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The New New New Xbox Experience Halo4 Dash

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    Wonder if the 360 will get it's own web browser, it has always puzzled me why microsoft never released one. They seem intent on cramming the 360 with as much stuff as possible yet one of the things that would be pretty useful to have & they don't do it.


      Well when the first Xbox was announced they had trouble shedding the whole Internet Explorer , Windows 98 , MS Flight sim image they had. The theory was that they would never release a mouse and keyboard/web browser to keep that image at bay.

      That image is long gone now and it does seem odd they haven't added one in. Perhaps we'll get one in the next console when it's running the same OS as the tablets.


        Originally posted by Matt View Post
        The thing is, the BluRay on the PS3 was something I wanted. It did not hinder my enjoyment of the PS3; quite the opposite.
        Quite. Adding a BluRay player added to the PS3 games has well . To me that was no different than the PS and Saturn using CD storage has their medium, which meant in turn you could use them has a CD players should you wish .

        I'm sure there are teenagers who don't have a PC/Phone in their bedroom who actually quite having Facebook or Twitter on their console
        Almost every teenager under the sun owns a mobile and it most cases Facebook works far better their mobiles, than it does on the 360 where you can comment on photo's and upload photo's ECT . I really doubt many people even bother with Facebook 360 app its so useless and basic even my TV Facebook features are mode advanced and its just a TV

        I do know of lots of people that use the 360 DVD playback tough

        Wonder if the 360 will get it's own web browser, it has always puzzled me why microsoft never released one
        Got it in one. It makes no sense what so ever .


          Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
          Almost every teenager under the sun owns a mobile and it most cases Facebook works far better their mobiles, than it does on the 360 where you can comment on photo's and upload photo's ECT .
          Not every phone is a smartphone or is very easy to use and if it's aything like I was young when would desperately try and save my payg credit because I didn't want to constantly drain it on texts I'm sure there are similar things nowadays with data cost and data allowances.
          There will be people that use it, regardless of what you think. I guarantee it.
          Last edited by EvilBoris; 11-12-2011, 13:19.


            Or your money back.


              I think the common misconception is that casual gamers all own Wii's and pull them out at Christmas, I know there are plenty of people who purchase just as infrequently on 360 and Ps3
              Its reflected in the charts sorry. Gamers got out and buy games each week casuals don't . That's why the 360 and PS3 boats the better 3rd party support and why the weekly charts tend to made up for their games, rather than Wii titles (despite the massive gulf in sales)

              Have people forgotten the days of PES vs Fifa? The real football game fanatics all knew that PES was the better game, yet Fifa massively outsold it almost every year
              That's a different point initially. I thought Sensi soccer was the best football game ever made on any 16 bit system , but it was out sold by Fifa. Fifa had the names and teams and even to gamers that made a big difference (if you loved footy playing as your own team was a massive pull) just like I never really liked an unofficial F1 game

              We see it now, plenty of real gamers games come out every week, but they all end up in the bargain bin after 2 weeks because 99% of the gaming population are still playing their copy of fifa or COD that they bought last year
              Hardly . I don't see many people playing their old FIFA on LIVE as soon as the new one comes out, and even games that sell well at the start end up in the bargain bins a few months after launch (Assassin's creed). That to me is quite normal, more so with the massive explosion in the 2nd hand market and E-Bay

              The gamer that voraciously eats through a couple of games a month
              They've always have been outnumbered . Now to play Fifa or the likes of COD at a decent level on LIVE you have to be a decent gamer, capable of handling lots of button inputs and various commands and play those games each week for a very long time. They put the hours in , your typical casual never will put in the same amount of dedication in.


                Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                Not every phone is a smartphone or is very easy to use and if it's aything like I was young when would desperately try and save my payg credit because I didn't want to constantly drain it on texts I'm sure there are similar things nowadays with data cost and data allowances.
                There will be people that use it, regardless of what you think. I guarantee it.
                Its not just smart phones, lots of 'non' smart phones have facebook features now built in to them (like LG Viewity ECT) teenagers love their Mobiles and I bet most them either use the PC , their Laptops or their phones for facebook rather than the sad excuse for a app that is 360 Facebook


                  Originally posted by Bort View Post
                  You're on top form again Family Fry.
                  Instead of complaining about people complaining again, why don't you tell us why we should be happy with the new dash.

