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games with branching story lines and multiple endings

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    games with branching story lines and multiple endings

    was thinking today about games that had proper branching leading to different endings

    only two i could think off...was guardian heroes which was choose your own path....and colony wars anyone know of any more ?

    They annoy me considerably because quite often I can't be arsed to play through again, unless they are erm great.


      Star Ocean The Second Story has like 80 odd endings. :/


        Different paths on Gears of War 1 and 2. I always went right so need to go left every time if I ever play them again.

        They annoy me too. Really unnecessary and a stupid way to add 'longevity'.


          Heavy Rain, Demento, Shadow of Memories, Biohazard. There's loads.
          Kept you waiting, huh?


            Starfox Command on the DS had 9 different endings, but that was par for the course as it was littered with multiple routes.

            The way that the storylines, plot twists and characters evolved along with the route that you took through (and certain gameplay decisions made in) Starfox 64/Lylat Wars was - and still is - utterly awesome.


              i remember colony wars and was amazed that how well i did actually affected what missions i had to do resulting in a different ending any along that sort of line ?

              cannot believe i forgot lylat wars that was awesome
              Last edited by eastyy; 21-03-2010, 22:35.


                Warioland 2

                Even had a short hidden story branch if you let him sleep at the beginning of the game and he gets thrown out of his castle by the pirates!

                Love that game


                  Homeland on the gamecube had a awesome story that changed depending on what actions you took as you went along it would eventually lead you to one of several storys at the end, it also branched depending on if you were playing online or not for more storys.


                    Colony Wars did it because Wing Commander did it.

                    Chrono Trigger has multiple endings, but you can only get most of them on a NewGame+ playthrough.

                    The Way of the Samurai games are based on this idea taken to extremes, the entire game takes about an hour to play, but there are so many branches that the game requires you to play it multiple times in order to be powerful enough to see the better endings.


                      Ogre Battle 64
                      Majora's Mask (?)


                        Resident Evil had different endings depending on which characters survived.


                          Silhouette mirage had a great branching system with something like 6 possible routes to take, each revealing a bit more of the story and giving you some hidden bosses (some of which were incredibly difficult). Really rewards multiple playthroughs.

                          It's just a shame Working Designs utterly ruined game balance by giving all non-standard weapons a 'cost' making them useless. Seemed to be very fond of adding artificial difficulty to their conversions (gotta love Lunar 2 where the first enemies you'd encounter could easily kill you)


                            Silent Hill(s) has lots of endings. How annoying. Youtube.


                              Blade Runner on the PC. What Heavy Rain wanted to be.

