver a few more titles of this scope, the platform holder has nothing to fear from the advances and competition in mobile phone technology.
                        •Joystiq: 3.5/5 - And though Uncharted: Golden Abyss brings a little too much reality to Drake's day-to-day by making him polish artifacts in gimmicky touchscreen nonsense, there's still a good, if formulaic, adventure to be had. In other words, this might just sell you on the Vita ... whenever it's not selling you on the Vita.
                        •Edge: 7 - The core Uncharted experience is still here, in other words. It's stripped a little bare, but it's just about enough
                        •GamesRadar: 8/10 - If you boot up Uncharted: Golden Abyss expecting the full console experience you might be disappointed. It's mostly there - the charm, the gameplay, the visual presentation - but there are some key elements missing. The level design leaves much to be desired, and without the cinematic moments the experience simply isn't incredibly strong. It's still an extremely solid cover shooter with a strong story and some fine platforming elements, but as far as an Uncharted game, it comes up short of what we've come to expect.
                        •VideoGamer: 7/10 - Uncharted: Golden Abyss is a fine ambassador for the PlayStation Vita's impressive capabilities, and Studio Bend's heavy focus on coating its brief adventure with details and variety means there's plenty to see and do in this pint-sized adventure. This is an enjoyable game, and Studio Bend has proved itself capable of competently shepherding Sony's trusted franchises, but its limited spectacle and lacking script also make it the worst entry in the Uncharted series since the original Drake's Fortune.
                        •Eurogamer: 8/10 - For the vast majority of the time, Golden Abyss is a cleverly constructed game that more than justifies its addition to a series already lathered in superlatives. While the absence of multiplayer means it won't last you as long as previous instalments, new control options have allowed the developers to line the seams of Drake's adventure with flashy tassels and detailing that make for a varied and entertaining outing - perhaps even more so than its big brothers.
                        •IGN: 8.5 - The game is great and an impressive launch title for the PlayStation Vita. It's just that the Uncharted series has been known for being a story-driven experience, and Golden Abyss goes in another direction. It's a beautiful, fun game with tons of collectibles, plenty of laughs, and some cool twists on a franchise PlayStation fans know so well. It's just not an instant classic like the other entries in the series. Still, not too shabby for Sony Bend's first crack at the Uncharted legacy.
                        •God is a Geek: 9/10 - At times, you can tell Golden Abyss isn't made exclusively by Naughty Dog, the set pieces never quite approach that of their work on the Vita's big brother. However, to draw comparison once again to the first Uncharted title, Golden Abyss is a superbly executed piece of video game design. For a launch title, Uncharted: Golden Abyss is an exciting, hugely playable and enjoyable romp. If there is to be no more Uncharted on the PlayStation 3, then it appears Bend Studios are more than capable to continue the series on Sony's incredible new handheld device.


                          Wipeout 2048

                          •Edge: 8 - Wipeout 2048 conjures a less fanciful racing grid than we've seen previously, and it's also a less immaculate, less finessed racer than the home console iterations of the series we've played down the years. Instead, it's an attempt to try something new on the newest of platforms. While it may not offer something for everyone, when it flies, it soars.
                          •Game Informer: 7.75/10 - It's a competent racer, but Wipeout 2048 feels too familiar for its own good. Long loads and underwhelming touch controls don't help the matter, and may dissuade anyone who isn't a longtime fan of the series. If you need a solid racer right away when you get your Vita, Wipeout 2048 will suffice. However, others may want to wait until something fresher comes along.
                          •VideoGamer: 8/10 - This isn't the best WipEout game in the series, but it's certainly a positive endorsement of Sony's latest portable hardware. But for a series that's traditionally been used to extol the virtues of advancing technology, it's perhaps a little amusing that WipEout 2048's best moments are hidden behind those ever-impressive layers of flash and spectacle, and hitting a do-or-die speed pad that's the difference between taking the corner perfectly and smashing your shiny future-bonnet into a wall is as thrilling in 2012 as it was in 1995.
                          •TheSixthAxis: 8/10 - WipEout's lovely. Yes, the loading times are a problem (but hopefully due to be fixed a little with a patch) and some of the track design needed smoothing out a touch, but overall it stands as a showcase for a new console that's only matched by the likes of Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Do everyone a favour and make sure this is part of your day one bundle, if you're a fan of the series then this is absolutely fantastic stuff.
                          •The Average Gamer: GREAT - WipEout 2048 is a spectacular game. Studio Liverpool have produced the PS Vita's must have launch title and one of the best WipEout games ever made. With action-packed tracks, a wide variety of events including hidden challenges, stunning graphics and online multiplayer campaign and cross-play available from launch, WipEout 2048 will keep your Vita stuck firmly in your hands for a long, long time.
                          •GameSpot: 7.5 - It's not a huge leap forward for the series, but Wipeout 2048 is still a thrilling racing game with an enviable sense of style.
                          •Spong: 9/10 - There's no doubt about it - WipEout 2048 is the must-have game for your PlayStation Vita. If you can only afford one title to go with your shiny new handheld next week, make sure it is this one