                  Helpful note. Hubby has taken the normal tactic of taking the opposite position so you can't do that (again).
                  I'm always on form.
                  I wouldn't tell people what to like and besides the basis of most of my anger in life is people complaining about things, so yeah maybe someone (yourself) is sick of me complaining about complaints but i have now got to the point where i can't stand to read it. There has been about 10posts since my last post and most of it i skim read, bar yours and Charlesr. The point I was trying to make amongst my ranting was companies add stuff of have stiff already that people hate or find pointless but there is a market out there who will be swayed by these features.
                  I'm one to talk I still hate the games marketplace mess they have created but im not banging on about it, just adjusting and getting on with the gaming.


                    Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                    Its reflected in the charts sorry. Gamers got out and buy games each week casuals don't . That's why the 360 and PS3 boats the better 3rd party support and why the weekly charts tend to made up for their games, rather than Wii titles (despite the massive gulf in sales)
                    Sounds to me like you have a rather dated view of who acutally buys and plays games.

                    if that is the case how come there is such a massive gulf in sales between those few big hitting adult games and the rest of the games that are released?

                    If it's only "gamers" (as you confusingly call them) that purchase Call of Duty AND as you have said they also go out every week and buy other games, how come there aren't more games that reach the heady heights of COD?

                    It's because they don't go out and buy other games.

                    The majority of the sales for those BIG hitters like Fifa, GT5, COD, RDR, GTA did not come from the gamers that go out and buy games every week. They came from the millions of other people that own a console and rarely buy anything, which surely is a casual gamer?

                    As you've already said , the hardcore gamers who do are, totally outnumbered by the casual gamers.

                    Like it or not, buying a game for Ps3 or 360 does not automatically not make you a casual gamer.

                    I feel like I'm going round in circles. Either you aren't reading my posts, or you are taking the piss. I can't decide.
                    Last edited by EvilBoris; 11-12-2011, 13:48.


                      Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                      Sounds to me like you have a rather dated view of who acutally buys and plays games.
                      Coming from the one that thinks teenagers don't have Mobiles or most people don't have LCD's ? j/k :P. These Fifa and COD nuts are gamers at the end of the day they aren't the casuals that can't handle too many buttons, complex controls or just play games ever now and again.

                      And it's not just FIFA or COD. Assassin's creed, HALO, Uncharted, RedDead, Gears Of Wars, Fable, Resident Evil , GT , Forza can all boast sales well into the millions onthe 360 and PS3 and these aren't exactly jonny casual type of games


                        Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post

                        If it's only "gamers" (as you confusingly call them) that purchase Call of Duty AND as you have said they also go out every week and buy other games, how come there aren't more games that reach the heady heights of COD?

                        It's because they don't go out and buy other games.
                        I don't know whether they do buy other games or not but this is false logic. For those other games to do as well as CoD, they'd all have to be buying the same games all the time, which is highly unlikely. There are some big hitters that are common games in many varying games libraries. When the same sales are split among many other games, you just won't see the same kind of numbers.


                          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                          I don't know whether they do buy other games or not but this is false logic. For those other games to do as well as CoD, they'd all have to be buying the same games all the time, which is highly unlikely. There are some big hitters that are common games in many varying games libraries. When the same sales are split among many other games, you just won't see the same kind of numbers.
                          The sales of say COD due not represent a purchase from each and every of those 100,000,000 360s/Ps3s out there, but I believe they represent a game that attracts an additional % a purchasers who would not normally buy many games and they are buying into a particular brand/franchise.

                          anyway, I'm going to [try and] leave it there I've gone plenty of topic for an entires year worth of debate. I've got some games to play and I'm wasting precious TV time!
                          Last edited by EvilBoris; 11-12-2011, 14:05.


                            You could very well be right but your 'how come?' question doesn't indicate that one way or another.


                              Most likely, I'm sure I'm letting my fingers type faster than I can assemble the argument.

                              Maybe if I spent more time playing complex games like Fable I wouldn't be such a noob with multi input devices.

                              I'll just stick to Angry Birds, although to be honest, I struggle with that as sometimes I have to breath at the same time as playing.
                              Last edited by EvilBoris; 11-12-2011, 14:13.


                                All this rampant defense - what are the odds Boris is the guy in the advert promo?

