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Do you try and limit the number of games...

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    Originally posted by Bleeders
    Same here.

    If I start more than one adventure or RPG-type game, then I'll end up forgetting where I was or what I was supposed to be doing in the first place.
    Eh, pfft. Only if you lack focus! I can switch between games pretty easily. I've left a game like Icewind Dale alone for months, and then hoped right back in to it without too much difficulty. It's made easier if the game comes with a good Quest Log though.


      Well, we can't all be 'The One' can we now, Justin?

      Love your avatar by the way!


        Originally posted by JRMacumber
        Good lord, if that was all the time I had to play, I think I'd just quit all together and save myself the heartbreak. Some days I'll only play for an hour, and some days I'll play for eight or nine. Just depends.
        4 hours per week might be a bit of an exaggeration, but some weeks that may be all the time I get. I don't get back from work till about 7 and by the time I've cooked and eaten and done any normal stuff round the house there's not much time in the evening left and I don't devote it all to games.

        I'm taking the day off work tomorrow to play games with 3 of my mates though. Looking forward to it.


          I can seriously only fit 4 or 5 hours a week into gaming.

          I have about 4 hours a night free after work. Monday I do a course. Wednesday I have football. That leaves tuesday and thursday but I see my girl and sometimes do some gym work. Saturday afteroon is my best time but I end up shopping or something. Then sunday - More football and seeing my girl!

          So I basically fit in an hour here, or an hour there with my gaming. Should I stop? No. But I definitely should limit my buys!


            Originally posted by Square
            Well, we can't all be 'The One' can we now, Justin?

            Love your avatar by the way!
            Nope. If everybody could be The One, we'd call it The Many

            Oh, and thanks for the compliment. I poured all my blood, sweat, and tears into constructing it by hand, with nothing but a twisty bit of twine, a toothpick, and a gum wrapper.


              I used to be a seller , but I have since been buying back. Really miss my snes and saturn at the moment.

              Finding the time to play everything is tough, and recently in a house move I threw out all my n64 boxes. Nigh on one of the most stupid things I have ever done considering I kept them all mint and now don't have any of them

              So from now on dedicated shelving and lots of hording!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                I'm the same - got rid of my old MD and MegaCD, plus my Atari 2600, my C64, Master System, etc...

                I've still got my PSone, but hardly have any games left.

                I'm keeping everything from now on. My N64, DC, GC, Xbox... none of them are being sold. ft:


                  I would limit the ammount of games I purchase if it wasn`t for the ease of spaffing on the internet, and my debit cards hasbit of flinging it self on shop counters

                  Besides I`m leaving London in January so I`m gonna pick up any bargins I can whilst still here.