                            Modnation Racers: Road Trip

                            •IGN: 7.0 - If you're looking for a bright and colorful kart racer with good mechanics, ModNation Racers: Road Trip fits the bill, but it doesn't excel anywhere else.
                            •Game Informer: 7.0 - ModNation Racers remains a bastion for creativity, and I can only hope its focus on user-made content influences other kart racers and the racing genre as a whole. Road Trip's new touchscreen controls further refine content creation, but they aren't a game changer. Unfortunately, the lack of online multiplayer is.
                            •GamesRadar: 3/10 - ModNation Racers had a pretty good debut on the PS3, but the series has been on a downward trajectory since. Sadly, ModNation Racers: Roadtrip only continues that trend. It's a complete misfire, and no amount of goofy skins or nifty track editors can make up for the seriously busted fundamentals.
                            •VideoGamer: 6/10 - This isn't Mario Kart, and for many people that automatically puts ModNation Racers at a huge disadvantage. While Sony's Vita launch title doesn't have that special something that makes people love Nintendo's kart racer (years of history and a raft of recognisable characters), aside from a few large missteps (erratic frame rate, terrible load times, and missing online multiplayer) Road Trip generally does most things well. This is a typical launch title in many ways - by no means as good as it could have been, but a solid effort no doubt developed under the strictest of time restraints.
                            •Destructoid: 3.0 - By far the most blatantly rushed cash-in attempt of all the PS Vita launch titles, ModNation Racers: Road Trip is to be avoided at all costs. With horrid visuals, dawdling menus, and threadbare features, this lazy piece of software insults the system it is supposed to help showcase. In fact, I'd say its existence could be directly harmful to the Vita, given how it's one of the bigger titles available at launch and makes the Vita look like it's only capable of producing garbage. With superior offerings available when the Vita hits store shelves, this is one waste of time that can and should be avoided.
                            •God is a Geek: 7/10 - Modnation Racers: Road Trip is, without doubt, a fun game, but it isn't very long or very hard. The lack of multiplayer is a baffling omission which means Road Trip has to be saved by the fact you can upload and download all manner of created and customised creations from both this Vita title, and the PlayStation 3. It's good to see PlayStation 3 games coming to PS Vita with all the optional support it deserves, but Road Trip just feels like it is missing a key ingredient.


                              Little Deviants

                              •IGN: 6.0 - It's a decent piece of (admittedly overpriced) software. And its pretty, vivid graphics and surprisingly catchy old-school inspired soundtrack certainly please aesthetically. But a strong hook doesn't exist.
                              •GT: 6.3 - Overall, this collection feels like it's held back by the need to incorporate the different features of the Vita, ultimately over complicating a package that would have benefited from some simplification. It's a shame that the few truly gratifying games are overshadowed by a majority that feel like thrown-together tech demos. It's commendable that Little Deviants attempted so many different control schemes with the Vita, but it's a hard sell when there are other, more enjoyable, launch games.
                              •Game Informer: 6/10 - Considering its aggressive use of Vita's bells and whistles, Little Deviants was probably a good choice to include in Sony's bundle for early adopters. It certainly proves that the system's various control methods can be successfully implemented on a technical level, but that doesn't excuse the lack of substance when it comes to the content.
                              •Games Radar: 5/10 - In small doses, Little Deviants is an enjoyable experience and a great way to become familiar with the PS Vita's new tech. But beneath all that charm and googly-eyed cuteness, there isn't much to offer beyond the 30 minigames, with a chunk of them repeated on a various maps. It seems like Little Deviants would have been better suited as a tech demo, and should have come bundled with the system.
                              •VideoGamer: 5/10 - At ?19.99 Little Deviants might seem like a bargain, but on a platform that promises to deliver proper console gaming experiences (and does so decently at launch with a number of other titles), it feels like nothing more than a series of hit and miss tech demos. Released on PSN at a couple of quid and focusing on the mini-games that are good fun, Deviants could have been an essential purchase. As a proper retail release I can't see where it fits into the current gaming landscape.
                              •Destructoid: 5.0 - I get the feeling that games like Little Deviants will be a big part of the PlayStation Vita's early library offerings, games desperate to exploit every available feature regardless of whether or not it helps to make things more enjoyable. I hope against hope that studios calm down and learn a little restraint when it comes to exploiting these features, as this collection of clumsy, discommodious distractions is indicative of what can happen when developers forget the elegance of simplicity. New features are only worth including if they enhance an experience. When they get in the way of it, they should be axed on the spot.
                              •Spong: 7/10 - A very adequate package for ?20, and an interesting set of games that's perfect for on-the-go gaming. If you want a game that takes advantage of every kind of input control the Vita has to offer, in a fun arcade setting, then Little Deviants should be on your wish list


                                Reality Fighters

                                •Pocket Gamer: 6/10 - Reality Fighters isn't particularly rewarding and it's a bit shallow, though it's a novel release and a show piece for the possibilities of integrating cameras into traditional forms of play
                                •IGN: 4.5 - Despite having a fun premise and plenty of fighting styles to muck around with, the average fighting mechanics, seemingly random customisation options and lacklustre modes let it down. Reality Fighters isn't broken, but it isn't very good.
                                •Spong: 5/10 - In short, it's good for a budget curiosity, but when Vita comes at a premium price tag, you need to be prioritising the games that you're going to play on it. Reality Fighters is a good technical showcase for the console and does its job admirably enough, but there are other games on the handheld - and indeed, other fighting games coming soon - that should be higher up your list

