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I'm not buying another game until...

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    Until I get a job and console(s).


      Oh that old chestnut. I've been there so I feel your pain, but I applied some discipline and didn't go for afters until I'd cleaned my plate.

      Having a different game on each system is OK, though.

      That said, I never did get back to Chrono Trigger....


        I think its the problem with importing. You want to try a little bit from each dish but you have to buy the full meal. I.e. There is no rental service for importers (get to work someone!).

        If I had stuck to a PAL machien I wouldn't own half as many Cube games probably as I would have rented them all and only bought the games with decent replay value or a place in my heart.


          I've just finished F-Zero, Skies of Arcadia, and Metroid Prime (hard mode). Just starting Pokemon Sapphire now so that should keep me ticking over until FF:CC gets a US release.


            I don't really care if I don't finish a game. I haven't finished Wind Waker and Metroid Prime, but I played/enjoyed them long enough to justify its purchase. The problem with me is, that I if I buy a game a few days after another, I sometimes never go back to the first one. Because of that there are some games in my collection that I didn't play longer than 30 minutes


              Originally posted by Chadruharazzeb
              Until I get a job and console(s).
              That's harsh!

              Do you have any consoles at the moment?


                I go through phases of buying every release I'm interested in and then get racked with guilt about my ridiculous over-indulgence and complete unlikelyhood of managing to play them all enough. (Damn the information-super-highway intraweb thingy and it's evil online game shops.)

                I have to complete story based games. Racers and arcadey type games I'm not so bothered by, but I get uncomfotable when I know many of my alter-egos are in limbo for weeks due to my excessive spending!


                  What's meant by completing a game though? i.e. with Metroid Prime, is it just beating the eponymous boss, or is it doing it on hard mode with the Fusion suit on and collecting all the missile expansions in the process?


                    Originally posted by Max Zorin
                    What's meant by completing a game though?
                    I think it's down to individual interpretation, but I class seeing the end credits as finishing a game.

                    I don't really include fighters in that though, as the 1-player game is usually just an aside to multi-player shenanigans


                      Sometimes I get this sort of guilt-trip. I have a pile of unfinished games and I just bought a load of new ones this weekend!
                      But I usually have the attitude of 'I'll play it till its not fun anymore'. I mean, whats the point of trying to finish a game on ultra-hard mode if you arn't actually having fun doing it?

                      As far as finishing a game is concerned, If I beat the last boss and see the credits roll on 'normal' difficulty - then as far as I'm concerned, that game is done and dusted (this excludes fighting games like Tekken and SC2). I rarely bother returning to collect 100% of everything unless its a really, really fun game.

                      Don't play a game if it's not fun, because if it's not fun then it's work.
                      I don't pay someone ?40 because I want to work - they pay me. 8)

