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PSVita (Successor to PSP, was PSP2 then NGP)

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    Originally posted by hoolak View Post
    What in the name of Hammering Harry is everyone holding onto their Vitas for?

    Been playing a PSP game mostly (Peace Walker). My Vita needs more meat.
    Project Diva F, Technika Tune and Ogarhythm for me

    Got the first it's ace, Technica is pre ordered and Ogarhythm is on the way still love my Vita


      Orgarhythm JPN demo is up - anyone tried it?


        Holding on to mine for the excellent Unit 13, Rayman, FFVII and VIII and Killzone Liberation :-) Eagerly awaiting Soul Sacrifice too.


          currently playing ragnarok odessy.
          new kings story is apparently out later this month(?) but i'll have dj max in the post not too much later.


            Originally posted by Fuddle View Post
            currently playing ragnarok odessy.


              Personally I'm looking forward to Little Big Planet, DJ Max, CoD, and Sonic and Sega Racing. It's true there's not much lined up but that's the way it's been since launch - I'm still enjoying playing MGS HD collection on mine, beat MGS2 for the 5 millionth time the other day and have moved onto a replay of 3. And Gravity Rush was f'ing sick.

              More racing games would be great. Like maybe a Ridge Racer that isn't balls.


                DJ Max is the only thing I'm really looking forward to, Project Diva f is very nice though.


                  Little Big Planet is out next week! I had no idea. *goes to order form somewhere*


                    Have Sony finally taken their thumbs out of their arses and started trying to push the system? I swear there's suddenly a ton of ads on TV for it, which there never was on release that I noticed.


                      LBP yet another vita game that runs sub native...

                      Sigh, this wasn't a big deal for me with the initial couple of games, but its slowly starting to piss me off to the point where if all the major games are this way, then i'll be getting rid sooner rather than later.

                      And yeah noticed all ads on TV suddenly appearing, maybe its because they actually have games that will be released over the run up to christmas.


                        I got LBP on Saturday (early access PSN code). Full game, simply stunning!! Proper pick up and play. The levels are just the right size and the touch and gyro stuff is amazingly well implemented.

                        Haven't tried creating yet but off tomorrow so might make a level then.


                          Originally posted by PaTaito View Post
                          LBP yet another vita game that runs sub native...

                          Sigh, this wasn't a big deal for me with the initial couple of games, but its slowly starting to piss me off to the point where if all the major games are this way, then i'll be getting rid sooner rather than later.

                          And yeah noticed all ads on TV suddenly appearing, maybe its because they actually have games that will be released over the run up to christmas.
                          Annoying. I was playing Killzone Liberation on my Vita last night. It's graphically superior to Unit 13 IMO.


                            Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                            I got LBP on Saturday (early access PSN code). Full game, simply stunning!! Proper pick up and play. The levels are just the right size and the touch and gyro stuff is amazingly well implemented.

                            Haven't tried creating yet but off tomorrow so might make a level then.
                            Does SB still control like he is filled with cotton candy?


                              I hope he does! I love the floaty light physics. The should never change that.


                                Super Monkey Ball looks like a return to form at last on Vita. 8 out of 10 from Pocketgamer. Really looking forward to this now:


