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Final Fantasy XIII - 360 or PS3?

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    To use an analogy, isn't the real difference between the two games on the two formats a bit like the difference in buying a car (bear with me here) which is a colour you don't really like and you'd rather was different compared to buying a car with a wheel missing?

    Of course, you can paint a car or replace a wheel but you're extremely limited as to what improvements you're able to make to these games yourself.

    If people do want to buy a car with a missing wheel knowing they're unable to replace it, it's of course their choice and if they're happy with what they've bought...brilliant!

    Yep, I'll shut up now...


      I'm never ever buying a car from you!


        I really feel too much is being made of the difference though. If the 360 version was stuttering all over the place, hideous to look at, had horrible loading then yeah, definitely a big big deal!

        As I said, I've seen the 360 version running in the flesh and it's stunning, play that and you aren't gonna be disappointed, in the same way that you play the PS3 one you won't.

        Another reason I went for the 360 though is that my PS3 gets very noisy when the fans all start going, whereas my 360 is very very quiet especially when the game is installed.


          At risk of being controversial (and I'm really not trying to be), I have wondered if people would be as apologetic if the roles were reversed and the PS3 version was inferior (which I suspect is what J0e was alluding to, even if the Bayonetta example was a bad one). I don't think the Bayonetta situation is comparable because that actually played inferior due to the fluctuating framerate. In this situation, it depends how easily you notice differences in resolution. Maybe it's the PC gamer in me, but I certainly do. Many don't, which is fine. Could SquareEnix have done a better job? Probably. Digital Fountry speculate reasons why SquareEnix went with a lower resolution (framebuffer limitation).

          But the important thing here is that more people get to play the game, and that's the important thing. If people personally feel that Live features are more important than a resolution, then that's fine - there's a rational there, even if I'm the opposite.

          I think people are getting their knickers in a twist a bit too much here, people should get the version they personally prefer.
          Last edited by sj33; 07-03-2010, 18:15.


            I kinda think you might have a point in your first paragraph Jake, I too wonder if it were on the other foot, would the internet be aflame due to the torrents of anger aimed at the PS3.

            I will say though, given the advances in technology, whatever the console, the ports should be damn near identical if the same developer worked on both ports. It's really not acceptable for the PS3 to get duff ports of (example) EA games etc, and were the roles reversed, I'd say the same.


              PS3 - its the technically superior version so why would you not? (assuming you have both consoles)


                one of my mates is a massive xbox fanboy, he works for sony as a games tester though. they had some copies of XIII in about 2 months ago and he was all over the game saying how great it was and how much he enjoyed it, how he was ordering the C.E. about 2 weeks ago though his attitude suddenly changed and he was claimed XIII 'was s*it' and ME2 pisses all over it. all the usual stuff. i have no doubt this was because he'd read that report of the 360 version being worse, and his intrest in the game had gone because of his inability to taunt PS3 owners that FF was on the xbox too.
                Last edited by For Sheezy My Neezy; 08-03-2010, 00:10.


                  I only have a PS3 these days so I got PS3 version. I refused to pay full price for the crappy PS3 ports of Bayonetta, Skate and Orange Box and if I were a 360 owner I'd refuse to pay full price for the inferior port of FFXIII. As I've mentioned before, my restricted gaming time affords me the luxury of imposing harsh rules on game developers! I'm not saying that anyone buying the 360 version is insane by the way, just that my current principals wouldn't allow me to do so... probably.


                    PS3 for me. I want to say because its better and thats partly true, but I always use my PS3 and simply dont like the Xbox 360 at all (despite owning 3).

                    I will admit though having just built a new PC I tend to play any console game where possible on PC just for the exact reasoning that it just looks better.

                    It is odd though that PS3 exclusives look much better then 360 games in general, yet usually most multi-format games are better on 360...


                      ps3 for me, i dont own a 360 but even if i did and it were better i still wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole.


                        PS3 vers for me 1 disc is better than having 3. Its good that people can play it though. Edge review score was very very low I am surprised. Let the hatred commence review here on their website. I personally am quite liking the game but then again I prefer the Vagrant story type feel of a game compared with RPG traditional stuff.

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                        Last edited by JU!; 08-03-2010, 04:01.


                          I am currently in possession of a 360 and a ps3. I'll be getting the game on 360. Why? Because I still find all the rage around this game going multiplatform hilarious. The ps3 fanboys wept at the announcement, but now they have extra pixels to rejoice about, which somehow vindicates them. Complaints about "it feels right on playstation" make me chuckle. What goes around comes around. If it were up to me, the series would still call Nintendo home.

                          Anyway, the other half of the reason is, the ps3 is on an extended loan, I don't actually own it. But yes the other half is just for the lols


                            ^Indeed, the idea that any series has it's 'home' on a certain format doesn't really hold up. Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil etc. were all multiformat right from the start (and in fact, Tomb Raider was released on the Saturn first). More Final Fantasy games have been released for Nintendo formats than have been released for Sony formats.


                              Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
                              At risk of being controversial (and I'm really not trying to be), I have wondered if people would be as apologetic if the roles were reversed and the PS3 version was inferior (which I suspect is what J0e was alluding to, even if the Bayonetta example was a bad one).
                              I've wondered exactly the same thing. It does seem that when the 360 outperforms the PS3 on a multiplatform title, everyone goes 'Look! Look!' whereas if the reverse is true, he internet has a collective shrug.

                              I suspect that Sony's perceived arrogance at the beginning of this generation still plays a part here, with people happy to put down the superior hardware for the generation that 'only starts when we say it does'.

                              I'm surprised that (assuming the poll is accurate) over a quarter of people who own both systems would still buy the 360 version. I'm sure there are valid reasons in every case, but does that mean you 360 voters only use the PS3 for exclusives? I think that's why I've never bought a PS3, I still can't justify buying another system for a handful of exclusives I would want.


                                Well, it was certainly an interesting read and the reviewer did have some good, and accurate, points to make but likening Sazh (sp?) to a cross between Danny Glover (because he says 'I'm getting too old for this' a few times) and Lionel Richie didn't strike me as particularly clever. I don't even know where Lionel Richie comes into it... because he's black I guess? Maybe the reviewer is too clever for me to appreciate. The game is certainly still very Japanese in a lot of places and the old cliches are still in there. I expect this and am fine with it but newcomers might find it all a bit too ridiculous: A friend of mine was unable to play MGS4 because he found it ridiculous that Snake would pull out a cardboard box to hide in

