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Zelda windwaker Gashapon figures, Anyone else get any

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    No it isn't. It's an appalling plastic monstrocity made by a US company for a quick buck. They did Monkey Ball, Jet Set Radio and Sonic figures to go along with that and they all looked as nasty and cheap as that one does.


      But it dosent look that bad to me.

      Do they look different up close as in the pic its not that bad.


        Originally posted by importaku
        Do they look different up close as in the pic its not that bad.
        Yeah, that's what I was wondering. Some of the other ones on the site, like Link, do look very cheap.


          I've seen them in real life in Forbidden Planet and they ain't pretty.




              Anyway back to the topic in hand, i finally recieved my zelda figures yestarday and i have to agree with the rest of you they are truely amazing the paint detail on them is fantastic.

              I plan on getting a little glass display case for my room to put all my stuff in to keep them safe & dust free.

              Also picked these up last week.....

              Anyone who saw adam & joe go tokyo will know what this is. It's called a hakoton and its a rythm based toy the monkey is called Kikiton. You press the button on the back of his head and his nose will light up, then you tap out a beat in front of him using your finger or a pen. He then makes a little monkey noise and will drum back the rythm you just taught him using the bananas he is holding.

              This is called poppn kirby and is an interactive toy a bit like a furby but lots more fun. He took a bit of work to figure out his different modes but now i know what he does.

              first mode is communication mode, kirby is noise activated so when you speak or make a noise he will say somthing to you while wiggling his arms and feet about (he has about 5 phrases he likes to use).

              2nd mode is dance mode, place im front of a stereo and let him rip, he will then start dancing and spinning around.

              3rd mode is the rythm game, kirby will make a series of noises you have to then clap back the same pattern he just made. get it right and he will be really happy and spin round for you but get it wrong and he will be sad and go back to silent mode.

              Final mode is just a alarm clock mode, on the back is a little panel just flip it off an there is a digital clock display. Nothing more fun than been woken up for work with kirby waving his little arms and saying Pyoyoyon pyoyoyon pyoyoyon. hehe


                Originally posted by Burai
                I've seen them in real life in Forbidden Planet and they ain't pretty.
                Thanks for the warning burai ill steer well clear from them then


                  Originally posted by importaku
                  This is called poppn kirby
                  Where from ?? Link please !


                    Curse you importotaku. I'd seen the Kirby and the monkey on Dave's site and had put off of getting them, but now I realise I need them more than life itself...


                      Originally posted by RLench


                        Originally posted by weightgain
                        Originally posted by importaku
                        This is called poppn kirby
                        Where from ?? Link please !
                        Like burai said i got them from Jpngames, first time i have used that site and i have to say its excellent.

                        I thought he would have had more than one of each in stock but when i put my order in they both vanished from the site so i was lucky as it looks like he only had one of each.

                        Im sure if you ask him he will get more in stock.

                        anyway the link is already on this thread but here it is again in case you missed it.


                          Mate, how much did he charge you for the Kirby? I've been wondering what that, and the monkey, did for a while now...

                          He said he can get me the Megaman keyring for ?12


                            Originally posted by Max M
                            Mate, how much did he charge you for the Kirby? I've been wondering what that, and the monkey, did for a while now...

                            He said he can get me the Megaman keyring for ?12
                            Kirby was ?24
                            Hakaton was ?18


                              Originally posted by Burai
                              I've seen them in real life in Forbidden Planet and they ain't pretty.
                              The Monkey Balls are good. The rest not so.


                                Originally posted by importaku
                                Originally posted by Max M
                                Mate, how much did he charge you for the Kirby? I've been wondering what that, and the monkey, did for a while now...

                                He said he can get me the Megaman keyring for ?12
                                Kirby was ?24
                                Hakaton was ?18

                                ?15 which is inclusive of postage to the UK from Hong Kong. For the Nintendo consoles.

                                ?18 for the Zelda figures inclusive of postage.

                                ?15 for each Hakoton, tad extra for delivery, might be free if bought with other stuff.

                                Oh, and free Hamtaro cuddly toy with every order over ?20.

